Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
err ok. i guess what i was saying is Galadriel can read minds, but if she runs across someone's mind she cant read, that means they must be as powerful or more so than she. would be super easy to tell who the baddie is.
But what if said bad guy knows you read minds and doesn't block you but feeds you bullshit mundane thoughts. He's hiding and knows how to hide. James Bond doesn't erase his past as a secret agent, he creates a plausible cover story. Sauron would do the same here, i.e. Annatar or whatever, Lord of Gifts to the Numenoreans.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
But what if said bad guy knows you read minds and doesn't block you but feeds you bullshit mundane thoughts. He's hiding and knows how to hide. James Bond doesn't erase his past as a secret agent, he creates a plausible cover story. Sauron would do the same here, i.e. Annatar or whatever, Lord of Gifts to the Numenoreans.

its like those streamers who scam scammers. They create a virtual sandbox on their computer, lets the scammers in there, the scammers are happy thinking they are in control
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Pay to play forum
Fucking mysteries everywhere. Feels like Alan Kurtzman wrote this.

Also I like diversity elf the most of all of them. But of course they have to build in a sappy love story for him.
Just feels cheap and lazy.


Millie's Staff Member
But what if said bad guy knows you read minds and doesn't block you but feeds you bullshit mundane thoughts. He's hiding and knows how to hide. James Bond doesn't erase his past as a secret agent, he creates a plausible cover story. Sauron would do the same here, i.e. Annatar or whatever, Lord of Gifts to the Numenoreans.
ok, but mind reading doesnt work that way. you can either mine someone's head for info or you cant. its not like a book. its like a library of books.
  • 1Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
ok, but mind reading doesnt work that way. you can either mine someone's head for info or you cant. its not like a book. its like a library of books.
not that i'm giving an credence to this argument one way or another, but in kotor 2, kriea, your mentor, asks you to use the force to reach out and read your companions minds and one of your companions, Atton Rand, is constantly just reciting nonsense in his head; bad jokes, engine schematics, etc. at first both you and kriea think nothing of it, and consider him an idiot who is probably just memorizing things in order to either impress people or not screw up, probably both... but much later on in the game you find out that while he's not force sensitive, he's a spy who was trained to fool force users by constantly keeping his mind busy with mundane things.

i always liked that idea and i'm sure sauron could do something similar to throw off his scent to people around him. the other side of the argument is the moral aspect of reading people's minds. when she does it in LOTR, i always took it as her judging the worthiness of the fellowship to complete it's task, i got the impression that while she COULD do that with anyone and everyone, she didn't. or at the very least, only did it as a security measure for strangers entering her lands and just reading intent. with most of them it's just sort of a passing thing except for boromir whom she senses isn't entirely on the up and up.

am i misremembering that scene?

anyway, it's obviously a plot hole even for tolkien but it's also an area that is really not at all explored by tolkien so it doesn't really matter in that aspect. galadriel in this show is pretty different from galadriel in the books. a friend of mine is watching this and isn't really very knowledgeable when it comes to tolkien, but he's excited about exploring galadriel's life while she is so young and i'm just like... that's the thing though, she's NOT young. yes, shes like 4000 years younger than she was in LOTR, but she was around in the first age, she's still one of the oldest elves around, being something like a great aunt to the king of the elves. she shouldn't acting ALL THAT DIFFERENTLY than how she is in LOTR, but here we are.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
but she was around in the first age, she's still one of the oldest elves around, being something like a great aunt to the king of the elves. she shouldn't acting ALL THAT DIFFERENTLY than how she is in LOTR, but here we are.
and yet still manages to remind a HUMAN of his CHILDREN.



Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
in the movie, Galadriel was able to find each's true thoughts and desires. which would be through a deep scan. either way, i dont care. this show will never be the movie.
I don't mean to defend this heaping pile of trash but Sauron fooled a lot of people, even powerful elves, although I think they gave him the boot from Linden right away (he got the boot from one place right away, then when someone else to forge the rings, and then went to Numenor where he ruined their entire civilization after being captured., IIRC). Whomever said they know Tolkien when doing this show, maybe so but they are ignoring him completely in many cases. Fuck this show and fuck Amazon overall for doing it this way.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't mean to defend this heaping pile of trash but Sauron fooled a lot of people, even powerful elves, although I think they gave him the boot from Linden right away (he got the boot from one place right away, then when someone else to forge the rings, and then went to Numenor where he ruined their entire civilization after being captured., IIRC). Whomever said they know Tolkien when doing this show, maybe so but they are ignoring him completely in many cases. Fuck this show and fuck Amazon overall for doing it this way.
I mean he even fooled Galadriel when you come down to it. Her suspicion may have ultimately led to Celebrimbor forging the Three in secret (which was a really big deal), but they didn't stop all the other shit Sauron managed to do in the guise of Annatar.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Kill Me Now GIF
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Side questiom, do you know where I can go to get an Anduril replica from the LOTR movies?


Millie's Staff Member
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Avatar of War Slayer
Side questiom, do you know where I can go to get an Anduril replica from the LOTR movies?

think that is only official one.
looks like there is higher end ones now
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Potato del Grande
Which makes it all the more jarring and irritating that they botched Galadriel so badly. I sort of get why they decided to make her a protagonist. She's a familiar character, she's old, wise, and powerful, lived in the Age of the Trees, and was very active during the First Age. All of that should help her to anchor the show to the past while connecting it to the present story. Not only that, Tolkien wrote about her activities in Second Age only minimally, providing the writers with essentially a clean slate with which to craft some stuff for her to do.
The problem is that there is a difference between the "main character" and "protagonist" which most people don't know about because in most things they can be the same person.

The main character is the fated person the story is about, the protagonist is a newcomer to the fantasy world who asks all the questions you are asking.

Harry Potter is a main character, he is the prophesied chosen one to defeat Voldemort. Harry Potter also the protagonist, he knows nothing about the wizarding world, just like you. This is why being an orphan, secret powers and crossing to another world is so common in fantasy.

Sherlock Holmes is a main character, he solves all of the mysteries. John Watson is a protagonist, he's not on Sherlock's level like most readers so the solution has to be explained to him (and therefore the reader).

Galadriel is a 5000 year old sorceress of great power, knowledge and charisma. She knows everything, she cannot be a protagonist. Pairing her up with an unreliable mystery box rogue doesn't help, he's not a protagonist either.

This is also why Game of Thrones is better than House of the Dragon. The Stark children were excellent protagonists. Alicent and Rhaynera are OK protagonists but aging them up and recasting could be trouble.
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Potato del Grande
Aside from the fact that it's a bunch of nonsensical bullshit that you just made up? No.
I did Game Design/Programming at University and studied narrative design, so fuck you I have an actual qualification in this.
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