RIP(or is it RIH?) Hugo Chavez


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
What is Putin doing to "rig" elections exactly?
probably just good ole fashioned ballot stuffing then used a war as a distraction to divert attention during any period that backlash would be felt.

March 2000

Despite being the nominee of a man, Yeltsin, who enjoyed single-digit public approval ratings in polls, Vladimir Putin is elected "president" of Russia in a massive landslide (he wins nearly twice as many votes as his nearest competitor). Shortly thereafter, all hell breaks loose in Chechnya. Russia will ultimately be convicted of human rights violations before the European Court for Human Rights and condemned for its abuses of the civilian population by every human rights organization under the sun.

[Between April 2000 and March 2002, Russia plunges into a nightmarish conflict in Chechnya eerily similar to what America now faces in Iraq. Opposition journalists, especially those who dare to report on what it going on in Chechnya, suddenly start dying. In 2000 alone, reporters Igor Domnikov, Sergey Novikov, Iskandar Khatloni, Sergey Ivanov and Adam Tepsurgayev are murdered -- not by hostile fire in Chechnya but in blatant assassinations at home in Russia.

(tangential note: Russia has extremely tight gun control laws and these guys where mostly shot)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Besides the really silly notion of "stealing" the 2004 election, Obama has done everything else you've listed outside of the attorneys. In fact, in some cases - like violation of human rights and assaulting democracy, he's doing it more so.Is Gitmo closed yet?Are we killing american citizens without due process now?Are we still handing out cash to cronies in form of no bid contracts?

Yep. But I know, republicans are vastly worse than democrats, so all this is okay. np. This is all just rabblerabblerabble. fingers in your ears. Who cares. no big deal. etc.
consensus, at least as far as I can tell, outside the US after 4 years of Obama is that the US are beyond saving. Either party will continue the course.
Quit while you're behind, bro.
Please. First of all, there's 147 cars per 1000 people in Venezuela. If his family had one (even an old one) he wasn't lower middle anything. Second of all, I don't give a shit about this story. I have no way to verify that it's not 100% made up (and we already know the truth was bent ever so slightly right at the start). Third, even if it's true what's his link to Chavez? Did Chavez hand out nut-zappin' orders? It's fucking nonsense.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Not that I give a shit but, let's see.

Lived there 28 years of my life, the last 6 in downtown Caracas. Lower middle class here, shared one car with 3 people (an old car) we managed to cover some necessities (I would of course escape by playing video games on a crappy desktop). Back in college Chavez closed down a TV station and we were protesting it (this is 2007). I was detained by his political police saying we had guns and grenades (bullshit, we didn't even have stones) and tortured us for 4 days, in my case they would throw iced water at me, gave me food with maggots, put electrodes in my testicles and discharged electricity, kicked me in the face several times and almost lost an eye and finally before they released me they made cuts in my arm saying they would kill me and make it look like a suicide.
After they released me they kept constantly harassing me, I was now "on the list", I was a "CIA operative" a "traitor" and a soldout to the "elite". I mean, some student who was living on almost minimum wage sharing a small apartment in a shitty place. When I was kidnapped briefly in early 2011 and my mother begging me to leave the country (and her having a small heart attack due to it) I came to the US (I have a brother in here) found a job and now trying to get my life in order.

So there. Believe what you will, I did live under his government for 14 years of my life.
typical "revolutionary" thugs if true. caudillo strikes again.

peace with you bro.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Chicago Police tortured over a hundred detainees from 1972 to 1991.

Fuckin' Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush.
Chicago Police tortured over a hundred detainees from 1972 to 1991.

Fuckin' Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush.
Well I'm sure those detainees did something like riot in support of an organization that played an active role in a coup attempt that nearly succeeded while the U.S. was being heavily infiltrated by foreign spies, right?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Well I'm sure those detainees did something like riot in support of an organization that played an active role in a coup attempt that nearly succeeded while the U.S. was being heavily infiltrated by foreign spies, right?
They were pretty much all black, so they might as well have been foreign infiltrators into Whitelandia.
Found this article pretty interesting, talking about how he embraced democracy while ensuring that the elections were still pretty much a sham.
That article is thick with bullshit. You've got to drill down to find out that, for example, one of the charges leveled against Chavez was that the government charged people who signed the Carmona Decree with treason. Frankly the government should have fucking executed those people (and everyone else involved with the coup attempt).


Please. First of all, there's 147 cars per 1000 people in Venezuela. If his family had one (even an old one) he wasn't lower middle anything. Second of all, I don't give a shit about this story. I have no way to verify that it's not 100% made up (and we already know the truth was bent ever so slightly right at the start). Third, even if it's true what's his link to Chavez? Did Chavez hand out nut-zappin' orders? It's fucking nonsense.
Obtenor is the one who also claimed that Chavez supporters opened fire on demonstrators during an attempted coup. Such a shame that the facts (and video!) prove that it was the marchers and their supporters who opened fire in a premeditated attack. I imagine if there is any truth to his arrest story, it is because of his participation in said coup attempt. While I obviously do not condone torture, as Araysar said worse is done in the US by the police when there is no national security threat at all. At least Obtenor is still alive, unlike many victims of US police torture.

Obtenor was clearly among the monied class, not only because of the car but also the computer and college attendance, then also having enough money in the family to fly to the US and live. It is that demographic, that lived a comfortable life on the backs of the less fortunate, that opposed Chavez the most as he a was a threat to their economic dominance.

Was Chavez perfect? Of course not, he was a human being with a humans faults. Some of the less stellar measures were forced on him by outside forces though, such as the CIA and other coup supporters. The US passed the Patriot Act and related measures after a single terrorist attack, whereas Chavez had years of coup attempts, so I'd tell the US readers here to take a look at the mote in thine own eye first. He did, however, improve the lives of the majority of the population immeasureably with healthcare, social programs, and other measures that Obtenor probably took for granted and now begrudges his fellow citizens. Frankly, who cares what a lying (his account of the demonstration) and privaleged (car, computer, college) coup supporter says about him.

Heres hoping that the Socialists retain power in the next election, and good luck to Venezuala in it's push to modernise.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

CARACAS - Venezuela's government said on Wednesday it may not be possible to embalm the remains of late leader Hugo Chavez as planned because the process should have been started earlier.

Chavez died last week aged 58 after a two-year battle with cancer. His body has been on display in a glass-topped coffin at a grandiose military academy in the capital Caracas, where millions of people have filed past to pay homage.

The government had said it planned to embalm Chavez's remains "for eternity" in much the same way as was done with the remains of Soviet leaders Lenin and Stalin and communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong after they died.

"Russian and German scientists have arrived to embalm Chavez and they tell us it's very difficult because the process should have started earlier ... Maybe we can't do it,'' acting President Nicolas Maduro said in televised comments on Wednesday.

"We are in the middle of the process. It's complicated, it's my duty to inform you."
Seems to me like a week isn't long enough for the body to decompose, especially if kept at a constant cool temperature, to the point that it can't be preserved via modern embalming techniques. So does this lend credibility to the idea that he's been dead longer than the Venezuelan government has been stating publicly?