honestly, i'm excited it's coming out. i'm excited that people like vin are making movies and i'm excited that people like vin are bankrolling movies in order to get the things they enjoy out there. that being said... i... don't get it. this LOOKS to be what hangover 2 is to hangover 1. some guys are chasing riddick. then they catch him. then the planet that they are on gets dark. then the monsters that only come out at night come out. then they all work together to get away from the monsters that can see in the dark.
i mean, the only difference so far is that in pitch black, we didn't see them capture riddick. they just had him then they crashed. honestly, if i didn't know better, it looks a whole lot like how evil dead 2 rebooted evil dead 1. like, it's the same characters, the same story, the same outcome just... put together a bit better and changed in order to continue the story a little better. /shrug