I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.Oh yeah. Like the most envious. I am enviousing right now because of my anger.
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I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.Oh yeah. Like the most envious. I am enviousing right now because of my anger.
Sorry man. I love you.I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
Drainage! Drainage, Screamfeeder, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake!Sorry man. I love you.
Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Screamfeeder? I am the Third Revelation! I am who the Lord has chosen!OwO whats this?
God fucking damnitt....I had a novel of an explanation typed up for you, then I got interrupted at work and closed it. It's 5:05 and you get the short version.First off, thank you to the 3 Mod's that actually have a pair of a balls (or an engorged clit...I have no idea and it's 2019 and I work in Hollywood so I can't be too careful). You other two...lol.
Which offenses? Hell, I would love to know which offense happened in the first place. It certainly isn't on the list of Forum rules so I can only imagine it was "You're breaking up the Circle Jerk in ways we find to be WrongThink."
But either way, exactly what offense do I have to avoid? Spell it out for everyone here. What line is this I am unable to cross?
Because I am going to waddle my short, oily, pudgy annoying, authority-fighting ass right up to that line and whip out my crusty, tiny cock and take a good long stinky, chunky, brown colored piss 1 inch from that line and stare you right in the eyes while I do it.
To Bandwagon, Zy, Gavin, Izo and everyone else that saw right through this idiocy, I know I annoy the fuck out of you and we have probably had issues, but thanks for being what actually makes this community good and why I will keep coming back when so many others have bailed. I'm almost certainly going to get banned again because I am REALLY good at it but I'll be back because I am even better at getting unbanned.
I told you this wasn't going to go the way you thought it would LLR. xoxo
Didn't I put a "I think" qualifier in there?Bandwagon
Big Worf to you for the Posterity quote. But you fucked up, that wasn't out of context at all. I was just giving my bona-fides. Also, don't think I'm going to let you slide on that lie you told about my reports. Shame bro. Shame.
I'll investigate if the forum options are that granularCan Foler be restricted to his thread?
I'm all for it ending too.. viva la free speech!!!He wants the suicide directive shit to end, as well as the game of dancing around it
Okay, you can reply that way too, I don't mind. You know, it's just this place has so many disingenuous people and all that and I for one am who I say I am and come at everyone as open and honest as possible but I guess it's a testament to my naivety to assume asking someone about their job is considered faux pas. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now.I am a mercenary jizz mopper. I am a sad, fat, lonely little man that only has this forum to sustain my poor unfufilling life and taking it away from me was akin to losing a cherished family member. I just happen to be so good at mopping up jizz that I have cornered the market to such a degree that I was able to afford a comfortable lifestyle.
Therein lies your issues.I hate most people.
It somewhat makes sense. Your point of view makes sense but your context is a bit wonky and you're approaching it from an angle I am not and that I don't think you're able to see. I am not going to (really) shit on you because while I do give you a ton of grief, you do get it. I just think you don't get it completely.God fucking damnitt....I had a novel of an explanation typed up for you, then I got interrupted at work and closed it. It's 5:05 and you get the short version.
I really hate taking moderator action based on subjective interpretation. The exception is when I feel like there's enough trending data that I can comfortably defend that decision to myself. That defense isn't usually publicly posted, but I think it's reasonable to ask the mods to make a real defense of those.
I was a little on the fence with your situation because you can be a rabblerouser just for the sake of rousing rabbles. That's the "trending" consideration. I still don't like the idea of censoring you while you're being a relentless dick and demanding an explanation, because the request for an explanation is valid. I'm fine with that occurring in the shaw, and it occured in the shaw because you wackos are forcing us to be more strict with censoring certain proclamations (and bitching about it at the same time). I also think it's acceptable to have a line of exhaustion where we feel that the decision has been sufficiently explained and you're free to disagree with it as much as you want, but disagreement + disruption will potentially get you back in the hot seat again. I do think that LLR took action for 3 reasons:
1. We weren't doing our jobs
2. He wants the suicide directive shit to end, as well as the game of dancing around it.
3. You are predictable (trending).
Those aren't his words or explanation, but the way I read it. The only reason I wasn't 100% on board with it was because you were in the shaw and I don't see the harm of doing that in the shaw as long as you don't get too close to the line of a clear rule violation.
Does that make sense? That's a legit question....I'm trying to summarize the novel that I had written before I head out the door and i'm not proof-reading this thing. I'm not trying to "educate" you, I'm trying to explain my own thought process and give you the opportunity to shit on it if you want. It's the shaw....who cares?
P.S. - I also chalk up a lot of your asshole trending to the shit you catch around here, which is often bullshit. Constantly tagging someone that's not currently in the conversation is a douche move.
P.P.S. - RightWoolygimp ?
You didn't.Didn't I put a "I think" qualifier in there?
I highlighted the relevant portion for you.Bandwagon said:I also think that people should use the godamn ignore function if you don't like hurty words.( Speaking of which, the two people that got shawed are sure as fuck not shy about using the report button for hurty words.).
It should have readTLDR. Stop being a fag, fag.
I can, I'm just trying to make sense of it...little scrambly my dude. But I work with some wackadoo writers so I'll piece it together and reply later.Oh shitScreamfeeder I PMd you but you probably can't reply to it, whoops
ITS A MOVIE QUOTE, TODD. yOU IS SO DUMbI'm all for it ending too.. viva la free speech!!!
Okay, you can reply that way too, I don't mind. You know, it's just this place has so many disingenuous people and all that and I for one am who I say I am and come at everyone as open and honest as possible but I guess it's a testament to my naivety to assume asking someone about their job is considered faux pas. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now.
Therein lies your issues.