<Prior Amod>
-shrug- I literally repair around 3 dozen phones a day at my store. You can believe what you want but I'm working off experience here. I like the the M8 a lot but it's just as fragile as any other phone. (sorry if I sound like I'm being a dick, I'm not intending that at all, I just don't know how else to phrase that.)While true that they're variable, there's been many tests from different groups, all with M8 doing the best of the three.
But real world will always have some outlying cases. Part of why I personally still use an Otterbox Defender on mine. Durable is good, durable with a durable case is better.
Totally unreleated I went over some numbers today. Here are my top 10 phones that come in for repairs (some listed more than once because of separate issues).
#1 - iPhone 5c - Can Not Connect To Wi-Fi or Network
#2 - S3 - Battery Won't Hold Charge
#3 - iPhone 5S - Touch Screen Failure
#4 - M8 - Broken Mic
#5 - G2 - Shattered Screen (insurance claim filed) ---I swear, this phones screen is made of paper. Fantastic phone but if you don't have a case on it...it's breaking. (it seems anyways)
#6 - iPhone 5S - Shattered Screen/Theft (insurance claim filed) ------Both issues happen roughly the same amount for us
#7 - S4 - Charging Port
#8 - M8 - Audio Not Working/Shattered Screen (insurance claim filed) ------Both issues happen roughly the same amount for us
#9 - S2 - Battery Wont Hold Charge/Charging Port (Should be noted that the S2 single handedly kept Sprints service and repair departments open...holy hell was that a bad phone. I'm not sure anything will ever top it.)
#10 - S5 - Camera Failure
I've had a shockingly few amount of S5's come back come back considering the amount of phones we've sold...but I'm sure it'll pick up, it always does no matter the phone. I guess I don't want to say drop tests are totally useless...but I in no way think they should be an end all be all to what phones you want to get. (except the G2...fuck that phones screen...the rest of the phone is awesome though) Battery issues could be the battery/charging port or could be user error, my systems quick synopsis just lumps anything battery life related all in together.