Nah I think MJF and punk are done for now. Punk is going to have a rematch with Hangman im guessing, where he goes full heel. Then we get a summer of punk with FTR as his lackeys, He probably goes over a handful of guys like Mox or Danielson, Maybe Cole, but mostly your Keith Lee types, Maybe Wardlow with MJF cheating to keep their shit alive, but I think Punk is untouchable until Kenny Omega comes back, wins the title, then starts a Elite vs Undisputed Era program. Tony is likely cumming his pants at the idea of Punk vs Kenny, so I could see them drawing out this 6-8 month reign to see if Kenny can be healthy by then.
I missed the full thing ill have to catch it later, im surprised he was already back though thats good and he for sure had to have got the money he wanted
also i fucking love the jericho appreciation society its so absurdly stupid it makes me laugh and actually enjoy jericho for once in a long time
I think turning FTR heel would be a mistake. They're over like gangbusters. Was in the arena last time they wrestled and you'd think Stone Cold was wrestling.
The story now is gonna be FTR working towards the tag titles. However the Hardys are also in contention now and might get a token win. Personally I'd give Santana and Ortiz a run and make them "the guys" in the tag division, but TK doesn't seem to see them the same way and he's The Decider.
Punk/Kenny is definitely at the top of the list for potential big matches, as is Cole/Kenny. I think TK sees Adam Cole as his potential star player going forward, but he kinda lives in the shadow of Kenny/Bullet Club and has that NXT smell still. It's gonna take some work to get Cole to a point where he can be taken seriously as a top 3 type guy in the promotion.
Ill be 100 percent Honest. I dont see what people see in Cole.
Hes small, which isnt a deal breaker but hes legit small in a way that other guys have overcome but thats a ding.
Hes good looking and likable as a streamer but he keeps that out of his character. Hes not that great in the ring in a company of workhorses. Hes not that good on the Mic in a company full of great promos. He doesnt really have a gimmick other than having a cool theme song and yelling his name and baybay and thats been blown into th ground over the last 6 years.
I mean other than being friends with the elite, why is he a top guy?
His eyes are too close together to be a movie star.Cole was trained by Shawn Michaels (and is his most successful trainee by far). He also has movie-star looks, for a wrestler. That's why he's seen as a top guy by companies. He pulls female viewers, is responsible in RL (has no vices), and can go.
Also Cole and I are the exact same height and a similar weight (he obviously works out a lot more than a normal person so he's got about 15 pounds more than me) so I take all the attacks on his size personally. lul.
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While I cannot wait for Heel Punk, I really hope he takes it in a difference direction and redefines himself before he gets stale. Show us something we haven't seen.It feels really good to see "World Champion: CM Punk"
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