Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Good Place

Yeah that show really set a new floor didn't it.
It was based on shitty books so I don't know what people expected.
  • 1Solidarity
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It still astonished me that people who admit they are bored or don't like it, will continue to watch and effectively support something that's not good. How does most of society manage to stay alive with the lack of cognitive skills being displayed?

Because shows can get better and if a viewer sees somewhat good/decent things in the first couple episodes, they stick around in the hopes they expand on that sort of thing.

Alternatively I would say people who go "THIS SHOW TRASH LUL" after 1 episode astonish me. If Star Trek: The Next Generation came out today, I'm pretty sure half this board would swear off the show forever and never forgive it because the pilot episode was shit and there was a dude in a skirt uniform for some reason.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Should probably link them in thot thread

I was about to post them, but then saw that it was actually a black dude fucking that ass, and I deleted all of them. No hdd of mine is going to contain American Inventor on ugly action


Mr. Poopybutthole
Because shows can get better and if a viewer sees somewhat good/decent things in the first couple episodes, they stick around in the hopes they expand on that sort of thing.

Alternatively I would say people who go "THIS SHOW TRASH LUL" after 1 episode astonish me. If Star Trek: The Next Generation came out today, I'm pretty sure half this board would swear off the show forever and never forgive it because the pilot episode was shit and there was a dude in a skirt uniform for some reason.
Yeah totally the same thing you fucking clown.


<Gold Donor>
Because shows can get better and if a viewer sees somewhat good/decent things in the first couple episodes, they stick around in the hopes they expand on that sort of thing.

Alternatively I would say people who go "THIS SHOW TRASH LUL" after 1 episode astonish me. If Star Trek: The Next Generation came out today, I'm pretty sure half this board would swear off the show forever and never forgive it because the pilot episode was shit and there was a dude in a skirt uniform for some reason.
The difference being that an episodic television serial usually doesn't have volumes of history and lore and story that you can immediately see being tossed out. A more apt comparison would be the LOTR trilogy v. The Hobbit. Both have a set story that they should follow and it was easy to stick around in the LOTR, despite whatever qualms any may have found with things being changed or cut from the books, you had incentive to keep watching this story that you loved and see if it could keep wowing you and maintain cohesion with the books, which it did an amazingly great job at. It was immediately apparent in The Hobbit that things were going to be padded out to fill three movies and it was rightfully dumped on for messing with pacing and character development and adding out of place new characters from the get-go because it was telegraphed from the start. This was proudly declared and written based on not really giving two shits about whatever small chunk of lore that they could legally use and toss around outside of name recognition.

"I know where this story goes and they instantly fucked it all up" is a lot different than waiting for an episodic show with overarching elements mixed in with bottle episodes and individual episodes needed for brand new character development and growth. You can tell when production doesn't understand source material and you can forgive the writing in developing new source material as show progresses, these are two distinctly separate things and the latter should be minimal with this but is turning into a prime focus which was most peoples' worry.

For Tolkien's work you have a map to follow, for TNG they were being cartographers
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It still astonished me that people who admit they are bored or don't like it, will continue to watch and effectively support something that's not good. How does most of society manage to stay alive with the lack of cognitive skills being displayed?

Because pilot episodes are just introductions, that's why nearly all end with a hook e.g. Bran getting pushed after discovering incest or a mystery man landing in a meteor.

Also, I torrent everything except netflix and used amazon prime free trial for rop
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Potato del Grande
It still astonished me that people who admit they are bored or don't like it, will continue to watch and effectively support something that's not good. How does most of society manage to stay alive with the lack of cognitive skills being displayed?
Because they are lying to themselves, the show is good, but we all spent months shitting on the trailers and marketing wanting it to fail beause of their surface level tokenistic diverse casting.

However it's relying on mystery boxes, not plot or character, so there's a huge risk that it'll end in a disappointing canon destroying mess. It also has a Mary Sue.

In contrast House of the Dragon is relying on plot, suffering slightly from some underwhelming casting choices.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
It still astonished me that people who admit they are bored or don't like it, will continue to watch and effectively support something that's not good. How does most of society manage to stay alive with the lack of cognitive skills being displayed?
Who claimed that they didn't like it but will continue to watch anyway?

These episodes are plainly 90% setup. The potential for a solid show is there and while the first episode dragged I enjoyed most of episode two. It will thrive or it will crash and burn based on how it advances and balances all of the plot lines as the season progresses.

I'd be more concerned with the cognitive abilities of anyone already declaring this either a masterpiece or a dumpster fire. Reference the brigade of retards and edgelords here who parachuted in together claiming ".1 stars out of 10! Woke trash!!!11".


Tranny Chaser
I just don't know who gives a shit about any of this.

LOTR is a good story because it's about Sam and Frodo their epic, legend-worthy friendship, and their antithesis, Gollum, while also having good B stories about Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, etc. The world itself is just not that interesting.

We need more diversity.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All these brave powerful women warriors, so defiant, so strong, independent, talking down to and saving their weak men/sons, proving them wrong throughout the show. They should rename to the show to, LOTR: The Women of Power. Don't forget the smartest of hobbits, is a strong black male.
The show was so filled with crap and just all around boring that I started skipping through most of it.

The only rememberable, and interesting part was the broken sword part. The majority of the two episodes was just women and men arguing over shit, and the women proving their men wrong.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
It still astonished me that people who admit they are bored or don't like it, will continue to watch and effectively support something that's not good. How does most of society manage to stay alive with the lack of cognitive skills being displayed?
Huh? Some of us just watched the one episode to try and be fair to the show but quickly realized how shit it is and blatant cash grap without any love to the original work

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
I was going to reply to the remark about Galadriel being a Mary Sue, but its Chris so that explains so much. Galadriel is one of the most powerful folks there is who isn't a Maiar. Granted I dont recall her being a sword master but rather a wizard, but her power level is 11.

The two episodes boil down to this... Moat of the Elf shit good. Galadriel jumping off the boat on the far side of an ocean is pants on head retarded though. At least she didnt solo the sea wurm with her dagger.

The human stuff is meh, but the story element they have is interesting. The single mom with the teen son who will fall to corruption is just so bad. "I dont have a daddy around and my mom wants Black Elf BBC so i am gonna be bad" is just fail.

Dwarves are pretty good, except for Durin's wife but that horse will be beaten well past the horse's death.

Hobbits? Bad. Like really bad. If they hadnt added (Saruman?) I would fast forward through them. It has been a long ass time since i read the source material but i dont recall hobbits even being a thing before the 3rd age. So all of this is basically made up shit i believe.

Elf stuff - B+
Dwarf stuff - B
Human stuff - C
Hobbits - F

Ps.. the orcs were pretty well done. Strong and evil. Orcs get an A-
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