So my daughter comes home from school crying. Send in the big brother?

Fight-classes and team sports are a good idea. Teach her self-discipline and why it's rewarding to ignore trash talk. Other girls are meaner than boys in the long run so she'll be better at the game of life if she can accept that anyone can say anything, words don't matter, etc.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Have her identify the bullies and then go beat up their parents.

Can't believe nobody suggested that yet.


<Prior Amod>
How about investigate more, how pathetic are these 5th graders that they have to stoop to bullying a 3rd grade girl? i mean they are 2 grades removed, that's pretty far. 20years ago in nyc for me we were super separated by grades, if any bullying was done it was done by some kid in your class, at least that makes sense, or even some kid in the same grade, but 2 grades removed? something is up.

also don't forget about cyber bullying, if it hasn't started, it might lead to that if these 5graders are being restricted in how they bully, they'll go and do that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'd toss in my vote for chatting with the parents before doing anything. Have her point out who they are in a yearbook, call and see if their parents are receptive and willing to discuss bullying to their children and go from there.

If they laugh at you and blow you off, at least you tried being the better man and instilling values in another parent before unleashing hell. Bonus points if you setup a prank that nails the assholes in front of the entire school, get them some good justice there.


I'd toss in my vote for chatting with the parents before doing anything. Have her point out who they are in a yearbook, call and see if their parents are receptive and willing to discuss bullying to their children and go from there.

If they laugh at you and blow you off, at least you tried being the better man and instilling values in another parent before unleashing hell. Bonus points if you setup a prank that nails the assholes in front of the entire school, get them some good justice there.
I change my vote to this, although I bet the parents need punched in the face too. Do this first. Then bring the pain. One time I got the shit kicked out of me. Best thing that could have happened to my cocky ass.


El Presidente
Obviously you just kill the bully kids and have your daughter go to school wearing a mask made from one of their faces.


A Mod Real Quick
Ohh I like where this is going.

Kill parents #1, wear their faces to kill bully #1. Use bully #1 face to kill bully #2. Use bully #2 face to kill bully #2 parents but also wear bully #1 face on one of your hands. By the time you hit the 3rd bully you are wearing the face of bully #1 on your head, bully #2 on a hand, all the other faces covering your genitals and buttocks like some grotesque loin cloth and then come home, sit down, throw on some swag ass $2000 headphones and tell everyone to leave you alone. Bonus points if you make a belt out of the dead people's skin


Trump's Staff
I think this anti bully shit in schools is fucking wrong. There are still bullies and they still bully people, but now those that get bullied are being punished for not having the ability to stand up for themselves. Snitching on them to administrators or sending Mommy and Daddy in to fight your battles is even worse because then youre labeled a fucking snitch, mommas boy or whatever and treated even worse by more people.

Its all part of growing up, life lessons. Let the kids solve the problems themselves like was done since the beginning of time. Then parents and admins get involved when shit gets too rough. Bullying does not stop in school either, its a part of adult life too. Those lessons need to be learned. On both sides, whether you're the bully or the one that gets bullied.
Honestly, the anti-bully shit, while overblown, is better than the alternative. The problem is, if "fight back" is a realistic option then you don't really have a major bullying problem at your school. Bullies may be cowards, but they're smart enough to pick on the people they know they can easily beat in a fight. They'll gang up on you too, and it's not going to end well if you go 3v1.

My high school had a severe bullying problem before Columbine when that shit got overlooked. They stuck one kid known to be severely claustrophobic in a locker and he ended up in the hospital because he tore his hands/nails to shreds literally trying to claw his way out. Another kid ended up in the hospital and ended up needing a breathing tube cut into his neck to save his life after one of these bullies somehow obtained some concentrated capsaicin powder base that they make pepper spray out of and threw it in his face. It wasn't uncommon to see the group of bullies have someone surrounded outside of the school, just wailing on them 6v1.

I personally avoided most of the physical abuse but the emotional abuse was worse. One kid put up a website entitled, "Why Xequecal should kill himself." Pages of text explaining why I was worthless and unlovable and why I should off myself. Remember that back then in the 90s having an actual website was a pretty big deal, so that shit spread very quickly and I had to deal with kids in neighboring high schools having seen it. The technologically illiterate school staff did nothing about it because they didn't get it. It got pretty elaborate at the end too before he was forced to take it down, with him using whatever passed for Photoshop those days and managed to superimpose my yearbook picture on that Doom 2 severed head on a spike sprite and put it up on the site. He did not even get suspended for this. This was a very affluent white suburbian high school, too, not some inner city shithole. Once the bullying becomes organized it becomes impossible to defend yourself against it.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>


Long story short, my little girl who is 8 and in the 3rd grade, comes home sad Wednesday. She holds it in for an hour or so, then starts crying. After making some smoothies with dad, comes to find out that she was teased a couple days this week by a couple 5th grade boys. My daughter has a speech impediment. She rarely talks because of it.

I tell the school obviously. They say they will handle it. Last night she said she was teased again. Though this time she isn't as upset. Just a bit sad. She has no idea why they would tease her. I don't tell her why, just that boys are mean.

I just called the school, they say that she wasn't teased that they know of, but will look at it.

I honestly can't take the time off from work the next couple weeks to go up to the school, but I can have her brother pick her up after school.

Question is this. Do I have his little sister point the kids out, and have him put the fear of Brahma Jr. in them with a whisper in the ear, or give the school a THIRD chance at resolving the issue?

What is the nature of your daughter's speech impediment? Why is she not aware of it?

Explain to her why people might make fun of her, why it's wrong, and then teach her how to throw a punch or knee a groin.


What is the nature of your daughter's speech impediment? Why is she not aware of it?

Explain to her why people might make fun of her, why it's wrong, and then teach her how to throw a punch or knee a groin.
Also, are you taking your daughter to speech therapy?


<Silver Donator>
Is your local police department recruiting? Maybe she could sign up and then the shooting would be justified officer self-defense. Girl's gotta get home to color with her family.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
She has very little control of her muscles in her lower jaw/lip. She trembles when trying to hard to pronounce something properly. Making it very hard for her to pronounce consonants. She gets therapy from the school (why we moved to this little town), and once a week a speech therapist I pay for. I see little progress slowly. But it is there.