Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just finished watching both episodes. I like it. I think it is going to develop the story and characters well. I don't give a flying fart about the black actors, whatever. The production quality is good, the acting is passable, the effects are good, the scenery is beautiful. And I have to disagree with Dashel Dashel - sorry dude, Howard Shore's opening theme is quite good. And I like the underscoring, too. Don't know who did it, but it feels nearly on par with the LOTR movie underscoring.

I'll have to re-listen to the intro. I'm talking more like the Harfoot music vs the Shire:

So compare this:

To this:

The Harfoot sounds like you just walked into the Disney Animal kingdom theme park. Ridiculous.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'll have to re-listen to the intro. I'm talking more like the Harfoot music vs the Shire:

So compare this:

To this:

The Harfoot sounds like you just walked into the Disney Animal kingdom theme park. Ridiculous.

Harfoot sounds like some old school rpg game music.
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Millie's Staff Member
I'm okay with dwarves (and dwarf women) being black. They're like coal-miners and they don't like to shower: It would be seen as racist to have them in blackface, right?

View attachment 431656
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Tranny Chaser
Just finished watching both episodes. I like it. I think it is going to develop the story and characters well. I don't give a flying fart about the black actors, whatever. The production quality is good, the acting is passable, the effects are good, the scenery is beautiful. And I have to disagree with Dashel Dashel - sorry dude, Howard Shore's opening theme is quite good. And I like the underscoring, too. Don't know who did it, but it feels nearly on par with the LOTR movie underscoring.
  • 12Worf
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Tranny Chaser
I mean aren't Dwarven women supposed to be ugly af or so manly you can't tell the sexes apart?

I thought the first episode was ok, but got bored as fuck and didn't finish the second.

Something is missing. Something is added.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Harfioot sounds like some weird tribal and maybe scottish/gaelic mix. When they come on screen those drums or whatever they are play and takes me right out of it.
This all feels like a very expensive show made by amateurs. They're able to accomplish great visual effects but the way they do it has no impact. Not the fault of the effects people or even actors. It's just haphazard and generic feeling. We don't follow anyone. It's all distinct stories with nothing to tie it together like Frodo and Sam in Fellowship. Nobody to care about and we're 2 hours in.

Galadriel is probably the most developed and she's completely unrelatable and bland.

It could just be a slow start but it's bad so far.
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Tranny Chaser

I kinda like this npc, feel like he should have his own show. Memba that other wanker elf scooting on a shield?
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I'll have to re-listen to the intro. I'm talking more like the Harfoot music vs the Shire:

So compare this:

To this:

The Harfoot sounds like you just walked into the Disney Animal kingdom theme park. Ridiculous.

Okay, fair enough. I'm not saying you are wrong at this point, you have a very valid point. While watching it the music didn't bother me, and I noticed several times that I rather enjoyed it. Maybe I've lowered my standards too far...
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Avatar of War Slayer
View attachment 431670View attachment 431672
Something is missing. Something is added.
When watching the Dwarf scenes, that was also my thought. The beard would have made her character much better and I don't see why they decided to take it out. It even fits the woke agenda of "women" being able to have traits that are purely male (in humans) and still being considered beautiful enough (for a dwarf) to ascend to the highest station.

I like the dark iron dwarf aesthetic, and it wouldn't hurt my immersion, if only she had a beard (and red eyes).

The character was annoying, but not every character need to be likeable for me to enjoy a show/movie. For example, I hated Éowyn, yet Two Towers is one my top 10 movies ever made.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
whatever you think some of the CGI in the show is great, too bad most of its in the "10 minute history ok you ain't seeing any of this shit again" . I mean this shit looks like Elden Ring

View attachment 431666
"Hey, what are the nerds into these days? Elden Ring, right? Hey visual effects team, give us a scene with some nerd shit!"

ROFL is this a real scene?
  • 2Worf
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Yes, J.R.R. Tolkien, who died in 1973, did indeed rip off the video game Elden Ring.
  • 3Worf
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<Silver Donator>
Someone is going to have to explain what happens to all the black harfoots and elves and dwarves between the second and third age?

Maybe this?

  • 5Worf
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