Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Egg Nazi
Race switching is woke.
race switching is woke, it just isnt everywhere in this show.

Actually its kind of funny how token they are about it. We've got a black elf and a black dwarf and a black hobbit. One of each. A couple other hobbits may have been some other brown race, it was hard to tell since they're all so dirty.

I'm waiting til we get exactly one black wizard and one black orc. Maybe they can have a scene where all the token blackwashed characters come together for a shot like the girl power scene in endgame.

fwiw I'm not defending the woke raceswapping, only saying its less pervasive than I feared from early discussions
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I was mad about it then. Some of us actually understand the effect art and culture have on society. And some of us stuff high fructose corn syrup in our gobs in various flavors while we consume product and get excited for next product.

We were never the same.

Little shit like swapping Nick "whogivesafuck" Fury didn't bother me. Plus it was Samuel Jackson in the movies playing him. It was cool. No wokeness there, it's Samuel Jackson!

Them swapping fuckin PERRIN for some retarded Puerto Rican. (Or whatever he is in the show) THAT bothered me. It's fuckin Perrin! May as well made Rand be played by Gary Coleman. I'm still pissed about the casting of WoT.

Them swapping some background dorf for Some chick off Good Times. Who cares? The issue is them shoving this chick on every magazine cover. Every commercial. Every whatever. I can absolutely see the issue with THAT!

Aaaaaaand then the bitch was on for two seconds. The worst, cringy two seconds of the two episodes...but it was quick thank god.
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Trakanon Raider
Lol, there were no black elves, hobbits and dwarves in jacksons movies, nor in tolkiens works. Suddenly they are everywhere. Bunch of leftists sjws in this thread desperately trying to deflect from the obvious, and pretend woke isnt what it is.
There were no pictures either in most of it, so idk how the fuck you know what color and look half the shit is supposed to have. Thankfully it literally makes no difference to the shit acting.
  • 2Picard
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<Silver Donator>
I found it entertaining that on the splash page looping video I see on Amazon's front page for this nonsense it doesn't show a SINGLE ONE of the race/gender swapped characters. Just a bunch of lilly white folks doing half assed LOTR cosplay...

Better adaptation IMHO?
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Millie's Staff Member
There were no pictures either in most of it, so idk how the fuck you know what color and look half the shit is supposed to have. Thankfully it literally makes no difference to the shit acting.
when you have a race of any creature, they are either one thing or something else. but they can not be both or all. got it? either make all the elves black or make all of them white, you cant pepper other races into a pure race
  • 1Picard
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Potato del Grande
They didn't gender nor race swap Captain Marvel though.

They were always different people taking up the name.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
For the race swapping debate. A long time ago, I wouldn't have cared about race swapping. But in today's day and age, white people can't do anything outside of their 100% white sphere's without being called colonizers and cultural appropriation. Blame the media for ramming it down our throats. They cast a black person as the king of england and as a norse god and we got "omg such diversity, such wow!", but never in a million years would they cast white people in black panther. Then you have white models being outright banned in Nigeria and once again the masses fall over how brave Nigeria is for protecting their "culture"

Back to this movie; So far the best reviews here seem to all sum up around "wasn't horrible, slightly boring, hope it gets better later". Can you imagine if Fellowship of the Ring came out and most of the reviews were "Wasn't horrible, hope The Two Towers is better"
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
To my surprise, the actor I liked least was the guy playing Elrond - I don't think it's him, I suspect it's just my brain blue-screening at him not being Hugo Weaving - whenever he's onscreen it's just an instinctual 'nooope'.

no, the problem is their facial bone structure is completely different. I don't really get why they didn't cast someone closer looking. The chin difference alone is jarring.


Trakanon Raider
when you have a race of any creature, they are either one thing or something else. but they can not be both or all. got it? either make all the elves black or make all of them white, you cant pepper other races into a pure race
I actually can't tell if this is sarcasm since this thread is so off the rails and everyone has lost their minds.
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Trakanon Raider
For the race swapping debate. A long time ago, I wouldn't have cared about race swapping. But in today's day and age, white people can't do anything outside of their 100% white sphere's without being called colonizers and cultural appropriation. Blame the media for ramming it down our throats. They cast a black person as the king of england and as a norse god and we got "omg such diversity, such wow!", but never in a million years would they cast white people in black panther. Then you have white models being outright banned in Nigeria and once again the masses fall over how brave Nigeria is for protecting their "culture"

Back to this movie; So far the best reviews here seem to all sum up around "wasn't horrible, slightly boring, hope it gets better later". Can you imagine if Fellowship of the Ring came out and most of the reviews were "Wasn't horrible, hope The Two Towers is better"
no sarcasm here, but it'll prob take society a few more hundred years of trying to even shit out before people stop calling for these kinds of faux reparations.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
no, the problem is their facial bone structure is completely different. I don't really get why they didn't cast someone closer looking. The chin difference alone is jarring.

Because it's not meant to be a direct prequel to the Jackson adaptation. Same universe, different adaptation.

It would be like if amazon got the rights to the game of thrones universe.


Trakanon Raider
You guys giving this shit a pass are all pathetic and its why everything good is now bad
I am not giving the show a pass, I think pacing/narration/acting hasn't been great. The race shit though is so boring and literally not relevant in any way to the story yet.

If Elronds parents show up and are mexicans I will def shit on it.
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