TL;DR = This movie was shit
I had to consciously tell myself "This character is Han Solo" instead of just unconsciously accepting that... that alone is enough to make the movie unpleasant but then you have: the action was meh, the female robot was god-awful as a character, the appearance of you-know-who from TPM
defines the word contrived, the kessel-run wasn't impressive as I imagined it should have been, I felt no great chemistry between Han and Chewie or really
any of the characters, the main villain was useless as a villain (Bettany's character... see I forgot his name already) and well... that last criticism is the entire movie in a nutshell: Forgettable.
Just watch a 10 minute video from the daily entertainment video-churners like Looper, WatchMojo etc about all the references and easter-eggs and save yourself some time.
Also to add, I think I agree with a vid I saw on YouTube a month or so back more than ever after seeing Solo; that for all the criticism Lucas received for the prequels, I think time has proven he
IS the heart and soul of Star Wars, and always has been. He was the creative, unique voice to all of this, and all Disney can do now is ride his coattails into oblivion.
I hope the franchise can recover somehow because Star Wars is a national treasure