Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The second age is suitable material for this series.

Annatar and the forging of the rings, Akallabeth, last alliance. Forostar, Orrostar, the Meneltarma, Andustar. That map


You’ve already confused 75% of the viewers with those names.
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Millie's Staff Member
Morgoth is defeated already that started the 2nd age. Maybe see Valinor if they show the Dunedain sailing to it to attack.

At first I was excited seeing the 2nd age but the more I think about it the more I'm doubtful. Not as much detail from Tolkien in it so theyll probably just start making stupid story lines up and shit.
doh, so they paid 500 million for the inbetween stuff? oh well. back to ignoring Prime.

Aychamo BanBan

I mean... 500 million, that sounds insane. That's so much fucking money. But I see Netflix annual revenue is 15.79 billion dollars, so I guess they can afford it! Fuck that's a lot of money. That better be one hell of a series.


Throbbing Member
I mean... 500 million, that sounds insane. That's so much fucking money. But I see Netflix annual revenue is 15.79 billion dollars, so I guess they can afford it! Fuck that's a lot of money. That better be one hell of a series.

Don't worry, Prime will be like 15-20 bucks a month soon.
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Karazhan Raider
Morgoth is defeated already that started the 2nd age. Maybe see Valinor if they show the Dunedain sailing to it to attack.

At first I was excited seeing the 2nd age but the more I think about it the more I'm doubtful. Not as much detail from Tolkien in it so theyll probably just start making stupid story lines up and shit.
Agreed, very skeptical about this. Haven't yet bothered looking into what they are planning at all.

Late Third Age, First and Second are the most detailed while early Third is the least interesting excluding the Fourth. The First and Second Ages are the most brutal, remote and epic.

Prefer them fucking up the second age over the first.


Molten Core Raider
Agreed, very skeptical about this. Haven't yet bothered looking into what they are planning at all.

Late Third Age, First and Second are the most detailed while early Third is the least interesting excluding the Fourth. The First and Second Ages are the most brutal, remote and epic.

Prefer them fucking up the second age over the first.
Yeah the second age I feel fits more in with the whole TV series than the first tbh. But I also feel like its going to give them more ability to go more of a GoT route and focus more on trying to be edgy and graphic than actual story.


Musty Nester
2nd age? Interedasting.

Wasn't it all elves and dwarves though, culminating in a war that molkor masterminded against underearthed horrors like the balrogs and spiders. And that war ends in the rise of men and molkors disembodiment? Numenor was 3rd age I thought.

It actually could be good. Won't be, but it's a good backdrop.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Half a billion? Da fuq?

This series better be the best fantasy series ever made
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Molten Core Raider
2nd age? Interedasting.

Wasn't it all elves and dwarves though, culminating in a war that molkor masterminded against underearthed horrors like the balrogs and spiders. And that war ends in the rise of men and molkors disembodiment? Numenor was 3rd age I thought.

It actually could be good. Won't be, but it's a good backdrop.
No thats first age. The defeat of Melkor starts the second age and Sauron gets away and then starts to take over middle earth. Dunedain hear about it sail from numenor to middle earth bitch him out but he comes with them to nuemenor and slowly starts to make them think the valar are against them and then convinces them to attack Valinor
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Karazhan Raider
2nd age? Interedasting.

Wasn't it all elves and dwarves though, culminating in a war that molkor masterminded against underearthed horrors like the balrogs and spiders. And that war ends in the rise of men and molkors disembodiment? Numenor was 3rd age I thought.

It actually could be good. Won't be, but it's a good backdrop.
Men were around and several were important during the First Age. Elros brother of Elrond became first king of Numenor at the start of the Second.


