

Watcher of Overs
7 out of 15 colonists were slightly angry that I replaced my ruined kidney with one from the enemy that shot me.

I got a bugged shuttle crash mission. Killed all the bad guys, good shuttle arrives to pick people up, everyone gets on board. Says it is still waiting for Damiane. There's no sign of a body anywhere but there is a charge rifle on the ground. I painfully check all my graves, nothing. So the quest eventually fails and the shuttle is still just sitting there.

Then this happens when everyone is exhausted and wounded:

Right in my brand new extra throne and bedroom for the future visit of the Stellarch.

I beat them all down but it's going to take days to clean all that up.


Watcher of Overs
Well I guess everyone in the shuttle starved. The shuttle vanished and they all appeared dead on the ground and I got like 50 points of negative goodwill.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
This has turned into one of those games I can run in the background for hours, and come back to find some random occurrence happened, and just shrug as long as the the show goes on. If people die, I just reload a save, shake shit up a bit, and find out what fate decides in the new timeline.

I can almost see setting this up on another PC, and record this,like some new age hipster ant farm.

We are completely fucked if conscious AI spawns from a game like this in the future.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I had a bunch of chickens and ducks, as my main source of food and money. Toxic fallout lasted nearly 10 days, so I had to slaughter them all due to a lack of food.

Soon after a trade ship passed by, they had a male & female pig for sale, which I picked up to restart my economy and help clear out corpses.

Except these pigs don't want to breed. They sold me a gay pig or something. Fuckers.
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Watcher of Overs
Reading the descriptions on the Marine armor and particularly Phoenix, I think these are a homage to Joel Sheperd's spiral wars book series.

My 40ish days of volcanic winter are over. I ping ponged between starving and having so much food I couldn't store it all. Now I've got 1000+ insect meat to turn into kibble. First my hay field burns (because I summoned a flashstorm over the mechanids), then it got blight. Eventually I'll get some hay.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Cataract armor reminds me of some Flash Gordon type shit, too. Lot of references to 1960-1990 in the game.


Canuckistani Terrorist
1 colonist has the random habit of grabbing a bunch of cows, and 1 pig, and parading them around a few minutes. Haven't seen it again for awhile.

I fucking swear this game is trying to communicate, fucking weird shit.


Watcher of Overs
Hmm they do that if the pen isn't enclosed. Sometimes the animals will make a bid for freedom and your handlers will go round em up. It is comical to watch.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Nah he pulled them out of one pen, did the India parade, then put them in another. Fucked if I know.
  • 1Worf
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Watcher of Overs
I made it off world with the Stellarch. It was brutal. I forget how many days it was but the first day was chill. Then 3 mech raids that were 6 hours apart. Just as the medics finished patching people up and their heads hit the pillow another one showed up.

Then the pirates and gangsters started throwing huge hordes of idiots at me. It was like this on every side of my base:

My people were seriously damaged. 3 lost a lung and 2 kidneys. I managed to buy some parts off a trade ship and harvested the rest. That was the big break reason for several. The troops that came with the Stellarch were constantly tearing up their rooms or wandering about sadly.

With all the wounded and people starving in hospital beds I'd look up and every time the asshole doctors would be walking 40 miles out to pick a thorn out of an alpaca's hoof, meanwhile people are bleeding to death in hospital beds. I had to babysit every single one of them.

One wouldn't stop, I had to do this to get the idiot to sleep instead of helping useless animals. There seems no way to turn that off either.

One of those zzap electrical fires hits the storeroom where I kept all my fuel


Had another funny thing happen. One of the guards was useless and constantly angry because he was jealous of the better rooms and his grandpa died or something. I noticed he had a mood improvement psychic power. So I used it on him. BAM got hit with a huge faction loss haha. Member of other faction uses beneficial power on himself, and I get the blame.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
In the animal tab you can set the level of tending animals get, or none at all.


You can also click on an animal, then go to health and set it that way.
  • 1Mother of God
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Watcher of Overs
That is gold thank you. I had another bad accident with the taming stuff. When I mobilize for a big defense I normally swap them into armor and gather them up. This time I just left everyone armored for the duration, but I'll still see if they are in the middle of eating or if they badly need sleep before drafting them.

I one invasion the doc Mallard was eating so I let her finish and went on moving the others into position. I forgot about her though and she took off to tend to an animal that had been shot by the invaders, who came right through my animal pens. She wandered right into the thick of them before I spotted her. Idiot.

Luckily it was 40 arrow bruises hitting armor instead of 40 bullet holes.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Use the foam turret things for fires in storage rooms and garden zones. Basically put em there and never think about it again.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Finally playing the expansions some. Royalty seems stupid and the psychic power shit is all completely worthless so far. The quests for it are pretty neat though and a lot more engaging than any of the previous stuff.

Religion is pretty dope though, lot of different weird crazy shit to do there.

Not sure I like what they've done with the mechanoids. Those were already just inevitable colony-enders at a certain wealth level, but now it feels like that point just comes way sooner? Them dropping little mini bases on your map and immediately EMPing the entire map is uh, not really realistic to deal with. Those bases also just have random fucking scyther pods that drop on you once you aggro them, so you can't even actually attack them in any sane way.