Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


<Silver Donator>
I'm a strong believer in Occam's razor. I believe that their ruining of everything comes from their very lazy and inept research staff. They picked out bits and pieces here and there, but didn't research the topic deep enough to have any understanding of context or how parts relate to one another. It's enough that someone could say "See they did their research, they worked this easter egg into the show!!!!". I mean the volcano scene is enough to justify my reasoning. They didn't even take the time to understand how a volcano works past "It's a volcano! Lava and smoke come out!!!".

I have no doubt they loathe the source material on top of that, but I certainly don't think they put in the work to understand why they loath it other than "white man wrote".

Well, it's not like Peter Jackson did his volcano research either-- Sam and Frodo did just fine hanging out in the molten lava and poison gas of Mount Doom in Return of the King... but I suspect there is a robust research staff somewhere that is even more irate than we are on the lack of respect for the source material.

People have become stupid and lazy and it's not only tolerated, it is rewarded. I am guilty as I watch it and the trash House of the Dragon. I suppose if people actually stopped watching HBO and stopped going to see Mission Impossible 8, maybe things might change. But I doubt it... If it's bright and shiny and glittery and noisy and expensive, American will consume it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, it's not like Peter Jackson did his volcano research either-- Sam and Frodo did just fine hanging out in the molten lava and poison gas of Mount Doom in Return of the King
"And so it was that Gwaihir saw them with his keen far-seeing eyes, as down on the wild wind he came, and daring the great peril of the skies he circled in the air: two small dark figures, forlorn, hand in hand upon a little hill, while the world shook under them, and gasped, and rivers of fire drew near. And even as he espied them and came swooping down, he saw them fall, worn out, or choked with fumes and heat, or stricken down by despair at last, hiding their eyes from death."

If Jackson took liberties with the laws of physics in crafting that scene he did so in purpose of bringing Tolkien's vision to life, not in just creating a spectacle for the sake of a spectacle.
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<Gold Donor>
Well, it's not like Peter Jackson did his volcano research either-- Sam and Frodo did just fine hanging out in the molten lava and poison gas of Mount Doom in Return of the King
I'm gonna have to disagree. Peter Jackson had his problems, but the problems he made can be justified for a film experience. These ones cannot.

Peter jackson's LOTR is literally one of best examples of book to film. WIsh dune was as good, and it was excellent.
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Trakanon Raider
the show is not good. super boring and the story so far is just bad. The woke shit people were complaining about is a non issue and has nothing to do with how bad it is.
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Potato del Grande
the show is not good. super boring and the story so far is just bad. The woke shit people were complaining about is a non issue and has nothing to do with how bad it is.
The woke shit is the canary in the coal mine of writing.

There doesn't exist a great show with diverse casting and advertising - by this I mean nonsensical race swaps and shit like "first black female dwarf".

It's just an indicator of the kind of people they hired and what their priorities are.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
if they are willing to put black dwarves and elves on screen in the name of diversity, what do you think they are doing in the writing room?

and just like how the black dwarf is actually killing it, i imagine that that ISN'T why she was hired, it's just a happy accident. there are people in the writers room that seem to know tolkien's work pretty well, but i bet that's not why they were hired. there are a SOME people attached to this project that very clearly love tolkien's work. but there are so many more that fundamentally don't understand his writing and just think of it in the same vein as dnd fantasy.
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<Gold Donor>
How do you think auditions work?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
So you think the casting director only offered 1 black dwarf shaped female to the producers?
listen i get your point but we are SOOOOO far past people getting hired based on their skill. if they could have gotten away with a black elrond and a chinese galadriel i'm pretty sure they would have.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
BTW; any nit-picking regarding volcanology must never have paid attention during the end scenes of "Return of the King" where Frodo and Sam were gaying it up in 2000 degree heat and poison gases waiting for the eagles .

last episode was much better. The thing that really is unclear to me is why they picked Friday for airtime. HBO is way smarter holding its premiere of HoTD for Sunday at 9 EST. Gives everyone something to talk about on Monday morning (good or bad). No one gives a shit by Monday about the weak show that aired Friday. Even if it were bad, it would be coffee and donuts chat.

I think there is a huge cohort that watches both shows. I do; but I tune the hell out on HotD because it is so incredibly bad... Unforgivably bad. Even with its breaks from Tolkien/source material and rather poor casting choices, it is still fun to watch (even if you are a hater-- admit it, you love to hate it). Christ it is still not as bad as Picard or any of a dozen Netfliz/Prime/TV choices.

HoTD is just hate-able. It's the difference between eating suicide-level spicy chicken wings and eating spoiled meat.

Then why the fuck do you watch it? That's idiotic.


View attachment 437224

People did seem to love the mystery boxes here.

The thought process is essentially right. The most popular tv shows over the last 15 years all had strong online and watercooler discourse. Hell arguably the first one to get that discourse was Twin Peaks and its why its so well remembered by the general public even though its a weird David Lynch production. Its why I don't mind these big shows to be weekly, I cant remember half the shit I watch if I binge it over a weekend.

The problem is nothing about this show is making me want to talk about it like I do with say House of the Dragon. Sure its not as good as GoT but its getting there (most recent episode had some old school GoT in it). Rings of Power is: stuff happens and I really don't care because these characters all suck outside of the Dwarves.


Millie's Staff Member
The thought process is essentially right. The most popular tv shows over the last 15 years all had strong online and watercooler discourse. Hell arguably the first one to get that discourse was Twin Peaks and its why its so well remembered by the general public even though its a weird David Lynch production. Its why I don't mind these big shows to be weekly, I cant remember half the shit I watch if I binge it over a weekend.

The problem is nothing about this show is making me want to talk about it like I do with say House of the Dragon. Sure its not as good as GoT but its getting there (most recent episode had some old school GoT in it). Rings of Power is: stuff happens and I really don't care because these characters all suck outside of the Dwarves.
i dunno. Breaking Bad had no mystery boxes and that came right on the heels of Lost. Breaking Bad is probably the best TV show in the last 20 years.


i dunno. Breaking Bad had no mystery boxes and that came right on the heels of Lost. Breaking Bad is probably the best TV show in the last 20 years.

Yea true, I was just talking about online discourse / water cooler talk, not so much mystery boxes. Lost was obviously the most mystery box show of all time, but just generating talk about a show online that lasts months as the show goes on is very important to a shows success.

While Breaking Bad didn't have a lot of mystery boxes so to speak there was a lot of debate over where a season was going or what a character was going to do next.
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