It's entertaining enough, but to be honest it suffers from the same thing every other mystery box type show does, and that's that it just can't help itself from introducing more and more weird shit without ever answering questions.
If this was the first show to do it, I'd probably not care. But ever since LOST it feels like I've seen dozens of shows do this and it just becomes frustrating. Mostly because I already know going into this that they'll never resolve most of my questions about what the fuck is going on.
We all like to pretend the writers are world class and everything we've seen, from the setting, to the weather, to the characters, to the history, and on and on, has been well thought out and has a purpose to tie it all together. But I've seen enough of these shows at this point that the best case scenario is some jackass behind the scenes thought putting ambiguously old vehicles into a semi-modern setting would look really cool, or that the unnatural way all of the characters in the real world interact with each other might be meaningful, but it's really just a narrative device which had no thought behind it except it being stylistic.
I'd love to be wrong, but not once has a Hollywood writer pulled it off.