Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Potato del Grande
I will geek out for a moment. People say that Tolkien created a conflict that was purely black and white with no real psychology behind the bad guys. But he does lay out the differences between Sauron and Morgoth in an essay in Morgoth's Ring that is quite interesting and could be relevant to the tv series.

"..when Melkor was confronted by the existence of other inhabitants of Arda... he was enraged by the mere fact of their existence... Morgoth would no doubt, if he had been victorious, have ultimately destroyed even his own creatures... Melkor’s final impotence and despair lay in this: that whereas the Valar could still love Arda Marred... (in contrast) Melkor could do nothing with Arda... even left alone he could only have gone raging on till all was levelled again into a formless chaos."

Sauron had never reached this stage of nihilistic madness. He did not object to the existence of the world, so long as he could do what he liked with it... he loved order and coordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. Sauron had, in fact, been very like Saruman, and so still understood him quickly and could guess what he would be likely to think and do... (Sauron's) plans, the idea coming from his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, in itself."

Morgoth had no plan; unless destruction and reduction to nil can be called a plan. But this is, of course, a simplification of the situation. Sauron had not served Morgoth, even in his last stages, without becoming infected by his lust for destruction, and his hatred for God... He probably deluded himself with the notion that the Valar (including Melkor) having failed, Eru had simply abandoned Eä"

Sauron was originally a maiar that served Aule, who was kind of like a greek god of smithing. Hence is love for order, coordination, and perfection. He saw Morgoth as someone who could more quickly realize his plans & designs because he was the most powerful (and charismatic) Valar. But as Tolkien puts it this decision put him on a path that spiraled downward.. to the point that implementing his plans and controlling others became the end it itself. Sauron was a master smith so he created the rings to do exactly that.

Morgoth on the other hand was closer to pure evil. He wanted to destroy the world simply because he was not its sole author/god/king.
Wasn't Sauman also an Aule servant? Aule also went a little too far making the Dwarves but was forgiven.

I remember that Gandalf was of Manwe who was the head Valar and God of Air (hence the eagles dues ex machina).


Blackwing Lair Raider
He was but I think that was secondary to him being the leader of the Istar. He and Sauron both being followers of Aule was probably part of the reason Sauron was able to turn him. Tolkien does say that Sauron was able to guess the mind of Saruman, but Gandalf he did not understand at all.


FPS noob
There's a Russian TV lord of the rings shot in 1990 right before the fall of the USSR, it was shot in 9 hours using essentially shit laying around the TV studio in Leningrad. Recently unearthed when an intern visited the TV studios basement or whatever, lol.

Apparently Tom Bombadil plays a huge part in it, the show focused on characters and parts that involved lots of talking around a table and skipped over anything involving fighting or outside

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Sanrith Descartes

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Regimen Morum

its a prequel to the age that we've seen in the films, its about the early days of the Shire and Tolkien's environment, so we're an indigenous population of Harfoots, we're hobbits but we're called Harfoots, we're multi-cultural, we're a tribe not a race, so we're black, asian and brown, even Maori types within it.
There's a very strong female presence in this, there's going to be female heroes in this evocation of the story, they're going to be little people as usual.

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Avatar of War Slayer

Does Tolkien say that the hobbits are all one skin color, or is it just the movies?

If it is from Tolkien, that would mean, to keep it lore friendly, the hobbits had a spat of ethnic cleansing in the second age, leading to all white Hobbitszs in the Third.
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Golden Baron of the Realm
Does Tolkien say that the hobbits are all one skin color, or is it just the movies?

If it is from Tolkien, that would mean, to keep it lore friendly, the hobbits had a spat of ethnic cleansing in the second age, leading to all white Hobbitszs in the Third.

Do Hobbits even know how to grow watermelons?
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Vyemm Raider
Will still probably be better than the WoT series.

I highly doubt that. While WoT is also getting the retarded diversity treatment, at least it has an actual fleshed out story/world the writers have to stick to somewhat. With this shitshow, on the other hand, the writers have pretty much free reign to do whatever the fuck they want. And, as we can see, what they want to is peg the IP as hard as they can.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I highly doubt that. While WoT is also getting the retarded diversity treatment, at least it has an actual fleshed out story/world the writers have to stick to somewhat. With this shitshow, on the other hand, the writers have pretty much free reign to do whatever the fuck they want. And, as we can see, what they want to is peg the IP as hard as they can.
I commend your optimism about the show runners for WoT sticking to the story. This animated show about the Shire does sounds like complete shit, but the show about Numenor could be different, though probably a lot like Foundation.


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
The Fall of Gondolin would have been a great story.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm


uhm, actually...

there was a game (i'm blanking on it right now) a few decades back where one of the nazgul was a woman. it's "semi-canonical" because the tolkien estate had direct oversight on. the stance the estate took was that they would allow anything as long as it didn't contradict any of tolkien's writings, and since the only nazgul that he wrote anything about was the witch-king, they let a female nazgul fly.

that being said, i was bored and started playing shadow of war again and there's all these things that i keep gritting my teeth about lol. they change A LOT of tolkien's lore just to make their story work, not to mention all the stuff they change just to make it video gamey. but ultimately i'm fine with it because i enjoy shaming orcs.