Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


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<Gold Donor>
“In my world” Nick Fury was an ancillary character at best until portrayed by Sam Jackson.

Yeah I said it.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Selectively edit out the part where I already addressed this, what a fucking piece of shit you are.
Nenya provided the power of preservation and concealment, not the power to bounce Sauron out of Dol Guldur (or much of anything else other than stated in extremely vague terms). Even in the Hobbit movie she's shown using the light of Earendil from her phial to help drive Sauron off. Nowhere that I can recall is it stated that the ring had anything directly to do with her role in Dol Guldur either in Tolkien's text or in that Jacksion-invented scene, but if I'm completely fucking wrong or if that's your interpretation, fine, conceded.

But she's displayed nothing remotely at that power level in the show to this point. She's extremely old, a leader, has had centuries of practice to learn how to swing a sword, and apparently makes retarded decisions when cruising into the middle of the sea. None of that screams Mary Sue. For fuck's sake she's already had to be rescued...by a man.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Chris Chris You mentioned, twice IIRC, a "mystery box" being used. See, that's *not* Tolkien. Yet it's marketed and sold as Tolkien. Sell your shit as Bezos Fairy Land, IDGAF. Tolkien, fuck no.
Anyone saying they liked "Galadriel".. WTF, she's clearly the worst parts of this, together with not-Hobbits. Arrogant, ignorant, dismissive, yet destined to "win" and always be right (read: Mary Sue through and through).
Using quotes because that's not Galadriel. She's not Cap, Hulk, or Thor.. She's Scarlet Witch. She's a seer/mage, not a brawler. But hey, now that Femrond is a sissy (possibly homosexual, must investigate further; Sauron's journal, 1985 2nd Age), someone has to pick up a sword.
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Potato del Grande
Chris Chris You mentioned, twice IIRC, a "mystery box" being used. See, that's *not* Tolkien. Yet it's marketed and sold as Tolkien. Sell your shit as Bezos Fairy Land, IDGAF. Tolkien, fuck no.
Anyone saying they liked "Galadriel".. WTF, she's clearly the worst parts of this, together with not-Hobbits. Arrogant, ignorant, dismissive, yet destined to "win" and always be right (read: Mary Sue through and through).
Using quotes because that's not Galadriel. She's not Cap, Hulk, or Thor.. She's Scarlet Witch. She's a seer/mage, not a brawler. But hey, now that Femrond is a sissy (possibly homosexual, must investigate further; Sauron's journal, 1985 2nd Age), someone has to pick up a sword.
Yeah I totally agree, if the show fails it will be for these reasons.


Millie's Staff Member
Because they are lying to themselves, the show is good, but we all spent months shitting on the trailers and marketing wanting it to fail beause of their surface level tokenistic diverse casting.

However it's relying on mystery boxes, not plot or character, so there's a huge risk that it'll end in a disappointing canon destroying mess. It also has a Mary Sue.

In contrast House of the Dragon is relying on plot, suffering slightly from some underwhelming casting choices.
no lies here, i didnt want to see it and i havent seen it. i'm just here to be a pest til i get bored and fuck off somewhere else
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FPS noob
Amazon's biggest TV debut ever, 25m global viewers in first 24 hours

by comparison House of Dragons was 10m after 24 hours and 20m after a week, although Amazon Prime is available in far more countries than US. Amazon is only showing global numbers not "countries that pay a lot more for AP", but it obviously makes sense to trumpet the biggest number you can. Surprised they didn't try the Netflix trick, "Users watched 500m hours of Rings of Power in its first 24 hours!"

Whats interesting is when I look at IPT, a fairly popular private torrent site, ROP e1 is at ~6500 snatches after almost 48 hours. Episode 1 of HoTD was around 10k after 24 hours and is currently at 24k snatches after exactly 2 weeks. Can't really do a ton of correlation there but so far pirates were a bit more interested in HoTD than ROP.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Amazon's biggest TV debut ever, 25m global viewers in first 24 hours

by comparison House of Dragons was 10m after 24 hours and 20m after a week, although Amazon Prime is available in far more countries than US. Amazon is only showing global numbers not "countries that pay a lot more for AP", but it obviously makes sense to trumpet the biggest number you can. Surprised they didn't try the Netflix trick, "Users watched 500m hours of Rings of Power in its first 24 hours!"

Whats interesting is when I look at IPT, a fairly popular private torrent site, ROP e1 is at ~6500 snatches after almost 48 hours. Episode 1 of HoTD was around 10k after 24 hours and is currently at 24k snatches after exactly 2 weeks. Can't really do a ton of correlation there but so far pirates were a bit more interested in HoTD than ROP.

Could be that everyone has prime but not HBO so more people need to pirate HoD but can just watch ROP since they already pay for prime.
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Millie's Staff Member
Amazon's biggest TV debut ever, 25m global viewers in first 24 hours

by comparison House of Dragons was 10m after 24 hours and 20m after a week, although Amazon Prime is available in far more countries than US. Amazon is only showing global numbers not "countries that pay a lot more for AP", but it obviously makes sense to trumpet the biggest number you can. Surprised they didn't try the Netflix trick, "Users watched 500m hours of Rings of Power in its first 24 hours!"

