Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


FPS noob
if that was true though Amazon would have bought the Zaetz group sale of the full LOTR IP when it was on sale this year for the estimated $2b ask, instead Embracer group bought it for a MUCH cheaper price (estimates are $250-300m + profit participation) last month. Those are all the rights to the full books, the Peter Jackson movies, games, movies, OG characters, Silmarion, etc. Something is weird but nobody really will talk about it.

Bezos also retired as CEO last year and is just the chairman, while anything he wants still gets done he seems mostly focused on going into space and fucking his new wife and doing whatever crazy shit to his body that has turned him into a 30 year old physically.


Avatar of War Slayer
Bezos also retired as CEO last year and is just the chairman, while anything he wants still gets done he seems mostly focused on going into space and fucking his new wife and doing whatever crazy shit to his body that has turned him into a 30 year old physically.
It's nothing new, the magic of HGH administered by the best medical staff money can buy and the best personal training team that money can buy.

Had a boss (owner of the company) at one time that was in his late 40s and jacked like a 20 year old on roids. He loved his HGH. Said it had all the benefits of steroids without the downsides for your cardiovascular system and other various roid issues. Of course he also payed good money for actual medically trained people to plan his drug use.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's nothing new, the magic of HGH administered by the best medical staff money can buy and the best personal training team that money can buy.

Had a boss (owner of the company) at one time that was in his late 40s and jacked like a 20 year old on roids. He loved his HGH. Said it had all the benefits of steroids without the downsides for your cardiovascular system and other various roid issues. Of course he also payed good money for actual medically trained people to plan his drug use.

It's an amazing fat burner (you cant inject it into the same locations in the fat and have to rotate locations because it doesn't just cause overall fat loss via metabolic changes, it's also capable of causing site-specific fatloss at the site itself locally. if you inject the same location with GH you can put a hole in your fat too quickly and look stupid on one side) Transforms the skin as well. collagen synthesis through the roof. skin elasticity 250%+ adds fullness and healthy water levels underneath, contributing to an overall transformation in skin quality. declining collagen synthesis is a major age marker.

everyone on a GH regimen has "that look" and 90% of it has nothing to do with muscle mass itself, but rather the collagen synthesis boost and overall leanness. its such a potent fat burner.
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Tranny Chaser
are you trying to get me to watch nogger dorfs or whatever the fuck this is?
book patrick GIF

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Tranny Chaser
thats not gonna happen as an eq1 player, i have a distinct hatred of lotr being a ranger and seeing

llllllleglas shouts in world chat "YOU HAVE MY BOW"

Don't worry, Negrolas is far cooler. No joke.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
other than the special effect grandiose scenes, and the orcs, the black elf may be the only decent character/thing on this show full of clown actors

Funny thing is it's probably an accident because bad stiff acting lends itself to portraying a more accurate tolkien elf.
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Millie's Staff Member
i didnt know that the showrunner for House Of The Dragon was a disgruntled ex Amazon employee.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I can't say it's remotely shocking that the company that is dumping millions into a glorified fanfic, owns IMDB, and is desperate enough to waste ink trying to advertise this shit on the boxes and envelopes people toss right into the garbage is also straight up buying reviews, especially when the all glowing praise reeks of it. Now what would be really interesting is to find out the true cost of RoP when factoring all of the additional efforts trying to paint their loose stool gold.

The funny thing is that they could have probably just made something with the sole aim of being good and with actual passion for a hell of a lot less money and effort.
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<Gold Donor>
Jesus, if the Doomcock leaked viewer numbers are right about this they're completely fucked. Apparently they had less total viewership over the first two (possibly three) episodes than House of the Dragon had for its premiere and viewers are just about dropping in half each episode (6m -> 3m -> 1.5/2m)
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Avatar of War Slayer
Jesus, if the Doomcock leaked viewer numbers are right about this they're completely fucked. Apparently they had less total viewership over the first two (possibly three) episodes than House of the Dragon had for its premiere and viewers are just about dropping in half each episode (6m -> 3m -> 1.5/2m)
I mean, it is getting tough reawtching each episode 10 times out of spite, so I will probably have to cut back to 5 next episode, but still, I want everyone that bought Fallout 3 to know that they should all burn in hell for helping defiling the greatest IP of all time.

As for last episode in particular, it's following the same pattern as Wheel of Time, in that I find each episode less and less interesting. On numerous occasions I found it rather difficult not to tab over to something else. At least by the time I got to my 4th rewatch. The first couple times were some real edge of your seat shit.