Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?


<Bronze Donator>
making more stars would be the ultimate can kick.

or star systems.

"its okay guys, if we can just hold out another 4 billion years we'll have SynthEarth finished!"


<Bronze Donator>
"If you burn it, 1kg of plastic emits 3kg of CO2" is the quote that video is paused on.


Hopefully they mean 2kg of O2 is pulled from the atmosphere in the process, otherwise...


what Suineg set it to
"If you burn it, 1kg of plastic emits 3kg of CO2" is the quote that video is paused on.


Hopefully they mean 2kg of O2 is pulled from the atmosphere in the process, otherwise...

Dude, decolonialize your mind. Ain't no way a kilogram of a solid weighs as much as a kilogram of a gas.
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Musty Nester
Mmmm. I dunno why. Human sewage is treated, and they do mention "from the wastewater treatment plant". Animal manure is supposed to be treated or contained, but... well. I guess sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.

If you could turn pigshit into oil then I guess that's probably a net positive.

But after reading the article it's actually a drop in the ocean. They're saying 30million barrels per year for America. Sounds good... except we're using 15-20 million per day.

Every little bit helps, of course, and it may have more functional use as a way to recycle farm waste. But it is honestly a very little bit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mmmm. I dunno why. Human sewage is treated, and they do mention "from the wastewater treatment plant". Animal manure is supposed to be treated or contained, but... well. I guess sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.

If you could turn pigshit into oil then I guess that's probably a net positive.

But after reading the article it's actually a drop in the ocean. They're saying 30million barrels per year for America. Sounds good... except we're using 15-20 million per day.

Every little bit helps, of course, and it may have more functional use as a way to recycle farm waste. But it is honestly a very little bit.

I see the positive in that you might make sewage treatment less costly which would encourage building more of them. A disturbing amount of raw sewage is dumped into rivers and oceans, even by first world countries.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
No more anti-vaxx shit in the science thread. Take it to Lumie's batshit insane thread, where I have moved those posts.

Further anti-vaxx shit in this thread will earn you warnings.
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what Suineg set it to
No more anti-vaxx shit in the science thread. Take it to Lumie's batshit insane thread, where I have moved those posts.

Further anti-vaxx shit in this thread will earn you warnings.

So what else is there to post here? Space and climate are out so ...?

Hey guys, did you see that new thermoplastic that causes autlsm?

It's made with pretty simple materials, carbon, oxygen, sulfur and a little potassium.

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<WoW Guild Officer>
How fucked is scientific research going to be? I have no idea how funding goes, but I keep seeing shit about brain drain (and honestly, the Canadians seem to be anxious to poach top US researchers).

I don't want to get into hard politics, but I have no idea how funding for science goes.


Musty Nester
Government grants and contracts, where the government is involved. Otherwise it's engineers, doctors, pre-docs and post-docs, and private corporations.

The American university has been like a civ building for a few generations. You plunk one down and immediately get +2 research. But then it's started to move to +1 research / +1 gold. And we have to be a little bit concerned that it's going to become +2 gold if the trend continues.

We're still a pretty solid research leader. The 3d Printer came out of Raleigh, North Carolina. I mean who would have thunk it, right? You'd expect that to have come out of MIT or Silicon Valley. But nope, it didn't. Buuut, the world is changing. Technology has improved. Universities don't have a stranglehold on the means of production anymore and that is not entirely a bad thing. I do not fully understand the problems but I do know they're complex. A dilution into the social sciences probably doesn't help, but neither does the prevailing academic policy of "publishing quotas". Feynman once said that when Einstein stopped teaching it was the end of his productive career. A lot of research goes on under the auspices of DoD contracts as well.

The Canadians, or frankly anyone not us, will always be anxious to poach productive researchers. Brain drain should always be a concern. It's more an indication that the rest of the world is becoming more stable, more affluent, and free than it is an indication that we are becoming less so.


How fucked is scientific research going to be? I have no idea how funding goes, but I keep seeing shit about brain drain (and honestly, the Canadians seem to be anxious to poach top US researchers).

I don't want to get into hard politics, but I have no idea how funding for science goes.
What? For most scientific fields US is still the leader. There are some fields where others lead. Like the Swedes and their neurophysiology


<WoW Guild Officer>
What? For most scientific fields US is still the leader. There are some fields where others lead. Like the Swedes and their neurophysiology
Do you think the same level of funding will exist in the next few years? Are most of the programs funded for multiple years at a time?