So CCIV is going back to the moon?
I might buy some shares now instead of just writing options on it.
So CCIV is going back to the moon?
One of the persistent rumors and optimism around PSTH has been Stripe for a target acquisition. This tweet seems like a nail in the coffin for that.
im letting time decay do its magic on my 3/19 BTWN puts.Was already able to close my 3/19 22 PLTR put, going to wait for a dip before selling more puts
Is it still a good idea to buy into ZNTE? It's hovering around NAV, so I'm considering another buy there. It's been hovering for a while with little action, though, so I'm not super-confident that it's going anywhere at this point. If there's still a good chance it'll pop, then this is the perfect time to get it.
The real crime is this thing is still over 15$El-oh-el
Nikola strategic partner Hanwha to sell half its stake
South Korea's Hanwha Group intends to sell half its stake in electric-truck maker Nikola
$SAII jumping on this tweet and report. For the record Otonomo's revenue is microscopic. Full disclosure, both of my companies do more revenue than they do and neither of my companies are valued at a billion dollars. I am long SAII, but by long I mean loooooooonnnngggggg. As in it might be years before it does shit.
edit: I like Israeli tech companies and I like data companies.