Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Trakanon Raider
Yeah it's full of copy paste from wikis and people half remembering the story.
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Millie's Staff Member
just keep in mind while you dont care about canon, then you shouldnt care about the story either. the people writing this story have no prior experience to anything. they were found off the street and given this job. none of this is from Tolkien. its only a loose adaption using the names of certain Tolkien characters and inventing whole cloth other characters. this is only "inspired" by Tolkien, you will NOT be getting a Tolkien story.

if they had followed canon then you may have gotten a story close to what Tolkien intended. now you get nothing.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Moreover, you will be getting a distinctly anti-Tolkien effort because the Last fucking Jedi isn't a warning for these room-temp retards, it's a template.
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Trakanon Raider
just keep in mind while you dont care about canon, then you shouldnt care about the story either. the people writing this story have no prior experience to anything. they were found off the street and given this job. none of this is from Tolkien. its only a loose adaption using the names of certain Tolkien characters and inventing whole cloth other characters. this is only "inspired" by Tolkien, you will NOT be getting a Tolkien story.

if they had followed canon then you may have gotten a story close to what Tolkien intended. now you get nothing.
I think thats ultimately my point. The story is 90% made up. Including what I am sure will be a ton of scenes, dialogue and events that never happened in the book. If you are willing to watch the show and accept that, I can't imagine you are then stuck up on some minor casting issues.

I'll repeat if the show stuffs wokeshit in your face just cause, I will shit on it as hard as anyone. On the other hand if it is entertaining and well written, I won't really give a shit who is cast as who as long as it's a good show.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
On the other hand if it is entertaining and well written, I won't really give a shit who is cast as who as long as it's a good show.
Confused Saved By The Bell GIF by PeacockTV
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
On the other hand if it is entertaining and well written, I won't really give a shit who is cast as who as long as it's a good show.

Good thing they hired guys that never made a good show or wrote, produced, directed even so much as 1 episode of TV then.
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<Bronze Donator>
In B4 he admits there's a ton of wokeshit but it didn't bother him.
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Millie's Staff Member
I think thats ultimately my point. The story is 90% made up. Including what I am sure will be a ton of scenes, dialogue and events that never happened in the book. If you are willing to watch the show and accept that, I can't imagine you are then stuck up on some minor casting issues.

I'll repeat if the show stuffs wokeshit in your face just cause, I will shit on it as hard as anyone. On the other hand if it is entertaining and well written, I won't really give a shit who is cast as who as long as it's a good show.
i mean if you are fine with a non Tolkien story using some Tolkien character names and locations, i guess you cant be disappointed with anything. even if Tar Miriel is twerking at Sauron and he starts mumble rapping in return, then that would just be the icing on the cake.
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FPS noob
look after they blacked up Foundation and put paki's in Wheel of Time and made Y The Last Man about trannies and made the lead character of Obi Wan a jogger and turning Vikings into simping retards and replaced Joel with Tranbo in TLOU and replaced tits and ass with dong in HBO shows and made Superman black and made the entire cast of House of Dragons into Walmart uggos and turned Luke Skywalker into a useless ghost and turned Batman into lesbian Batwoman and turned Masterchief into a virgin incel they just have one more chance with Rings of Power, ok

good news though amazon released a sneak peak of the new audio remix for LOTR
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
i mean if you are fine with a non Tolkien story using some Tolkien character names and locations, i guess you cant be disappointed with anything. even if Tar Miriel is twerking at Sauron and he starts mumble rapping in return, then that would just be the icing on the cake.
Even if diversity casting was 100% not a thing and every character in this was true to their book descriptions, no dramatic TV show or movie format is going to be faithful to The Silmarillion or The Unfinished Tales. It's impossible. The books are largely made up of huge sections of exposition with no dialogue at all. When characters do actually converse, it's nearly always sparse and in small snippets. No matter how amazing a cast or brilliant a writer that might have been put together for this in another universe, massive liberties would have to be taken by necessity.

The only way you could adapt these books to film and keep it reasonably faithful would be to do so in a documentary format. I'd be much more interested in watching something like that than whatever this is going to be.


Potato del Grande
Even if diversity casting was 100% not a thing and every character in this was true to their book descriptions, no dramatic TV show or movie format is going to be faithful to The Silmarillion or The Unfinished Tales. It's impossible. The books are largely made up of huge sections of exposition with no dialogue at all. When characters do actually converse, it's nearly always sparse and in small snippets. No matter how amazing a cast or brilliant a writer that might have been put together for this in another universe, massive liberties would have to be taken by necessity.

The only way you could adapt these books to film and keep it reasonably faithful would be to do so in a documentary format. I'd be much more interested in watching something like that than whatever this is going to be.

All screenplay adaptations involve edits and rewrites and taken liberties, even the ones staying as true to the source material as possible. It's another idiotic point to try to say it couldn't be a faithful adaptation because full dialog wasn't written out.

