The hype is real for me on this one. My family will probably be scared of me for a few weeks when I'm playing this. I yelled a lot during the Souls games.
Ah yes. A souls release when the halls ring with, "MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT FUCK YOU!"
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The hype is real for me on this one. My family will probably be scared of me for a few weeks when I'm playing this. I yelled a lot during the Souls games.
I'm really hoping the warrior tree allows you to invest points into things that doesn't force you to just deflect and block the whole time. Not gonna lie, that shit looks super unsatisfying to me. I really don't want 90% of my damage coming from just a few finishing hits I make after spending 80% of the fight just trying to do well timed blocks. I do think it's cool that you have a bunch more options for avoidance though. The silly rolling meme is real, I like that you can now jump, grapple, or juke your way out of getting hit.
I'm quite sad that there isn't actual weapon variety just tool variety. IDK lots of unknowns here but all the gameplay demos have it like that. You're whittling down their poise meter then landing a killing blow unless you stealth kill an enemy.
I mean I get it, but the weapon variety part doesn't bother me that badly personally. However, yes, the whittling down part just looks bland as fuck to me. I know people got off on constant parries in Bloodborne and Souls, but legit I did it here and there if there was an opportunity but I personally loved dodging around (from Bloodborne) much better. Fightin' Cowboy is one my favorite youtubers/streamers and he said it's very open ended in how you approach things. I'm hoping it means in fighting as well as environment. because Clang Clang Clang Clang Finish him is not my idea of a good time.
My biggest concern is that combat will really come down to parry / deathblow, (for mobs with 2 posture bars at least) where you cannot kill them while they have one up. You are apparently given quite a few Katana skills, but those would seem useless if the only way to kill a boss is parry/deathblow.
This exactly.
AndTJT that was the first one I saw since he is more of a lore guy. One of my biggest concerns was the setting and lore. He definitely eased that. And yes I hate Dodge roll spam, so I like that part. But then all I see is the clang clang clang meter full death blow. I have no problem no longer rolling non stop and welcome having to jump or juke and maybe block (once) depending on the situation. I am just hoping they give us the tools to build up the poise meter with something other than timely guards. Since it is obviously the main component to defeating an enemy instead of their life. If not you are just trading one form of spam for another.
Well it's looking like out of the box Sekiro on PS4 Pro averages 45 FPS in general gameplay locked at 1080p. Given that we're two weeks from launch and no details are even being given about 4k... pretty safe to assume it won't have it.
Looks like PC is the way to go if you have a remotely decent machine.
Since I have a 144hz/ GTX 970 and just bought that Ryzen 7... guess it's time to try that out.
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Honestly if you game on PC at all I don't know why you wouldn't just pop on PC. I personally am lazy and just know I'm good with a PS4 pro until a 5 comes out (I legit cannot keep up with how they number video cards) and they say Sekiro runs as good as DS3 patched did so that is good enough for me
I actually really like gaming on the PS4. My second monitor is 4k so all my 4k stuff is just on the Bloodborne Machine. Given that I've basically only played a handful of games on it... I don't mind going Sekiro for PS4, but I'd like to see how nice it is on the PC.. so I guess its PC this time around. I've never used the TV in the living room of my house before... ever.
It depends on how big of a stickler to FPS you are. Me personally? It never bothered me. Hell didn't even know what they were talking about until I saw a video that compared 30 to 60 side by side. Then you have guys flipping out on a game that fluctuates between 60 and 50 and God as my witness, I can't detect that. If you aren't like me, then it seems the PC holds 60 much better than the pro.