Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
star wars love GIF by Hyper RPG
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The old man in the falling star better not be Gandalf, because they all specifically came via boat and were met by the elves in Lindon at the port. And if he is not (or any of the other Istari for that matter because they call came the same way), then who the fuck is he?

I thought slim shady was Sauron? No way is it boat dude, since Sauron's persona in this age is very much spelled out (as the mysterious Maia "Annatar" who seeks to do good/help the elves make middle earth better). Not some shipwreck human.

Harfoots boring as fuck. I actually like the sternness of the negro elf. Galadriel as warrior-princess totally removes her from the ethereal godess like thing she was in LotR. We did not need Galadriel to take center stage in all this shit.
This show is to lore as democrats are to laws.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Can't believe I'm about to say this, but this show is... good... Very good, even.
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Millie's Staff Member
Galadriel in this...nice? lol yeah sure he watched it.
thats as good as it gets for honesty with him. i am also sure he thinks Tolkien is spinning in his grave only because the men are jerks and cowards. he's not a fan of Billbro and Negromer, but he cant say it.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Galadriel is neither smart nor nice in this. I classify jumping into the ocean as dumb rather than brave.
She needs an arc though I suppose so let's say it's room for growth.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually I'm gonna have to agree with Zignor, dude didn't watch or read about the show at all but thinks being critical of it is the right play for the image he's trying to project.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Galadriel in this...nice? lol yeah sure he watched it.

Yeah, Elon's is a bad take. We'll see where it goes from here, but you've got to be trying pretty hard to be offended at this point in the show.

Galadriel so far is a badass, sure, but she clearly has her flaws (and doesn't seem particularly "nice: or "smart" so much as young, brash, and stubborn). And has others have pointed out, she has already been mentored, reprimanded, and saved by male characters. The eye rolling "powerful woman" stuff you see is when a woman character has seemingly been designed with the express purpose of hammering home the "I'm a powerful woman and I don't need a man" trope, which (so far) I'm definitely not getting here.

I also really like the reflection of the stars in the water parable as a theme for Galadriel's character. There's a certain amount of darkness to it that makes it interesting and portends her future moments with Frodo in the Mirror of Galadriel scene.

Overall it's very well thought out. The writers are clearly very familiar with the original material and have done a really good job extrapolating on it in a way that makes sense and fairly respects the lore. They have taken a few liberties (they kind of have to based on the era) and you could definitely nitpick, but imo it's soild- so far.

I'm also glad most of the dialog seems to be written for adults and the diction feels pretty "Tolkienish", especially the elves. Dialog like the scene where a character said "the ground here is riven with fissures" feels much more in line with Tolkien's writing than if they had said something like "look at all these holes in the ground."

It's also a little bit gritty, as others have mentioned. This is something I was particularly worried about. Being at least a little gritty and morally messy is something all the shows I like have in common. This show needed to have a little of that Deadwood/Rome/GoT grit in it to be worth watching imo.

On the race stuff- The black elf seemed unusual to me for all of about 60 seconds (just because we aren't used to seeing it really) and then it felt perfectly fine. You can tell Arondir is an elf by the way he acts/talks/carries himself. It turns out elves don't all need to be light skinned to feel like elves- not to me anyway.

Most of all, the story is actually pretty fucking interesting. The characters (so far) seem to have some depth. Even the hypersensitive critical reviewers acknowledge that there is plenty to be captivated by in the first 2 episodes- most of them anyway.

Still plenty of time for the show to jump the shark and become some sort of woke mess, but so far it's very good.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Except he isn't wrong about Tolkien turning over in his grave from this trash, he just doesn't actually know why that's true.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Finally decided to watch half of the first episode because of the fucking LULZ Elden Ring image(it was real, lmao), before turning it off.

The ONLY thing I like is that their handling of elves (other than Black Legolas) is pretty well done. Every elf is almost exactly what I picture when I picture high-elves. Galadriel's brother was EXACTLY what I picture.
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