Akallabêth is the story of the destruction of the Kingdom of Númenor, written by Elendil. After the downfall of the Dark Lord Morgoth at the end of the First Age (which is described in the Quenta Silmarillion) the Edain, those Men who had aided the Elves in their war against the Dark Lord were given Númenor, a new small continent of their own, free from the evil and sadness of Middle-earth. It was located in the middle of the Great Ocean, between the western shores of Middle-earth, and the eastern shores of Aman, where the Valar lived.
As they entered Númenor, Men were forbidden to set sail towards Aman. For 2500 years Númenor grew in might, with Númenórean ships sailing the seas and establishing remote colonies in Middle-earth. During that time, the Elves of Middle-earth were engaged in a bitter fight with Morgoth's former servant Sauron, who had become the second Dark Lord. The Men of Númenor aided the Elves under Gil-galad yet remaining in Middle-earth. But as time went on, Men rebelled against the Valar and the Elves, over the course of 1500 years, desiring immortality. Tar-Palantir, the penultimate King, repented of the evil of his fathers, but it was too late.
The last king was his nephew Ar-Pharazôn, who claimed the throne by right of marrying Tar-Palantir's daughter Tar-Míriel against her will, despite the law not allowing cousin-marriages. Hearing that Sauron was striving for the domination of Men and threatening to destroy Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn came with a great host to Middle-earth. Sauron's forces feared Númenor's strength, and fled from the service of their master. Perceiving that he could not overthrow Númenor by strength of arms, Sauron humbled himself before the Númenórean King. Ar-Pharazôn was not convinced and had Sauron taken as a prisoner to Númenor. This however was Sauron's plan; assuming a form of great fairness and beauty, Sauron gained influence and became the king's adviser. Through deceit and manipulation, he corrupted the greater part of Númenor to the worship of Morgoth, which included raiding Middle-earth for human captives to offer as sacrifices and cutting down Nimloth, the White Tree, to build a Temple in its place. During this time, Númenor grew even more powerful thanks to Sauron's counsel.
Sauron convinced Ar-Pharazôn to assail Aman and wrest immortality from the Valar, saying that great kings take what rightfully belongs to them. Although Sauron wanted to destroy Ar-Pharazôn and the invading Númenórean fleets by provoking the Valar's wrath, he also wished to continue his absolute rule of that realm. However, when the Great Armament set foot on Aman, the Valar laid down their guardianship and called on Eru Ilúvatar, who broke and remade the world. Ilúvatar destroyed Ar-Pharazôn and his Númenórean host, burying them under falling hills until the end of time. Ilúvatar also sank Númenor into the Sea and removed Aman forever from the circles of the world. Sauron's physical form was destroyed but his spirit escaped Númenor and returned to Middle-earth, taking up the One Ring. The world that had been flat was now spherical. Now Aman was only open to Elves, who could still find the Straight Road.
Nine ships carrying men of Númenórean royal blood, descendants of the Lords of Andúnië, of the House of Elros, were carried by the storm of the Downfall to the shores of Middle-earth. They were led by Elendil the Tall, and his two sons: Isildur and Anárion, bringing with them a seedling of the White Tree and the palantíri. These and the Númenóreans already living in Middle-earth carried the title of "The Faithful", signifying their continued devotion to the Valar and Eldar. They allied themselves with Gil-galad and marched in the War of the Last Alliance, in which Isildur cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand.
Elendil's followers established two Númenórean realms in exile: Arnor, the high kingdom, in the North, and Gondor in the south. Some of the King's Men, enemies of Elendil, established other realms in exile to the south; of these Umbar was the chief. The culture of Númenor became the dominant culture of Middle-earth.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think you underestimate how confusing that spoiler is going to be for your average viewer. I wasn’t kidding when I said earlier that half the audience is lost when you mention those names.

Just imagine your average person high off Game of Thrones (who thinks this is going to be similar) trying to read the Silmarillion. Then try to translate that into a television show designed to capture as many people as possible. Maybe they could make it work and maybe I’m being too cynical about it.
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Molten Core Raider
I think you underestimate how confusing that spoiler is going to be for your average viewer. I wasn’t kidding when I said earlier that half the audience is lost when you mention those names.

Just imagine your average person high off Game of Thrones (who thinks this is going to be similar) trying to read the Silmarillion. Then try to translate that into a television show designed to capture as many people as possible. Maybe they could make it work and maybe I’m being too cynical about it.
Yeah I still fuck the names all up. And everyone had like 4 different names. I had to have a notebook with me when I read silmarillion to write down who was who because it gets so confusing


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sole reason I wanted to see the Hobbit movies was to see things about the necromancer & dun gul'dur.

Don't know what age it is, but if they visualized the fucking balrog/dragon/creates of death/spider vs the valar/maiar (?) that'd be awesome eye candy.

I hope that they don't do something and attempt to tie it to the Lotr/Hobbit movies.
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Karazhan Raider
it seems everyone prefers First Age, why do you guys think they started with Second?
Maybe cos they could tie in characters like Isildur and Sauron. I share the same skepticism cos I don't want Peter Jackson prequels in the vein of new GoT now with Tolkien bullshit.

Just give us good quality that is entertaining and true to the source material or don't do it all.
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