Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Second episode was better for sure. The Orcs seem suitably terrifying in this, not just cartoon zerg fodder like in The Hobbit movies. I liked it overall. It's late and I'm too tired and still don't care enough to do a whole but does it respect the lore!? sperg session. I'll just say there's enough here for legendarium nerds to both appreciate and to facepalm over, probably in similar proportion to the latter two LoTR films. Celebrimbor despite looking too damn old to be an Elf was a highlight.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
so from the comments here. ooooh shiny. boring though. yep. how many tourist shots of New Zealand?
They're really not overdone or distracting at all. They're used effectively and tastefully to establish locations and provide scale, similar to the movies. Honestly the aesthetic of the show looks better than it does in the trailers. The color timing and lightning is more in line with the original trilogy. I don't know if that's because the show itself streams in HDR - unlike the trailers - or if the final cut was simply graded differently.

The weakest part of episode 2 was Galadriel's adventures at sea. I guess they're gonna use that to sweep her off to Numenor. I do really like how they drive home the impossibly long lives of the Elves in this, but conversely, they are going to have to compress the everloving shit out of Tolkien's Second Age timeline with the way they are setting things up. I get it, but it's gonna twist some panties for sure.


Millie's Staff Member
They're really not overdone or distracting at all. They're used effectively and tastefully to establish locations and provide scale, similar to the movies.

The weakest part of episode 2 was Galadriel's adventures at sea. I guess they're gonna use that to sweep her off to Numenor. I do really like how they drive home the impossibly long lives of the Elves in this, but conversely, they are going to have to compress the everloving shit out of Tolkien's Second Age timeline with the way they are setting things up. I get it, but it's gonna twist some panties for sure.
well Detective Galadriel doesnt sound too exciting to be honest, but if you dig on it. i guess i cant shit on ya for it. enjoy bro.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
well Detective Galadriel doesnt sound too exciting to be honest, but if you dig on it. i guess i cant shit on ya for it. enjoy bro.
Shrug, the first episode had some highlights and some nonsense but mostly just bored me. The pacing is better in the second one and I enjoyed it.

At this point, anyone who is either gushing over this or shitting all over it can safely be ignored. There's a ton of setup here and it'll all hinge on how things pay off over the rest of the season.
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> Than U
I've had it on what seems hours on, but not looked up at the TV to watch.
That's generally a bad sign for me.
Prime did add SG-1 back after over a year being off the service so there is that.

Haha. Triggered some faggots I see. I hope when you 2 get together and cry you don't monkeypox each other.
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  • 2Picard
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You'd think someone with his kind of money could afford a chick who didn't look like the
Joker out of makeup.

People forget not long ago-- he couldn't do better. If we're talking organic, and not just paying someone to pretend.


The new plastic nip tuck jet-set Bezos is a new phenom after his move to Los Angeles. The divorce lit a fire under his ass, or just the pressure of LA.

He fixed his posture, lost the geek look, and started anti-aging with his Hollywood pals.


Millie's Staff Member
People forget not long ago-- he couldn't do better. If we're talking organic, and not just paying someone to pretend.

View attachment 431161

The new plastic nip tuck jet-set Bezos is a new phenom after his move to Los Angeles. The divorce lit a fire under his ass, or just the pressure of LA.

He fixed his posture, lost the geek look, and started anti-aging with his Hollywood pals.
he's not a super ugly guy, she should be able to get a not super ugly girl. with his money he should be able to get a piece of eyecandy to birth beautiful kids for him, even a hot intelligent jewish girl with healthy milkers and a rich daddy shouldnt even be a problem for him. what the fuck is he doing?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
he's not a super ugly guy, she should be able to get a not super ugly girl. with his money he should be able to get a piece of eyecandy to birth beautiful kids for him, even a hot intelligent jewish girl with healthy milkers and a rich daddy shouldnt even be a problem for him. what the fuck is he doing?

I don't disagree. Just pointing out he comes from humble beginnings and traditional relationships.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
isnt the new woman the chick he was cheating with that cost him his marriage?

Yep and he went 25 years without infidelity. He wasn't a cheater. There were a lot of circumstances surrounding it. The Crown Prince is even said to have had his phone hacked and leaked it himself after Bezos backed out of a deal, allegedly. Some receipts have been posted of convos with Saudi Arabia indicating that the Prince isn't a big fan, allegedly, but the source remains unclear.


Potato del Grande
People forget not long ago-- he couldn't do better. If we're talking organic, and not just paying someone to pretend.

View attachment 431161

The new plastic nip tuck jet-set Bezos is a new phenom after his move to Los Angeles. The divorce lit a fire under his ass, or just the pressure of LA.

He fixed his posture, lost the geek look, and started anti-aging with his Hollywood pals.
She looks cute, a lot of "hot" women look worse than that but are plastered with makeup.

Imagine his new deformed woman without makeup. The eyes in particular will be drastically different.

I just can't respect this at all.


Trakanon Raider
This was pretty good overall I think. Great cinematography and set design, solid acting pretty much all around, story interesting enough to make me want to watch the next episode. GoT like attention to detail on sets, props etc - you can certainly see where they spent the money.

To my surprise, the actor I liked least was the guy playing Elrond - I don't think it's him, I suspect it's just my brain blue-screening at him not being Hugo Weaving - whenever he's onscreen it's just an instinctual 'nooope'.

Galadriel's actress is good and works well for the role - she certainly isn't unerringly correct and surrounded by stupid people - the mutiny seems unfair to start with, but when you find that not only has she taken them to the ass-end of the earth looking for someone confirmed dead, she's doing it against orders and has been for the last *thousand years* without finding anything. Early retirement with honors seems pretty fair from the point of view of people who don't know for certain that Sauron *did* survive, kind of.

I was also surprised that the Harfoots plus mystery wizard storyline was actually pretty entertaining. The harfoot girls do a great job I thought.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I come to this thread expecting a "Its pretty but the story is really boring and not thought out very well" approach and instead get a "Its not bad at all". The current thread reviews appear to give this show a lot more credit than I was expecting.

Fine then, I will go watch the show.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
To my surprise, the actor I liked least was the guy playing Elrond - I don't think it's him, I suspect it's just my brain blue-screening at him not being Hugo Weaving - whenever he's onscreen it's just an instinctual 'nooope'.

I remember the day there were complaints about Hugo Weaving playing Elrond, he was doing The Matrix and it was hard to not see Elrond as Agent Smith.

I am actually impressed with the cast so far, the primary thing that ruined WoT is the casting, almost every choice is just wrong there.

Regarding the mystery man, I wonder if it'll turn out to be Saruman? They clearly want us to believe it's Gandalf.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
The Stranger is probably one of the Blue Wizards who interfered with the the eastern or southern forces (think they said the Harfoots are based above Mordor?)
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