Unfortunately, there is a biological basis for race.
http://time.com/91081/what-science-s...-and-genetics/. It's social scientists who pretend there isn't one because it's not a socially acceptable thing to say, usually.
That's true, there is actually no divide between the sciences in as such that social science is essentially simplified biology, which is simplified chemistry, which is simplified physics. Math being the basic tool of these fields.
Lol no. Would you like me to cite all 31 pages of my final paper for my capstone class in my undergrad career in Anthropology here, complete with citations? It was explicitly rebutting Nicholas Wade's assertion that "evolution is regional in human populations".
Geneticist claims for race are founded in flawed sampling methods that emphasize taking samples from the most distant geographic regions, ignoring the clinal variation of intermediate populations.
Also, its funny, but every single researcher Wade cites for his book....has condemned his conclusions as not representative of their work. Including Noah Rosenberg, Neil Risch, etc.
I suggest instead of reading a pop cultural "science" journalist's speculatory fictional accounts of human variation and his perspective on why it justifies racial mythology, you check out an academic work such as David Serre and Svante P??bo's "Evidence for Gradients of Human Genetic Diversity Within and Among Continents" instead.
You might learn something.
Here I'll help you out with a link to the work with no paywall.
Evidence for Gradients of Human Genetic Diversity Within and Among Continents
You might also check out the 2009 issue of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology titled "Race Reconciled" for about 12 long form rebuttals to virtually every claim Wade makes, prior to his even making them.
Link here, all the articles can be downloaded for free from this link
American Journal of Physical Anthropology - Volume 139, Issue 1 - Race Reconciled: How Biological Anthropologists View Human Variation - Wiley Online Library
You might also read "Anthropology of Race" as well, for some really relevant works on the subject.
Anthropology of Race: Genes, Biology, and Culture (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series): John Hartigan: 9781934691991: Amazon.com: Books
And Jefferson M Fish's "Race and Intelligence" as well
Race and Intelligence: Separating Science From Myth: Jefferson M. Fish: 9780805837575: Amazon.com: Books
Note that I read probably over 50 works to write my paper, and had to whittle it down to less than 18 because otherwise I was going to end up writing an entire book as well. Wade's case is so bad that the only problem I had rebutting it was choosing what to leave on the cutting room floor so I didn't end up giving my professor a heart attack by laying a 500 page final paper on his desk at the end of the semester.