So my daughter comes home from school crying. Send in the big brother?


<Gold Donor>
If I seem to recall, Mike Tyson also had a speech thing, I dont think he had too many bullies.


A Mod Real Quick


Life's a Dream
This is a really strange solution, but schools of today have changed from schools when we were children.

If your daughter points to the kids that are doing it and shouts "THEY'RE BEING A BULLIES TO ME!", that will usually resolve the problem. Kids are afraid of getting the title "bully" these days, plus it will quickly alert a teacher to the problem so that they might handle it.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Long story short, my little girl who is 8 and in the 3rd grade, comes home sad Wednesday. She holds it in for an hour or so, then starts crying. After making some smoothies with dad, comes to find out that she was teased a couple days this week by a couple 5th grade boys. My daughter has a speech impediment. She rarely talks because of it.

I tell the school obviously. They say they will handle it. Last night she said she was teased again. Though this time she isn't as upset. Just a bit sad. She has no idea why they would tease her. I don't tell her why, just that boys are mean.

I just called the school, they say that she wasn't teased that they know of, but will look at it.

I honestly can't take the time off from work the next couple weeks to go up to the school, but I can have her brother pick her up after school.

Question is this. Do I have his little sister point the kids out, and have him put the fear of Brahma Jr. in them with a whisper in the ear, or give the school a THIRD chance at resolving the issue?

I mean this might be stupid but could you talk to their parents and let them know whats up? Its hard to say what would happen in this hypersensitive school system we have now days.


<Gold Donor>
My kid tried that, they all called him a liar. They interviewed the kids involved from the bus thing that I mentioned, and they all said it didnt happen, for fear of being a snitch whatever, so it was essentially my sons word vs theirs. So he dealt with the ringleader like I told him too.

I always tell my kids to try and resolve problems in other means, trust me I dont teach violence at my house. But sometimes one has to assert himself as a last resort.


This is a really strange solution, but schools of today have changed from schools when we were children.

If your daughter points to the kids that are doing it and shouts "THEY'RE BEING A BULLIES TO ME!", that will usually resolve the problem. Kids are afraid of getting the title "bully" these days, plus it will quickly alert a teacher to the problem so that they might handle it.
Is this really true? What a strange world.

Also, I would imagine the response would be different if the cry is more "TH THTH THTH THEY'RE BBB B BB BB BU.." well you get the idea.


<Gold Donor>
I mean this might be stupid but could you talk to their parents and let them know whats up? Its hard to say what would happen in this hypersensitive school system we have now days.
LOL, parents these days think their little flowers are perfect. There is the one in 10 that gives a shit, but most just shrug it off as you being crazy, Jonny is a perfect little boy and could not possibly bully anoyone.

For example the Dad that came to my house after my kid finally said enough and threw him down to the ground. I told him what happened and whats been happening, how his kid has been terrorizing my son for the better half of the summer. Never believed a word I said. I was at fault and so was my kid.


<Silver Donator>
I was picked on quite a lot by a neighbor kid from 1st grade through middle school. I beat his ass a couple of times but I spent some time in fear because he had a lot of hoodlum friends. The bullying thing is probably overdone in today's schools but I think it beats the alternative for the kids who are or would be bullied.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
LOL, parents these days think their little flowers are perfect. There is the one in 10 that gives a shit, but most just shrug it off as you being crazy, Jonny is a perfect little boy and could not possibly bully anoyone.

For example the Dad that came to my house after my kid finally said enough and threw him down to the ground. I told him what happened and whats been happening, how his kid has been terrorizing my son for the better half of the summer. Never believed a word I said. I was at fault and so was my kid.
Problem is that I make a horrible 1st impression usually. Top it off with like mkopec says...everyone's child is an angel. Who wants to hear that their kid is a bad child in any fashion.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
You are a pretty big guy from the half pictures I have seen. I would point out their kids are making fun of someone with a speech problem or if you really want to punch them in the nuts toss out disability that usually reigns people in. Then tell them if it keeps happening YOU are going to take it personally and there will be MUCH more serious conversations happening.

Either that or have her kick them right in the nuts a time or two.


A Mod Real Quick
Is this really true? What a strange world.

Also, I would imagine the response would be different if the cry is more "TH THTH THTH THEY'RE BBB B BB BB BU.." well you get the idea.
Come on man don't make fun of the dudes kid


<Bronze Donator>
I seriously would fear for your son doing anything more than escorting her home. Since he's 13 and a big boy, god only knows what the fucking school or local police might do if he actually hit them.

Also what kind of pussies are they raising these days where boys 2 grades above pick on a little girl. These kids probably are little wankers who get mocked for being little shits in their grade.


Musty Nester
If it was 30 years ago you could send your son to go shitstomp the boys. Lesson would be learned. Of course then you'd have an issue with your boy that you had to address. Heh.

But honestly maybe the best thing to do is find the parents. They probably don't even know that their sons are at school making fun of a girl 2-3 years younger than them. And most people are not shitlords, if you can get ahold of a father on the phone and let him know that daddy will probably do the work you want your son to do. But do it better.

And I mean, you know, there's a way to have that conversation which is not confrontational. "Hey, my name is X. You're Y's dad right? I got some bad news man, my little girl goes to the same school he's 2 grades up from her, and she came home in tears yesterday because your boy and his friends have decided to start calling her out on the playground. Thought you should know, man. We all do stupid shit at this age, and he's starting to do it."

I would absolutely beat a boy for bullying the weak. I would hurt him whereas for other things some would view as more serious I might just discipline him. I think most parents would.


Molten Core Raider
Step 1 - Kill the parents, chop them up and make them into chili and trick the kid into eating the chili
Step 2 - Feast on the salty tears of sadness when you tell the kid the truth
Optional step - train a donkey to bite the kids dick off