I guess any show or movie isn't a faithful adaptation unless the actors only make facial expressions explicitly described in the book? Can't be a faithful adaptation because a book can't describe every raised eyebrow!

Fuck, you're dumb.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The sad thing is that while Friends was going with it's 100% white cast, I was also watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air with it's 100% black cast and went to see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with it's 100% Chinese cast. That's diversity.

I would happily watch a show based on African/Indian/American mythology with a 100% African/Indian/Native cast. That's how you do it, only mix people for things set in modern times.

Instead black people have to appropriate European mythology like they have none of their own. THAT'S racist.
Cosby was America's dad in the 80s. America as a whole is not racist. No one gives a shit about color, it's about quality and taking established characters and changing them for the message and not to improve the quality of the program.
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Millie's Staff Member
Even if diversity casting was 100% not a thing and every character in this was true to their book descriptions, no dramatic TV show or movie format is going to be faithful to The Silmarillion or The Unfinished Tales. It's impossible. The books are largely made up of huge sections of exposition with no dialogue at all. When characters do actually converse, it's nearly always sparse and in small snippets. No matter how amazing a cast or brilliant a writer that might have been put together for this in another universe, massive liberties would have to be taken by necessity.

The only way you could adapt these books to film and keep it reasonably faithful would be to do so in a documentary format. I'd be much more interested in watching something like that than whatever this is going to be.
the showrunners are on record as saying this show is about current year situations. this is "inspired by Tolkien"
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
here's a black and white pic of the guy they got to play Sauron

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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
All screenplay adaptations involve edits and rewrites and taken liberties, even the ones staying as true to the source material as possible. It's another idiotic point to try to say it couldn't be a faithful adaptation because full dialog wasn't written out.

I guess any show or movie isn't a faithful adaptation unless the actors only make facial expressions explicitly described in the book? Can't be a faithful adaptation because a book can't describe every raised eyebrow!
No, you illiterate dipshit. I'll break it down further, since reading is hard.

Jackson's LoTR films, particularly Fellowship, were largely faithful to the overall structure, narrative, and spirit of the books. Plenty of material was left out by necessity, the action scenes were protracted, and we got dumb shit like Legolas surfing down steps and elephants, but taken as a whole, they were about as respectable and as reasonable of an adaptation as we're ever likely to get in our lifetimes. But even if Jackson had totally botched it (hi, Hobbit movies), the fact is that the books contain piles of cinematic potential, provided they're adapted with some care and skill, which they mostly were.

On the other hand, there's very little to structure a long-form show or film around within The Silmarillion / UT - especially the parts that are set in the first and second ages - without taking massive and multiple liberties. Years, decades, and even centuries often pass by in a couple of sentences. Even the more intimate, slower moving narrative sections like Beren and Luthien, Turin Turambar, etc, are often written in an extreme combination of broad story beats mixed with hyper-detailed minutia. There's no way to flesh those stories out into a compelling TV show without altering and inventing bucket loads of shit. I mean with the source material here we're really only a couple steps ahead of what the GoT show runners had to work with when they ran past where Martin decided to stop to wait for the inevitable coronary, and we all saw how fantastically that worked out.

Now, do I think that it's still possible to craft a successful and compelling show out of these stories while keeping it at least respectable of the spirit of Tolkien? Absolutely. But it would still contain a massive amount of material that was wholly invented by the writers, because it would have to. Do I think that this is that show? No way, especially if this is true and not simply some stupid trolling horse shit designed to blow up Twitter traffic:

Nomvete then made it clear The Rings of Power is actually an erasure of Tolkien’s work and the whole point of the show is to reflect the modern world rather than reflect Tolkien’s work.
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Potato del Grande
No, you illiterate dipshit. I'll break it down further, since reading is hard.

Jackson's LoTR films, particularly Fellowship, were largely faithful to the overall structure, narrative, and spirit of the books. Plenty of material was left out by necessity, the action scenes were protracted, and we got dumb shit like Legolas surfing down steps and elephants, but taken as a whole, they were about as respectable and as reasonable of an adaptation as we're ever likely to get in our lifetimes. But even if Jackson had totally botched it (hi, Hobbit movies), the fact is that the books contain piles of cinematic potential, provided they're adapted with some care and skill, which they mostly were.

On the other hand, there's very little to structure a long-form show or film around within The Silmarillion / UT - especially the parts that are set in the first and second ages - without taking massive and multiple liberties. Years, decades, and even centuries often pass by in a couple of sentences. Even the more intimate, slower moving narrative sections like Beren and Luthien, Turin Turambar, etc, are often written in an extreme combination of broad story beats mixed with hyper-detailed minutia. There's no way to flesh those stories out into a compelling TV show without altering and inventing bucket loads of shit. I mean with the source material here we're really only a couple steps ahead of what the GoT show runners had to work with when they ran past where Martin decided to stop to wait for the inevitable coronary, and we all saw how fantastically that worked out.

