Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider


All they had to do was click on Episode 2 and they didn't. Both episodes dropped at the same time.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
WTF is this supposed to be?

I'm not watching this mess, but I have a dipshit friend that is and he deserve all the harassment I can throw his way.
Nah, like zignor 4 said, it's the creature from Splice. First thing that the RoP Xauron reminded me of, and the fact that it actually does wear a fake crown in one scene was the icing on the shit cake.

I can't imagine them actually making that thing Sauron, though. It's only 2022 so they can't cast a nonbinary as a villain.


FPS noob
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science


did finish my rewatch of the OG trilogy (extended editions) and first time watch of The Hobbit movies (extended), took about 3 weeks total, kids who had never seen it loved it. The first two Hobbit movies are not actually that bad, although Radagast sucks and Azog is shit. Still, by the third you just don't care about anyone and thats a bummer. Also way, way, way less Smaug in the 3 movies than I expected, I wonder why that was.

Fellowship-TTT-ROTK still holds up though as 10/10 movies, its sad to see how after 20 years the IP has been brutalized so badly now with ROP.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Man, that review had some great moments. "Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?!" "A BIG ASS TRENCH"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just watched the 3 episodes and didn't read any reviews or spoilers.

What a flaming POS show.

1/10 is too high.

Dumpster fire, garbage. FU amazon..

Seriously pissed that they could butcher JRRT like this.

Anyone sticking up for this shit is on my list.

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Trump's Staff
Really into this so far.

Great effects and excellent set design. Whoever is directing the settings has a clear and believable vision of Arda. Costumes are very good for TV and really do the job.

Pacing is slow so far but that makes sense considering they’re setting up a 40+ hour narrative and have to give so much background. The compression of the timeline for TV purposes while still staying true to the spirit of the second age events so far is appreciated.

Dwarves were great and I think the Queen was acted with the right ‘tone’ I’d imagine for a female Dwarf. Elves are believably ancient and dignified without being totally faggy like in the Jackson treatment. The roughshod precursors to the Hobbits are also really well done and I dig the whole primitive/nomadic angle. Seeing the development of Hobbit traditions in some of the scenes is a pleasant thing. The Orcs are excellent thus far.

The acting is passable and I think there’s pretty decent chemistry between Elrond and Galadriel as presented.

I’m excited to watch more.
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