That last paragraph is a half truth and kinda deceitful when described that way. If you have unlimited you can upgrade after a year to a different device and have what you owe on it wiped clean and a new installment billing is created for the new device.Just keep in mind, there are basically no phone subsidies on Framily, but you also aren't on a contract.
If you buy your phone through sprint, they can put your phone on a 2 year/24 month payment plan, that is added onto your Framily bill. For instance, a new Galaxy S5 is $99 down then $22.92 a month for 24 months. Total cost of $650
So you basically have to buy your own phones yourself now, seperate to the Framily pricing, just FYI
The guy at the Sprint store I talked to today told me though that if you have unlimited data on your line (extra $20 a month) that you only pay on phones for 12 months, instead of 24, but same per-month pricing. So that S5 would be $99 down + 22.92 a month for 12 months = $375 total cost. So its a pretty decent deal if you actually need unlimited data. Not really worth paying $20 extra per month just for that phone perk, unless you just like upgrading every single year regardless. You really don't come out ahead much if you are still only upgrading every 2 years.
Depends how aggressive you are about it - I've had 4 straight through since we switched to it. I've never been aggressive about sales though. Always been the "market the item right and it'll sell itself" type, heh.With how easy it is to fill your Framily? Are dudes just posting their code all over online and people are merging plans all over the place? Lol, like Vaclav! haha
Seems it's only to the person's benefit to get to at least 7 people on the plan.
Easy and yes.With how easy it is to fill your Framily? Are dudes just posting their code all over online and people are merging plans all over the place? Lol, like Vaclav! haha
Seems it's only to the person's benefit to get to at least 7 people on the plan.
Up to $650 is their quote - up to $300 for the previous phone (my old Galaxy Nexus doesn't even register - the wife's older Nexus S actually holds more value at $13 oddly enough) and up to $350 for "contract breakage costs" - so the sting might be less than just the pittance they're offering for your phone.Sounds like a cool plan but I checked how much they would offer for my phone and it's pawn shop rates. Too bad.
I got raped in March on my overages with Verizon. I was on a project site for a few days and ended up going over my data so far I got dinged for an extra $40 on my bill.If you're on Verizon, with their overage fees I'd say sticking to unlimited is warranted.
Looks like the price structure is insane on overage fees.