Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)


Trump's Staff
Ep. 8 just cemented that I need to wait and see what the forums here and other opinions are of SW movies before I bother seeing them in the theater.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I would like to see a Jedi be a supporting character for a change, instead of the main protagonist. There are plenty of extremely interesting character models you can pull from the Star Wars setting without relying solely on the Jedi and lightsabers. I'd suck a mean dick for a Rogue Squadron set of films done correctly, they can even throw the force in still without Jedi'ing up the movie.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Give me a SCAR squadron movie any day, an inside the empire view from super elite storm troopers who belive in the stability the empire brought and are fighting what they see as terrorists i.e. rebels.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Give me a SCAR squadron movie any day, an inside the empire view from super elite storm troopers who belive in the stability the empire brought and are fighting what they see as terrorists i.e. rebels.

That is ultra enticing, I would love to see movie or show, with a real perspective flip, especially if they keep doing Original Trilogy era for setting. A show that follows an Imperial Elite Squad that doesn't sell out like the Batlle Front 2 arc. I'm the most excited to see them doing something with KOTOR setting, or randomly picking a new era, essentially creating a new sub IP.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I would like to see a Jedi be a supporting character for a change, instead of the main protagonist. There are plenty of extremely interesting character models you can pull from the Star Wars setting without relying solely on the Jedi and lightsabers. I'd suck a mean dick for a Rogue Squadron set of films done correctly, they can even throw the force in still without Jedi'ing up the movie.

Everything wrong with Star Wars is Jedi right now. They need to get the fuck away from them until they have a compelling Jedi character or storyline-- even then they haven't even fleshed out the Jedi lore under Disney. Its a fuckfest.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I still have that game. It came with this:

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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Glover really nailing the Billy Dee pronounciations of "Han" and "Millenium Falcon". Hype building from these last 2 spots.
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Vyemm Raider
Glover really nailing the Billy Dee pronounciations of "Han" and "Millenium Falcon". Hype building from these last 2 spots.

Yeah, while I'm sure I was going to have a fun time at the movies either way, the initial teaser didn't do much to reassure me after all the bad things we heard during production... But the last big trailer really delivers, I was grinning the whole time and it gave a really good vibe akin to Rogue One (which I enjoyed a lot) so I now have more hope for this movie.

I don't mind the Han Solo actor (even though I think they should have cast Anthony Ingruber) but Donald Glover is going to steal the show.

Also digging Paul Bettany replacing a CGI mountain-lion-alien villain that was cut by Howard. Phew.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't think Fast Five + Star Wars is a bad movie concept, hell I think a heist movie in a developed Sci-fi universe could be done superbly. But like everyone else I can't see how they would successfully swing the 80% reshoots going from comedy to "fun" heist movie, that would take a miracle.

I'll echo the same, other actors that aren't Han will steal the show it's just a question of whether it will be above average overall or not.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
If this movie does indeed turn out to not be total dogshit, they need to have a creepy CGI'd young Harrison Ford show up at the end and assume this goofy testicle's identity.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, while I'm sure I was going to have a fun time at the movies either way, the initial teaser didn't do much to reassure me after all the bad things we heard during production... But the last big trailer really delivers, I was grinning the whole time and it gave a really good vibe akin to Rogue One (which I enjoyed a lot) so I now have more hope for this movie.

I don't mind the Han Solo actor (even though I think they should have cast Anthony Ingruber) but Donald Glover is going to steal the show.

Also digging Paul Bettany replacing a CGI mountain-lion-alien villain that was cut by Howard. Phew.

Its funny the argument at the time was "Anthony Ingruber is not a classically trained dramatic actor. He can't handle a leading role, he will struggle with tone and range".

Yet now we see, even in that trailer right there, we see the delivery of even basic stuff like "This is gonna kick ass!" ala this is gonna rock! comes off from Han about as convincing as Brad McQuaid delivering the lines on Patreon.

Lord and Miller should have exited as soon as they detected a terrible miscast. Leaving early over creative differences would have allowed Ron Howard or whoever to make the picture they wanted, and possibly had led to the actor being removed/recast upon the next director taking the chair.

Lord and Miller are directly to blame for this movies success or failure, as they were the ones who kept struggling, who kept grinding, throughout this process to make this Han Solo work. If it works and hits the box office hard, great. If not, they are the ones who shoulder the blame as ultimately they are the ones who had the problem and failed to do anything about it.

Let's not forget, on day 1 of principle photography of TFA, JJ Abrams told Daisey Ridley she was a terrible actress and to step her game up-- in front of the whole cast and crew. He fucking blasted her on Day 1. She nearly had a nervous breakdown by her own admission.

Being a director means taking up a responsibility for the quality of the movie. JJ proved he was capable of that, and that is what sets him apart from amateurs like Lord and Cucker.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
JJ makes shiny, shallow movies that pale in comparison to their sources.

The short of it is, he's got the balls and/or retard strength to make good shitty movies.

Anthony Ingruber is a well-adjusted mild mannered thoughtful guy too. I commented on his YouTube channel regarding the casting process of Han Solo (with a bunch of details that wouldn't be appreciated by his peers) and he went ahead and deleted the comment fast even though his YouTube channel is quite old and the video I was commenting on was quite dated and far out of the way. Basically it was a slam on Kennedy and he wasn't having it, despite commenting himself that he "appreciates people who supported him and nominated him" in response to answering a question regarding the Solo casting-call.

A shitlord he is not. Mark Hamill on the other hand woulda gave my shit a thumbs up! Maybe even two thumbs up..
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I don't know man JJ Abrams and his lens flare abortions are cinematic garbage. Lets take Cloverfield legitimately one of the worst films ever made full of shitty plot holes, stupid characters, and shaky cam for days. Awful. Then you can take the Star Trek films he made, not bad average popcorn flicks, still riddled the plot holes, lens flares, and shitty characters but whatever. Moving on to star-wars, fucking aids tier garbage. Bastardization of previous movie characters, big mary sue main character, shit all over canon lore. I mean maybe this movie won't suck massive womp rat dick but I doubt it.

Still hate the dickface lead cast #notmyhan.
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Avatar of War Slayer
JJ makes shiny, shallow movies that pale in comparison to their sources.
pretty much.

his movies are super watchable. the force awakens was being shown on FX or whatever a few weeks ago, daily. and honestly, I could put it on, and watch it over and over, while playing vidya. Same with Star Trek, etc...
But they all completely fall apart the second you stop and think about them for more than 2 seconds. And this prevents his films from having any long term cultural relevance. And thats so very disappointing.

A franchise, and universe needs coherent world building, and themes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We already had a Han Solo prequel movie... he simply went by the name of "Star-Lord" back then.

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Tranny Chaser
The lack of advance ticket sales and non-existent merchandising confidence is very telling. I went looking for the new SOLO toys over the weekend and they are just not there. Very small release (much smaller than Rogue One) and fully half the characters in the yellow-striped packaging color change they made to distinguish SOLO from Last Jedi are characters from other films.