PS4. I'm a filthy console pleb now. Fucking family....
Heh tastes and all that. Nioh is tied with Bloodborne as my favorite game of the gen for different reasons.
As far as Bloodborne goes it had me the second I stepped out of Iosefka's clinic. The Cleric Beast still gives me cold sweats (I was legit stuck on him for over a week as my first "souls" boss) but it didn't matter I was completely hooked and engrossed.
I'll always be a sucker for anything Lovecraftian. From just did it so well that I doubt it will be topped for some time.
Bloodborne was the first souls game I played. I died so many times to Blood-starved Beast that I about murdered my next door neighbors. Once I finally beat him, the game just clicked with me and I platinumed it and the DLC a week later. My favorite PS4 game, by far. I've since beat all the souls games.
I'm also with you,TJT , on deciding which platform. Have there been any hands-on stuff on PC vs XB1X vs PS4Pro yet?
Fuck nameless king, that’s the only fight on pretty much all of them that I’d say I had a really hard time with.Pontiff Sulyvhan in DS3 took me more attempts than every other boss in the goddamn game combined. I had to learn how to parry specifically to beat him. Never had that kind of struggle before or since. I love all the games but fuck him in particular.