Whats interesting is when I look at IPT, a fairly popular private torrent site, ROP e1 is at ~6500 snatches after almost 48 hours. Episode 1 of HoTD was around 10k after 24 hours and is currently at 24k snatches after exactly 2 weeks. Can't really do a ton of correlation there but so far pirates were a bit more interested in HoTD than ROP.

that number is straight up BULLSHIT. they tracked the internet searches for Rings of Power and it was not even a blip compared to HoTD which everyone actually watched.
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Lord of Guk
that number is straight up BULLSHIT. they tracked the internet searches for Rings of Power and it was not even a blip compared to HoTD which everyone actually watched.

Your analytical insight is once again outstanding, stick to the trilby shopping gramps.

Subscribers: Amazon prime 200 million vs HBO Max 40 million. BUT BUT THEY DIDN'T GOOGLE IT.

Literally described as the most powerful being in Middle Earth by the third age (barring Tom due to his strength being indifference) but because she does some warrior shit - TOTAL MARY SUE. Gavin cannot help his natual state, the rest of you trying to claim this bullshit, shame on you.

Outside of some of the silly casting, first 2 episodes are better than expected. But a number of you spent weeks foaming about the show being woke trash and now your pride requires you to double down. Ironic giving Tolkien's major theme regarding the nature of evil in Men.
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Millie's Staff Member
Your analytical insight is once again outstanding, stick to the trilby shopping gramps.

Subscribers: Amazon prime 200 million vs HBO Max 40 million. BUT BUT THEY DIDN'T GOOGLE IT.

Literally described as the most powerful being in Middle Earth by the third age (barring Tom due to his strength being indifference) but because she does some warrior shit - TOTAL MARY SUE. Gavin cannot help his natual state, the rest of you trying to claim this bullshit, shame on you.

Outside of some of the silly casting, first 2 episodes are better than expected. But a number of you spent weeks foaming about the show being woke trash and now your pride requires you to double down. Ironic giving Tolkien's major theme regarding the nature of evil in Men.
i got an Orvis fedora today. thanks for asking, sonny.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
by comparison House of Dragons was 10m after 24 hours and 20m after a week, although Amazon Prime is available in far more countries than US.

Can someone translate spronk spronk speak into English for me? Is he saying Amazon Prime is available in more Countries than HBO Max? Because if so, he's being retarded again - Countries without HBO Max, like the UK, have their own channels that show HBO series.


<Silver Donator>
I feel like I have to chime in here.

I saw the Fellowship of the Ring at a midnight showing on opening night. I have read the source material more times than almost any other text. So, I watched the first 2 episodes on Prime.

I think I get what they are trying to do (which is EXACTLY what Game of Thrones is trying to do) except I think, so far, they are doing it better. If you are going to take well known (shit, practically worshiped) source material and squeeze out scores of hours of a new series, it had better be done with extraordinary reverence and caution. House of the Dragon blew it, I think. But then again, I probably cannot really speak to that since, on two separate occasions, I was unable to stay awake during it. I did listen to a podcast about HotD and, even with the hosts going over every detail of the characters' lineages and the way they may tie-into GoT, even THEY couldn't say the show was good. They even described it as "humorless." And now comes The Rings of Power doing precisely the same.

BUT I stayed awake. Shit, I even am probably going to re-watch the original Lord of the Rings because of it. I won't go back and re-watch GoT. The production values are wicked-high. The cast doesn't shine yet, but they may. I am interested in the second-age story, and I hope they don't fuck it all to hell. But they have about 6 pages of total textual background from little snippets in the Silmarilllion and some appendices on Lord of the Rings. But what the hell? If they are smart, reverent to Tolkien and willing to spend cash on writing and character development, it may actually work. PS- The Silmarilllion will NEVER be readable. Go ahead, try...

I am putting a shit ton on one little detail for this season. Let's see what happens with my thought-experiment/gamble. IF they get through the entire first season and not a single ring is forged, I think they will fuck the whole thing up. Pacing is already an issue with episode 2. If they get on with the story and can construct a reasonable arc for the first year (including making at least ONE FUCKING RING), then I think they will have a chance at crafting something meaningful for a few years before creative attrition.

It's a good looking show that has a chance. I'm in so far. As for HoTD, man it sucks already but I probably will watch all of it anyway...

Peter Jackson understood how to treat the original texts. I am hoping this team knows how to craft a new text.
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FPS noob
They've never crafted anything in their life.


did the orc stuff in episode 2 feel like Tremors to anyone else

some rando twitter guy said amazon counts anyone who watched either episode for 30 seconds as part of the 25m but I dunno if thats true.
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<Silver Donator>
They certainly failed when it came to recreating Tolkien's Elves.
I'm not sure on that yet. True enough that elves existed in the second age in the Lord of the Rings. Elrond was present when Sauron was defeated. But, as everyone's favorite meme can remind us, a lot can change in 3000 years... I don't think there are wizards yet, however. We'll see- they certainly are teasing us with the man who fell from the skies. He landed in what looked like an eye of fire (Sauron tease) and looks like Gandalf.

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