Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
The problem is Tolkien didn't write very much about the Second Age except in very very broad strokes. There's no real narrative, character development, or story to follow. It's simply a series of events with almost no dialogue. Any adaptation, even one that followed Tolkien word for word, would have to invent dialogue and micro events to fill in the blanks.

There's no equivalent to The Children of Hurin in the Second Age unfortunately.
This is what is truly insane about this entire endeavor. In my copy of The LoTR, Tolkien covers the entirety of the Second Age in less than seven pages. Two of those pages are taken from the Chronology of Years, which is nothing more than a very brief summary of some stuff that happened, organized by year, like this: 1015 - Sauron reappears in someplace, 1500-1567 - Elrond suffers from a very brief bought of indigestion, 2410 - Tar-Bigglytits becomes the 27th King of Numenor, etc, etc. There is also precisely zero lines of dialogue within this section of the appendices. Yet, someone thought it would be a fantastic idea to tease five full seasons of a TV show out of...that. In contrast, Jackson pumped a "mere" ~11 hour run of movies out of over 1000 pages of text that's chock full of dialogue and plot. This show is going to land at minimally three to four times that amount, unless they shitcan it early.

I have absolutely no idea how this can be anything but a hot fan fiction mess.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
People said the same about Fire and Blood being the basis for House of The Dragon and look how that turned out!
  • 1Worf
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FPS noob
9pm EST / 6pm PST worldwide, a little under 2 hours from now. 2 episodes are dropping. Biden trying to steal dem RANGZ OF POWA by having a primetime address an hour earlier to call MAGA people aka FOH a bunch of smelly man flesh eating Orcs who will rape and pillage across the Mark

everyone forgetting Tommy Shelby's warning


i don't care, fuck Tommy Shelby, he's a right cunt
  • 4Worf
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
You get the art you put up with.

Enjoy your tripe.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Got 55 minutes in and couldn't stay awake as it's 3am here

Seemed dull so far, everything harfoot/human was boring

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'm about 2/3s in and honestly it's not terrible. Its biggest offense so far is that I'm bored. The pacing is pretty brutal. There's some good lore stuff and some bad lore stuff but I just can't be bothered to care either way much yet.

The "men's" village area is obviously

Mordor, complete with Mount Doom in the distance.


Tranny Chaser
After the first episode I'm intrigued. Lots of lore stuff, but I get that they are setting up various point of view characters.
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Potato del Grande
So yea, this was NOT the train wreck everyone in this thread has been piling on about for pages and pages. They won't admit. This is no masterpiece by any stretch, and to reiterate what I said earlier in the thread, I'd reserve judgement until I saw it. Its better than Wheel of Time, and not action packed by any stretch.

Overall 7/10 as far as i am concerned.
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  • 1Pathetic
  • 1Seriously?
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I guess swimming hundreds of miles is NBD if you're an Elf? Dumb.

I admit I involuntarily chubbed up when

Feanor's Hammer

showed up. Dirty pool, motherfuckers.

I keep drifting off to my phone when anything is going on outside of the Elf stuff.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Watched the first episode and this is what I thought. Looks amazing.Galadriel and Eldrond being the main focuses so far is great. They used costumes for the goblins and not shitty CGI so it felt like the LOTR movies. I can look past the short haired elves but the depiction of the hobbits is awful and the opposite of what they are.

Excited to watch episode 2 and see where this goes.
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Millie's Staff Member
so from the comments here. ooooh shiny. boring though. yep. how many tourist shots of New Zealand?
  • 1Tiresome
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah I'm about 2/3s in and honestly it's not terrible. Its biggest offense so far is that I'm bored. The pacing is pretty brutal. There's some good lore stuff and some bad lore stuff but I just can't be bothered to care either way much yet.

The "men's" village area is obviously

Mordor, complete with Mount Doom in the distance.

After the first 2 episodes, its got some real Extended Edition pacing, they are giving us a lot to look at and digest. I dont know what you cut, cause everything seems pretty important so far, and episode 2 was better than 1, so its good they released both at the same time.

Everything in the show looks incredible.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Finished eps 1 & 2

So far so good, biggest gripe is the casting of the dwarf wife, stands out like a sore thumb, not even talking about skin color, way too pristine compared to the other dwarves, should have put a beard on her or something to be more dwarflike.

Other than that, it feels like the same world as LoTR. The episodes are long, 65 and 68 mins respectively. It'll of course drag in parts.

Not only does it blow away wheel of time but I'd say that right now I easily rank it above The Hobbit trilogy too.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah it was solid, not amazing, but it hinges on future episodes being good. The SJW stuff was way overblown, aside from one or two moments with Galadriel there wasn't any political stuff in the forefront. The black leader of the Harfoots was actually one of the better side characters.

The frost troll fight was meh, but the goblin attack scene in the 2nd episode was pretty good. As for the mystery man it's hard to say for sure who it is, some say it's
Gandalf, but it could also be another Istari, or simply an unwitting servant of Sauron.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Visually it is really beautiful. First episode was a little disjointed in parts and this thing isn't doing a ton of handholding to get everyone up to speed. I like that, shows confidence. Biggest thing for me was getting used to how the elves looked in this vs LOTR, to this point I prefer the movie elves but I'll get used to it. It feels very based off Peter Jackson's movies but not entirely tied to them. Lots of neat little easter eggs that let you know its all tied together, like the leaf pins on the elves cloaks.
Don't know why, but the Arondir/Bronwyn story instantly had me, I guess its this age's Beren and Luthien. Galadriel is great so far.