Can't say that much good about it. But it's one of those games that either you like or you don't (kind of like TSW in that respect).
-Fap material, all the way down to butt physics and buttock slider.
-Great graphics. However be prepared to lag in the capital city thing.
-Non-linear class progression.
-No levels really. You just unlock more and more abilities and improve character statistics through gear, enchanting, spending crystals/sparks what ever it's called.
-No direct gear grind really, in many ways it's kind of like TSW. You're grinding marks/crystals/sparks what ever they're called to improve your character stats (which work for any other class you switch to). Actual gear is just improved/enchanted by breaking up old gear and using it as enchantment fodder. Also, it seems you improve the "slot" and not the gear itself.
-Switch classes any time. There is no need for alts (not sure if it's even possible). Also, statistics you've built up on one class (such as strength, valor, luck) work with any other class you've unlocked. So it's not like you start from scratch like other games.
-Unless you paid for any of the premium packages, you won't be unlocking any other class for a very long time (estimating about a month if you're a casual with a job and a life). Obviously premium packages speed that process up. The early quests reward about 100 or so of the resource you need to progress in which ever branch you choose on the road to a class you want (it's about 14,000 for most classes). Give or take a few hundred if you do more quests within the theme-park instances. I haven't kept count, but if you do every single quest in these places you'll get about 100-200 of any one type. Group instances (which can be done solo) reward additional resources of which there are three (blue, red, and green and I forget their name). Btw only a few of these group instances show up when you start. As you progress through the main story more of them open up. I believe most are on a timer. So you may have an instance that opens up that rewards Red stuff, but have to wait for one to open up that rewards blue stuff. You need this blue, green, red crystal stuff to progress on the main class tree (to unlock other classes), or to further develop your current class. Unfortunately if you want to be worth a shit, you're going to have to blow most of these making one of those three classes worthwhile to make the grind to your next class easier. Instances and quests can be repeated and supposedly the rewards improve?
-Animation locking. If you hate animation locking ala Tera, the useless idiot that decided that is here also. Some classes have it more than others. Most of your power builders and spam abilities are pretty smooth and can be cast on the run. Any combo ability (such as those requiring mouse click combinations) and your dumbass character gets stuck in a stupid "build up" animation before firing. Gets very annoying, but on the plus side you'll eventually (pretty early on) get to try out all classes and all their abilities in the training room. Use that opportunity to decide which one suits your fancy, and especially if you're into the movement/animations.
-Left mouse clicking can be a chore. Also, some classes rely on mouse button combination (LMB+LMB+RMB finishing move) type shit. May or may not be your cup of tea.
-Quests are bare bones extremely mundane. Run around this spot and kill enough of the same generic looking mobs until the thing hits 100%. Hit F for your Pez reward. (usually class/atlas progression crystals).
-Combat doesn't feel crunchy, it felt floaty and as if I was hitting things with a wiffle bat.
-[Edit] I forgot to mention; All resources are capped to a certain amount per week (resets every Wednesday I believe). Once you reach that cap, you won't get any more of that resource but instead will get something else. Depending on which one you capped, that same resource will be replaced with something else. I believe it's things like cloth threads for costumes, sparks for resets and class unlocking, or alternate forms of currency. Premiums have different caps I believe. So forget about power grinding with a group of friends. I'd be willing to bet money, they will put something in their cash shop to get rid of a weekly cap. Who thinks up of shit like this?
No idea on the story. The whole gods thing isn't my thing, I just space barred the whole thing. Some classes seemed to be easier to play than others. Slayer was beast and fairly smooth. Bezerker suffers from animation locking which is shit. Archer was a pain for me because most of her good abilities come out of mouse click combos (RMB+RMB, followed by LMB hold for finishing move). Alchemist seemed like the smoothest of the advanced classes.
Again, if you liked Tera, you'll love this game. If you don't mind the animation locking on some classes, the grindy repetitive gameplay (be prepared to run the same instances for quite a while), this may be for you.
Oh and it's the guys who did Allods, so be prepared for some sort of Cash Shop shenanigan eventually.