Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
im a pretty big fan of LOTR but this just sounds awful.

i think they would be better off taking some of the lesser known book series and build that up like HBO did with ASOIAF whom they are clearly trying to replace as the TV kings of high fantasy

id like to see a Conan anthology TV series done right
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what Suineg set it to
im a pretty big fan of LOTR but this just sounds awful.

i think they would be better off taking some of the lesser known book series and build that up like HBO did with ASOIAF whom they are clearly trying to replace as the TV kings of high fantasy

id like to see a Conan anthology TV series done right

Yea they should do The Name of the Wind
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So the TV guys can write an ending for it, like they did with GoT? Because that's the only way that piece of shit Rothfuss is ever going to finish it.

Fucks sake. I forgot about the damn series it's been so long.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
First Law Books would be awesome to do, if they kept the characters true to the books.

Goddamn, who the hell could play the Bloody-Nine? A giant ugly intelligent guy who goes from soft spoken to a possessed invincible madman impervious to pain and reason. Dave Bautista maybe?

Hey guys, let's just buy the IP and pay our terrible millenial writers to dream up sexy SJW elf stories that have nothing to do with LOTR, the Hobbit, or the Silmarillion!
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Gunnar Durden
First Law Books would be awesome to do, if they kept the characters true to the books.

Goddamn, who the hell could play the Bloody-Nine? A giant ugly intelligent guy who goes from soft spoken to a possessed invincible madman impervious to pain and reason. Dave Bautista maybe?

Hey guys, let's just buy the IP and pay our terrible millenial writers to dream up sexy SJW elf stories that have nothing to do with LOTR, the Hobbit, or the Silmarillion!

Gender Fluid Elves spending episodes communal farming.

I am willing to bet my life savings there is a Trump/Sauron allegory.
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French Madman
I wonder how the hell did Christopher sign up for that after his opinion on the movies. Is he dead or what?

I'd rather have a Sanderson TV adaptation though. Stormlight Archive would be hard because the setting is kinda alien, but they could definitely do Mistborn.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I wonder how the hell did Christopher sign up for that after his opinion on the movies. Is he dead or what?

He got a payday when the estate settled it's lawsuit with WB a few months back and they got money up front, in the neighborhood of $200 million, for the TV rights this time around. That kind of money erases a lot of bad memories.
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Quite the bump but

I see Numenor on this map!!!!!! This made me much more hopeful for this show and for those who are rusty on LOTR

The Second Age lasted for 3441 years and ended with the downfall of Sauron's army when he was defeated by the Last Alliance of Elves and Men following the downfall of Númenor.

This age was characterized by the rise (eventually with increased insolence) of Númenor, the rise of Sauron in Middle-earth, the creation of the Ringwraiths, and the early wars of the Rings between Sauron and the Elves. The Ring of Power also came into existence during this period.

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Trump's Staff
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As long as that means we get real people playing orcs instead of that BS we got in the Hobbit its money well spent


Karazhan Raider
The second age is suitable material for this series.

Annatar and the forging of the rings, Akallabeth, last alliance. Forostar, Orrostar, the Meneltarma, Andustar. That map

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm good with this as long as they don't try to redo Peter Jackson's trilogy.
Prequels sound great if done well.


Molten Core Raider
Morgoth is defeated already that started the 2nd age. Maybe see Valinor if they show the Dunedain sailing to it to attack.

At first I was excited seeing the 2nd age but the more I think about it the more I'm doubtful. Not as much detail from Tolkien in it so theyll probably just start making stupid story lines up and shit.