Couple things.
First, what you describe is not even close to experiencing DV first hand, so go fuck yourself.
Second, calling the cops on your neighbors for being loud is not in the same universe as trying to reason with them. So go fuck yourself again.
Third, he wasn't even talking about exclusively about domestic violence, he was talking about the situation where an otherwise good employee is clearly having some sort of trouble at home and co workers are noticing it. In the story palum told, he never said or implied there was domestic violence. So, L2Read and then go fuck yourself.
Fourth, if reasoning with people involved in domestic violence is useless, why does domestic violence counseling work? I mean sure, there are some people who are just violent assholes, who get nothing out of it. But those people don't only beat their loved ones, they get into fights with everyone else too. For them, domestic violence is just another entry on the rap sheet. The counseling is still useful for helping the victims get out of the situation. So, go fuck yourself one more time.