My M8 has really started to shit the bed recently. Ticking me off because there have been no changes to it software / app wise in the last 4 months. Just one day it decided things such as: let's have the keyboard stay open after closing a text message, let's take 2 minutes to unlock, let's open the dialer when I swipe up on the other app. And just other little hangs. Maybe I can clean wipe it or something, see if it goes back to factory.
I don't have that issue, but I have an interesting one that I think I know the cause of. Sort of.
I started playing that addicting as fuck game Summoners War. It is a huge battery hog, particularly if you don't turn down all the settings. Often when I'm playing it I'll have it charging at the same time. Periodically (say once an hour) the touch screen starts to act weird, like selecting stuff on the other side of the screen or multi-touching when I only used one finger. I have discovered that it goes away the moment I unplug it. I don't know if it is heat buildup or just the act of charging, but it clearly fucks with the sensing ability of the touch screen in some way.
It also *seems* to only happen when I use my Kindle charging cord, but since that's the main one I use at home when sitting on my ass watching TV, it is more likely to happen there anyway. Now, it seems like that cord should be fine, because I'm not aware of any way to change the voltage or amps or watts or whatever is important for charging devices in the actual USB part of the cord. The Kindle cord comes with an adapter you can plug into a wall outlet that might be specifically tuned to a Kindle's needs, but I'm not using that, I'm using a dual USB outlet that has one line for "normal" devices and one for apple "i" devices, because they require different current/whatever. Which is all done in the outlet itself, not the cord, so using my Kindle cord like that shouldn't be any different than using any other "android specific" USB charger. Right?
I have a charger at work as well (from a previous android phone) that hasn't ever done it, although I don't get to play it as constantly at work as I could at home so maybe it doesn't heat up as much or something. I'll do more experiments with other cords to see if it only happens with my Kindle cord, but either way, the moment I unplug it, it stops. Can't explain that!