Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?


And that's not all the different RoundUp blends either. There's also commercial mixtures. So when Joe Schmoe says RoundUp killed a bee, people can't just assume he's referring to plain old glyphosate by itself. Even Joe Schmoe might not realize other stuff was mixed in unless he says exactly what blend he used that happened to kill the bee.
Then Joe Schmoe, ie you, should just shut the fuck up because he doesn't even know what the fuck he is talking about.


Trakanon Raider
There is not a single shred of scientific evidence to justify your conclusions.

And until there is, you're engaging in apophenia driven confirmation bias and nothing more.
But there's not a single shred of scientific evidence saying I'm wrong. You posted individual links to glyphosate and pelargonic acid. I clearly said those won't kill bees. Doesn't mean RoundUp Fast Acting ProMax won't because there are different chemicals mixed in with different blends.

You haven't posted any data when those are mixed together with oils, surfactants (especially this), and the other 'unknown' ingredients used in different RoundUp blends. To claim chemical X is safe by itself, and chemical Y is safe by itself, then assume chemical XY with 5 other ingredients mixed in will be just as safe is pretty strange. The surfactant and acid alone might be what does it, and the glyphosate has no roll at all. Doesn't matter though, because it's still a RoundUp blend.

The hundreds of wasps I've sprayed and killed didn't die from heart attacks.

Take in as much information from as many sources as you can, and then reach your own conclusions based on your own personal values.

Basically, think for yourself.

There are no watchers watching the watchmen but ourselves.
..........Then posts government data on a single chemical used in a blend of 12 others.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Your logical fallacy is burden shifting.

Also the plural of anecdote is, again, not data.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You are aware the FDA has approved these substances for commercial and residential use, yes?

And that the process for approval requires rigorous scientific inquiry as part and parcel of that process, yes?

Then scientific evidence does exist to refute you.

If you have a problem with that, take it up with the fda.


Trakanon Raider
Then Joe Schmoe, ie you, should just shut the fuck up because he doesn't even know what the fuck he is talking about.
There was an article two pages ago about RoundUp killing something. People said no way glyphosate will kill that it's been tested over and over. I was simply pointing out that there are other mixtures of RoundUp that aren't just glyphosate. Simple as that. I've been a licensed sprayer for 20 years debating against some people that aren't grasping the core of the debate......some RoundUps aren't just glyphosate anymore and have many other chemicals mixed in that will kill insects.

I've got a lot of respect for you guys, and read most of your posts on the board. But I don't think some of you read mine. So it is what it is. No reason to debate something that the other person isn't reading.


Trakanon Raider
You are aware the FDA has approved these substances for commercial and residential use, yes?
What the heck does that have to do with anything at all? They approve all kinds of things that will kill both weeds and bugs, even at the same time. Go spray wasp killer on your shrubs. It will kill your roses.

Just because the FDA approves something for weed control doesn't mean it won't kill something else during use.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm reading your posts.

It is just that you are engaging in a flawed line of reasoning that I have immense experience with and that is founded in a lack of understanding thr scientific method and how the approval for these substances occurs.

That isn't to say the process is perfect, no process is or can be, but when we have fda approval versus anecdote, the fda wins.

I'm really not trying to be a dick to you. I have nothing personal against yoh and generally find agreement withat least t primary point you seek to make.

My phone died and I'm typing on a kindle for the first time and this is the worst holy shit

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I'm reading your posts.m

It is just that you are engaging in a flawed line of reasoning that I have immense experience with and that is founded in a lack of understanding thr scientific method and how the approval for these substances occurs.

That isn't to say the process is perfect, no process is or can be, but when we have fda approval versus anecdote, the fda wins.

I'm really not trying to be a dick to you. I have nothing personal against yoh and generally find agreement withat least t primary point you seek to make.

My phone died and I'm typing on a kindle for the first time and this is the worst holy shit
Lol did you buy a kindle when Amazon was selling them for $30? Or get gifted one from someone like I did? I agree though, kindle are awful.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Bought it on Prime day cause it was 33 bucks and I figured why not.