Now, do I think that it's still possible to craft a successful and compelling show out of these stories while keeping it at least respectable of the spirit of Tolkien? Absolutely. But it would still contain a massive amount of material that was wholly invented by the writers, because it would have to. Do I think that this is that show? No way, especially if this is true and not simply some stupid trolling horse shit designed to blow up Twitter traffic:

Nobody is saying they have to restrict themselves only to things already explicitly existing in the IP, only that there are industry standards regarding adaptions and "based on and "inspired by etc. These clowns seem intent on shitting on the very IP they're hired to work with to act on political and social agendas.

Your contribution is adaptations aren't possible because dialog isn't written out so they'd be required to take liberties.

Bringing that up either shows your ignorance, or proves you're a retard just saying dumb shit so you can feel like you're contributing to a discussion you don't seem equiped to meaningfully contribute to.

All adaptations and screenplays based on existing IP or source material required editing and rewrites and making up a lot of shots. It's how it's handled that is in question. We agree on that, but you still make retarded points getting there.

Edit: my guess is you actually fancy yourself a writer and have spent many hours typing in coffee shops, which is probably why you're retarded.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Nobody is saying they have to restrict themselves only to things already explicitly existing in the IP, only that there are industry standards regarding adaptions and "based on and "inspired by etc. These clowns seem intent on shitting on the very IP they're hired to work with to act on political and social agendas.

Your contribution is adaptations aren't possible because dialog isn't written out so they'd be required to take liberties.

Only if you can't read. I'm saying (again) that a faithful adaptation of this particular source material into a dramatic TV format is not possible. That doesn't mean that I expect Sauron's jock strap to be period-accurate at all times or else all bets are off. There are degrees, and in this case, the material is not suited for it.


i mean if you are fine with a non Tolkien story using some Tolkien character names and locations

My contention is that virtually any show based on this material is largely going to be a "non-Tolkien story" (or at best, an extremely loose Tolkien story) that uses some Tolkien character names and locations. That's essentially all it could ever realistically be. The material is too scattered, too uneven, too incomplete, too inconsistent in tone and depth and detail for it to be anything else. It's literally a conglomeration of random and often inconsistent writings that Tolkien scribbled down over decades that his son gathered up in an attempt to hammer it into something resembling a coherent series of short stories set against an overarching mythology.

That doesn't mean that one couldn't make a show that is: A) compelling, B) well-written, and C) largely respectful of Tolkien, even if 90% of it is completely invented by the showrunners. Again, I seriously doubt that this show will be all or even any of those things.

Bringing that up either shows your ignorance, or proves you're a retard just saying dumb shit so you can feel like you're contributing to a discussion you don't seem equiped to meaningfully contribute to.

All adaptations and screenplays based on existing IP or source material required editing and rewrites and making up a lot of shots. It's how it's handled that is in question. We agree on that, but you still make retarded points getting there.

Yes, we agree on that and I never said otherwise. That didn't stop you from twisting what I said so it could be forced to fit into a conclusion that you made up on your own. But this is still an improvement over your earlier accusation that I think men can get pregnant or whatever the fuck that was. I suppose that's what happens when you've allowed yourself to regress into the mindset that literally everything is politics as a 2 team sport.
Edit: my guess is you actually fancy yourself a writer and have spent many hours typing in coffee shops, which is probably why you're retarded.
Then that would make your guessing skills even worse than your comprehension skills.
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Millie's Staff Member
Only if you can't read. I'm saying (again) that a faithful adaptation of this particular source material into a dramatic TV format is not possible. That doesn't mean that I expect Sauron's jock strap to be period-accurate at all times or else all bets are off. There are degrees, and in this case, the material is not suited for it.


My contention is that virtually any show based on this material is largely going to be a "non-Tolkien story" (or at best, an extremely loose Tolkien story) that uses some Tolkien character names and locations. That's essentially all it could ever realistically be. The material is too scattered, too uneven, too incomplete, too inconsistent in tone and depth and detail for it to be anything else. It's literally a conglomeration of random and often inconsistent writings that Tolkien scribbled down over decades that his son gathered up in an attempt to hammer into something resembling a coherent series of short stories set against an overarching mythology.

That doesn't mean that one couldn't make a show that is: A) compelling, B) well-written, and C) largely respectful of Tolkien, even if 90% of it is completely invented by the showrunners. Again, I seriously doubt that this show will be all or even any of those things.

Yes, we agree on that and I never said otherwise. That didn't stop you from twisting what I said so it could be forced to fit into a conclusion that you made up on your own.

Then that would make your guessing skills even worse than your comprehension skills.
there is a faithful adaption, then there is a mostly faithful adaption with dialogue written in the style and tone for the ip which Peter Jackson did and then there is Rings of Power which is "inspired by" using the lack of dialogue as a clean slate to make up any woke garbage that they want no matter if Tolkien was ok with it or not. clean slate means Tolkien's works has no impact. just whats in the inexperienced writer's head. you know this series hired expert overseeing this at first, he showed dismay at what was going on and voiced his opinion. he was fired.
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