Actress Jameela Jamil, who will play the villain Titania in She-Hulk, revealed that the series changed her life forever.See too: Marvel’s new bet, the series will introduce Jennifer Walters a…
Jamil recently revealed that because of the series, he was able to overcome an eating disorder. Also, in an interview, the actress commented that she did 90% of her stunts, but doesn’t know if it makes the final cut (via
The Direct).
“For the first time, they made me feel strong and powerful. And I did 90% of my own stunts. I don’t know how much of that actually made it into the final cut, because notoriously with Marvel, there’s a lot they can really bring into the context of the show,” she said.
While at San Diego Comic-Con, Jamil explained why she thinks that much of the criticism Marvel fans receive is unwarranted. "I think they get a bad rap sometimes online because they're very passionate and they have a lot of opinions," the actor said during an interview with's Phase Zero. "But if they weren't so passionate, if they didn't have all those opinions, Marvel maybe wouldn't have evolved to what it is now without the fans. So we have them to thank. Even if they give us tough love sometimes, normally they're right."