Should have taken my ipad.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Lol did you buy a kindle when Amazon was selling them for $30? Or get gifted one from someone like I did? I agree though, kindle are awful.
Mild derail: if you want an ebook reader, pick a Pocketbook Lux, and use Calibre (with the appropriate plugins) to strip DRM from your various ebooks and read them there. The advantage with that kind of setup is that basically you can read every ebook from every platform.

Except Orbit. Half of the Orbit books fail conversion from AZW, you need to completely strip formatting which dumps an ebook with no chapter splits on your reader. So I still buy Orbit in paper, the rest... on my Pocketbook.

End of derail. You may now resume discussing what exactly Roundup means.


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
If there is a variant of Roundup thats made to kill insects should it not be sold/marketed as a pesticide? All i am finding are herbicides and those while probably not good to insects in large doses are not made specifically to kill them.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mild derail: if you want an ebook reader, pick a Pocketbook Lux, and use Calibre (with the appropriate plugins) to strip DRM from your various ebooks and read them there. The advantage with that kind of setup is that basically you can read every ebook from every platform.

Except Orbit. Half of the Orbit books fail conversion from AZW, you need to completely strip formatting which dumps an ebook with no chapter splits on your reader. So I still buy Orbit in paper, the rest... on my Pocketbook.

End of derail. You may now resume discussing what exactly Roundup means.
I just use kindle for all my books, tbh. I never pirate. Just a personal choice. Not something I hold anyone else to, or care if they do so.

If there is a variant of Roundup thats made to kill insects should it not be sold/marketed as a pesticide? All i am finding are herbicides and those while probably not good to insects in large doses are not made specifically to kill them.

He's saying that the two compounds interact with other chemicals in the mix to result in an outcome that kills bees.


Poet Warrior

Designed, tested, and approved to kill specieshomo sapiens.

May also be used to kill dogs, gorillas, iguanas, three toed sloths, polar bears, and dolphins. And if a particular round were to come out of itjust rightit could probably kill a bee or a wasp as well.


<Bronze Donator>
But studies have not conclusively proven it works to kill emus, so I'm going to take the null hypothesis and assume that Uzi won't work on an emu.


<Bronze Donator>
Maybe it would work if you threw a whole bunch of uzis at the emu, but it would probably take a few dozen.


Trakanon Raider
If there is a variant of Roundup thats made to kill insects should it not be sold/marketed as a pesticide? All i am finding are herbicides and those while probably not good to insects in large doses are not made specifically to kill them.
There's no RoundUp sold to kill insects and I've never used any to specifically kill insects. The original plain RoundUp we used to use for very large parking lots didn't hurt any bugs as far as I could tell. There are much stronger RoundUp blends that have different ingredients in them in addition to glyphosate or even pelargonic acid. As mentioned, it's not those two ingredients killing the bugs, it's whatever the mixture becomes after they add in the surfactants, oils, whatever makes it rainfast, and the "other ingredients" listed on the bottle. And it's not like RAID giving a quick knock down and instant death. We're working, we see a nest and spray it, some fly away, some drop to the ground, walk around for a while, fall over dead.

Even though I've killed hundreds of bees/wasps/yellow jackets in 18 years by spraying them with this RoundUp blend, it can't be proven because no scientist or wasp coroner ruled the deaths to be caused by the spray itself. It could be hornet heart attacks when facing down the barrel of a 3 gallon sprayer. But for some reason we can't say it's what I just sprayed them with a few minutes earlier. So with that thought, we have to rule the deaths completely mysterious.

No reason for me to continue discussing the mystery any longer, the thread needs to get back on track.


<Bronze Donator>
I would like to point out that "emucidal" appears to be a wholly unique word according to Google. Three hits and they're all gibberish.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Say it two more times in proper context and it officially becomes a real word!