I personally don't have any experience with 3rd party apps, so I can't say for sure, but some of the issues you are listing could be software based. For example, pixelated/blocky pictures could be the software cranking up the ISO to compensate for the light, when perhaps a slower shutter speed would do the trick (allowing you to use a lower ISO and thus have less blocky pictures). I don't know if this is specifically true of the G2 or not, just saying it is a possibility.Question regarding phone cameras...
Is there any quality difference in using a 3rd party app to take pictures as opposed to the built-in camera app on an Android phone, or is the picture quality always going to be completely the same? I'm just curious if it's 100% hardware based, or if the software app can have much, if any say in the matter.
My wifes LG G2 takes just absolutely horrendous pictures in almost all situations if you aren't using the flash, or outdoors in direct sunlight. Everything is always pixelated and blocky, I guess due to somewhat low light, but it's situations where my Note 3(and S4 before that) would take perfectly fine pictures. The G2 camera can't be that terrible, I wouldn't think...
Holy crap. I definitely agree. Here I was all about ready to jump on the[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--Consumer Reports: The bottom line on Bendgate
If you bend your iPhone, it's your own damn fault. 70 fucking lbs of force doesn't just happen by carrying it around in your skinny jeans, you hipster cry baby fgt's.
ironically my new gym is a gay gym (long story short, it's probably the best gym in downtown Philly that doesn't cost $100+ a month), so i would imagine it probably would be.Hear tell that Grindr app goes bananas in gyms. Turn it off.
i'm not too sure what i had running in the back, not either of those two apps i don't have Facebook installed yet, i don't thing anything too hardcore.Have you gone into your settings and looked at which apps are draining your battery? I noticed Facebook was a particularly thirsty app, one nice feature Apple finally imported from the android market. (and some apps are notorious bad like okcupid) so I turned off the background refresh on Facebook. I'm generally getting a full day of use out of my iPhone 6 and that's with heavy usage, and about 15 minutes of car charging a day.
I don't think there is much to bend gate but it didn't look like it took him all that much effort to bend the iPhone 6. Still I'm not sure the last time I put my Note 2 in a position where it could be bent.
It bends much easier around the volume button than directly in the middle. And it's fairly easy to do. It's just due to Apple trying to limit the weight of the 6+ which results in a thinner case. And where the volume buttons are, a lesser chassis.
Yeah I thought of that when I saw that other video above with the testing. They didn't press it in it's weak spot, but I suppose it's a fairly accurate test method. 70lbs pressure isn't a lot to be honest. Not when it's in a pants pocket, and you bend over or are sitting down or something, you can easily exert 70lbs pressure. Our legs are one of our strongest muscles there are. And if it's like any other aluminum, lesser pressure over and over could weaken it to a lower bending point. I'm sure skinny pants don't help the matter either, because any movement you make will exert force on the phone. I do feel for iphone users, I'd be pissed if I bought one and it bent too. People are just going to have to limp along this generation without pocketing the 6+'s then, or at least not the skinnypants wearers.
It bends much easier around the volume button than directly in the middle. And it's fairly easy to do. It's just due to Apple trying to limit the weight of the 6+ which results in a thinner case. And where the volume buttons are, a lesser chassis.
Typically it takes between 100 and 170 pounds to crush an empty soda can. It varies depending on the can construction thickness and individual can flaws.
No it's not. The M8 requires 70 lbs of pressure to bend, while the report shows i6+ requires 90 lbs. The video of the guy bending the i6+ with his fingers show that there is a flaw in the design of the chassis.They didn't press it in it's weak spot, but I suppose it's a fairly accurate test method.