Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well the movie explicitly said that it was tough to keep people in the Matrix at first because it had to make a reasonable facsimile that people would accept, so I'd imagine not remembering anything would be pretty critical to making sure the dude was able to stay in there once he was placed back in.

There's so many fucking plotholes in that movie series. The Animatrix episodes about how the Matrix came about are the best portions of that canon if you ask me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nah I think he was implying that his time outside the Matrix was so awful he didn't want to have to remember all the drudgery, eating lumpy oatmeal and talking to that annoying kid about how the oatmeal really tastes like chicken.

Dude was just sick of all the drama and wanted to get away from it all once and for all.
He states unequivocally that its about preventing his knowledge of the matrix being illusory. Not that he needs to forget the shittiness of reality. The scene is quite blatant in its intentions. He needs to be sure there will be no immersion breaking or he will not be capable of "happiness".

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?

[Takes a bite of steak]

Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
yeah, by creating alternate value of differing "world," you lose the sense of satisfaction from one world to another.

Dumar did the same thing (i.e. his mountain experience, I think?), except matrix was more tangible than Dumar's example which is not fixated.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
yeah, by creating alternate value of differing "world," you lose the sense of satisfaction from one world to another.

Dumar did the same thing (i.e. his mountain experience, I think?), except matrix was more tangible than Dumar's example which is not fixated.
I have no idea, are you drunk? I know you Asians can't handle more than like a thimble full of bud light.

If anything, FFXIV is the intangible world. Kilimanjaro is really there and really a long ass uphill walk that you have to accomplish yourself. But have fun in anime MMO land. Keep rationalizing that its a real experience and not you sitting on your ass.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
bro, I was talking about Dumar's comparison between more difficult climb versus tourist pathways. And I compared that with the Matrix versus Reality.

EDIT: for clarification.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He states unequivocally that its about preventing his knowledge of the matrix being illusory. Not that he needs to forget the shittiness of reality. The scene is quite blatant in its intentions. He needs to be sure there will be no immersion breaking or he will not be capable of "happiness".
I dunno, ignorance is bliss indicates that he realizes that living an illusion in the Matrix is better than living reality in the real world, as in being ignorant of the fact that there is a "Real" reality out there that is harsh and that I lived in is better than recalling it constantly while I'm living up my rich famous actor fantasy in the Matrix, in my opinion. But its a movie so whatever floats your boat is fine by me.

Also its been awhile since I really watched that movie and paid attention to it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So I heard. I'm hoping to feelrealexcited when I land my first fishing achieve.

See what I did there!
Does the act of acquiring fake fish in video games suck out your soul and leave you a dead husk of a human being, too?

If so why do you desire to engage in said activity if it is so morally reprehensible to you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dunno, ignorance is bliss indicates that he realizes that living an illusion in the Matrix is better than living reality in the real world, as in being ignorant of the fact that there is a "Real" reality out there that is harsh and that I lived in is better than recalling it constantly while I'm living up my rich famous actor fantasy in the Matrix, in my opinion. But its a movie so whatever floats your boat is fine by me.

Also its been awhile since I really watched that movie and paid attention to it.
So do you think he's living a more fulfilling existence prone and comatose developing bedsores while his brain is stimulated to simulate being a rich actor? If this was a choice right now, but you had to eternally give up your physical body and live the next 20 years as a brain in a jar, would you take that choice? We will put your wife and kid in jars too, all three of you can share experiences simultaneously. You'll never physically touch them again, but you can hug all you wish via electrode stimulation. Can I sign you up?


I dunno, ignorance is bliss indicates that he realizes that living an illusion in the Matrix is better than living reality in the real world, as in being ignorant of the fact that there is a "Real" reality out there that is harsh and that I lived in is better than recalling it constantly while I'm living up my rich famous actor fantasy in the Matrix, in my opinion. But its a movie so whatever floats your boat is fine by me.

Also its been awhile since I really watched that movie and paid attention to it.
Beingawareof the illusion kills the illusion. It's why the MMOG threads are full of the word immersion.

The ignorance of its illusory nature is a condition to feel the happiness provided by that illusion. Because if you're aware its illusory, you also are aware that the happiness felt is illusory too. There's no better example of manufactured happiness than Cypher munching on virtual steak (although technically speaking, different from my previous discussion).