You left out what made me roll my eyes right off the bat.galadriel's pussy so stanky celeborn is pretending to be dead for thousands of years
so many dumb moments, like daddy harfoot making a stupid speech about warning Gandalf the Retard because they don't leave friends behind even though we've spent multiple episodes about how harfoots leave you behind if you are slow or the queen going blind somehow even though no one else did and her face is perfectly fine. Or Halbrend "needing elf medicine for his wounds", and then galloping on a horse 30 seconds later with a wound that is bleeding through bandages.
i guess at least the last 2 episodes have been bottom tier mediocre, but really episode 7 should have been episode 2 or 3 and almost everything from 1-5 could have been cut.
if halbrend is sauron ...
I spat up my drink when I saw that terrible ass "The Southlands"....."Mordor" on screen word transition there at the end. Holy fuck did that feel like it was meant for some retard demographic. Was that supposed to be some big "AHA!" moment they thought?
dude thats most girls in high school. thats why house/woods parties are so important. invite everyone over, have that big dude with a mustache buy all the beer and convince the class chad to come too and all the girls with crushes on him will show up. nature does the rest. all the chicks were sluts by senior year.You left out what made me roll my eyes right off the bat.
She was knocked down, but houses not only blown halfway apart ( would be 160 mph winds ) but also encased in flame burst. So hardened wood burst on fire all over, but no one suffered any burns? The dead seemed mostly dead due to being hit by debris or being trapped in flame engulfed timbers.
I like the scenes with Galadriel.
She 100% reminds me of this bitch me and my buds knew in HS who was just a stoney faced bitch. We joked a year how she just needed to get laid, so one of my buddies started courting her to get a date. 1 month later she was miss party and almost gypsy like. Once she got that dick her whole world changed.
Consistently, the last moment of each episode is the worst.Yeah that was awful. Lots of better ways to handle that scene. You could have Adar just say "Mordor" or (even better) just not have him say anything at all and close the scene with the shot of what is clearly Mount Doom in the background because, hey, we all know what it means. The cheesy "Southlands" fading away and being replaced with "Mordor" graphic was mind-bogglingly ham fisted. Shows that don't respect the intelligence of their audience are always lesser for it.
Still enjoying the show, but a little less now. I hate the "mithril somehow restores elf magic" plot line. Doesn't fit Tolkien at all. Not turned off enough to stop watching, but annoyed with some stuff.
Frankly, this show reminds me a little bit of what happens when shows have too many cooks in the kitchen. You get moments of brilliance followed up by random moments of WTF stupidity. The best shows are those where you have one or two creative directors and they run the show with an iron fist. What do I mean? Take shows like Deadwood or Breaking Bad. There were plenty of writers and directors in both of those shows, but it is very clear when you watch the show that what you are seeing in every episode is the creative vision of David Milch and Vince Gilligan. This show isn't as bad as Westworld got, but you still get the impression there's a little bit of the "creative direction by committee" approach to it.
Almost like they don't have the rights to the events that precipitated that hatred or something.I do like the Dwarf stuff, but they haven't established the Elf/Dwarf rivalry/hatred at all.
Yeah I just don't understand the rights issues, why make this without having them all?Almost like they don't have the rights to the events that precipitated that hatred or something.
Yeah you have to know something pretty well to ruin every aspect of it so thoroughly.they bring up a ton of points that make it clear that there actually is a solid research staff behind this thing.
I'm a strong believer in Occam's razor. I believe that their ruining of everything comes from their very lazy and inept research staff. They picked out bits and pieces here and there, but didn't research the topic deep enough to have any understanding of context or how parts relate to one another. It's enough that someone could say "See they did their research, they worked this easter egg into the show!!!!". I mean the volcano scene is enough to justify my reasoning. They didn't even take the time to understand how a volcano works past "It's a volcano! Lava and smoke come out!!!".Yeah you have to know something pretty well to ruin every aspect of it so thoroughly.