Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well they didn't develop bedsores because they were in the jelly womb stuff, but I'd say if he was a real person that his subjective opinion of whether his existence was truly fulfilling would be the criteria by which I would judge his fulfillment levels and that would be entirely up to the individual. I'm sure some people would love it, and others would hate it, much like some people like football and hunting and other people like video games and dungeons and dragons

I would definitely be down for uploading my consciousness into a computer though.


So do you think he's living a more fulfilling existence prone and comatose developing bedsores while his brain is stimulated to simulate being a rich actor? If this was a choice right now, but you had to eternally give up your physical body and live the next 20 years as a brain in a jar, would you take that choice? We will put your wife and kid in jars too, all three of you can share experiences simultaneously. You'll never physically touch them again, but you can hug all you wish via electrode stimulation. Can I sign you up?
Parts of the Matrix (the original, not the crappy sequels) really are a good commentary for the masses to grasp, on some level, the human condition and what it really meansto bea human being.

The answer for me, of course, is absolutely not. I'm sure hodj will squirm, go full cognitive dissonance and say no too.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Beingawareof the illusion kills the illusion. It's why the MMOG threads are full of the word immersion.

The ignorance of its illusory nature is a condition to feel the happiness provided by that illusion. Because if you're aware its illusory, you also are aware that the happiness felt is illusory too. There's no better example of manufactured happiness than Cypher munching on virtual steak (although technically speaking, different from my previous discussion).
Or being aware that he stabbed a bunch of former buddies in the back for wealth and glory, you know, might just be something he'd not want to have to deal with while he's banging twelve virtual models in the Matrix.

But of course the fact that movies and the term suspension of disbelief exist pretty well undermines your whole theory that "Being aware of the illusion ruins it"

Same thing with magicians. People still enjoy movies by suspending disbelief while being fully aware that they're only watching a movie. And the same goes for video games, people don't suddenly magically forget they're playing a video game. So, once again, you're just wrong on a simple, basic, human interaction level that goes right past your head.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Parts of the Matrix (the original, not the crappy sequels) really are a good commentary for the masses to grasp, on some level, the human condition and what it really meansto bea human being.

The answer for me, of course, is absolutely not. I'm sure hodj will squirm, go full cognitive dissonance and say no too.
It must be hard being this wrong all the time.


Buzzfeed Editor
So do you think he's living a more fulfilling existence prone and comatose developing bedsores while his brain is stimulated to simulate being a rich actor? If this was a choice right now, but you had to eternally give up your physical body and live the next 20 years as a brain in a jar, would you take that choice? We will put your wife and kid in jars too, all three of you can share experiences simultaneously. You'll never physically touch them again, but you can hug all you wish via electrode stimulation. Can I sign you up?
If it's a perfect simulation of reality within the jar, to the point that the electrical signals to your brain (By whichever sensory path they might take) are perfectly simulated, then it's effectively the same thing as the human body interacting with it's physical reality. You have a bunch of electrical impulses dictating what you perceive is there and is not. And from what we saw in the movie, the Matrix is an absolutely perfect simulation--the reason humans "rejected" it was because of our free will, and the satisfaction of choice.

Which brings us back. If you gave me a choice to live in a cold world, with gruel and dirty water, with no chance of happiness, vs putting my brain in a jar and letting me live in a perfectly simulated reality? I'd certainly take the alternate reality. (IF humans were running it.) Again, though, this is getting into metaphysical interpretations of what is "real", and a simulation as advanced as the Matrix would be real enough that if you weren't part of some glitch, you'd never know.

Long and short, your reality, is predicated on how your brain interprets signals brought to it by sensory organs. Those signals are reality, for you. In a jar or in your skull, it doesn't matter as long the signals are the same and the rules of the world match.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well they didn't develop bedsores because they were in the jelly womb stuff, but I'd say if he was a real person that his subjective opinion of whether his existence was truly fulfilling would be the criteria by which I would judge his fulfillment levels and that would be entirely up to the individual. I'm sure some people would love it, and others would hate it, much like some people like football and hunting and other people like video games and dungeons and dragons

I would definitely be down for uploading my consciousness into a computer though.
Well we will get you right into guild navigation trials immediately sir. I'm sure your wife and child will appreciate the devotion to the Imperium.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well we will get you right into guild navigation trials immediately sir. I'm sure your wife and child will appreciate the devotion to the Imperium.

I'm completely on board with this idea, actually. Let's do it.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm completely on board with this idea, actually. Let's do it.
There is a lot of romantic BS up in here bro. These fools rejecting the singularity will need to be crushed with our super robot bodies under the banner of the enlightenment.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
There is a lot of romantic BS up in here bro. These fools rejecting the singularity will need to be crushed with our super robot bodies under the banner of the enlightenment.
I'm posting on my laptop but I have this image of some robots with the caption "RESISTANCE IS ILLOGICAL, YOU WILL BE UPGRADED"

Its really true.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
No thanks, I prefer forced assimilation.

Its really for the best, our flesh shells have reach their end shelf life, space exploration will work out so much better when we're all uploaded into one singular consciousness.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And from what we saw in the movie, the Matrix is an absolutely perfect simulation--the reason humans "rejected" it was because of our free will, and the satisfaction of choice.


the reason they left the Matrix was a philosophical/spiritual one.
Well that's a big aspect of the matrix as an allegory. But my question involved that youdidknow. Not a perfect simulation, a choice. Which is what Cypher was all about in the matrix. He was the guy making the choice to accept or deny with full knowledge.

How about if you knew there was a 50/50 chance you would remember being unplugged? Worth the risk? Would you worry that the knowledge would drive you insane if you had to live in the matrix but know it was fake?

Which brings us back. If you gave me a choice to live in a cold world, with gruel and dirty water, with no chance of happiness, vs putting my brain in a jar and letting me live in a perfectly simulated reality? I'd certainly take the alternate reality. (IF humans were running it.) Again, though, this is getting into metaphysical interpretations of what is "real", and a simulation as advanced as the Matrix would be real enough that if you weren't part of some glitch, you'd never know.
What if the cold world did have happiness but it was less ubiquitous and it involved higher heights despite the lower lows?

You guys seem to like invoking words such as "metaphysical" and "philosophical" and "spiritual" as if they are laughable dirty words that should be waved away like a Jedi at an imperial checkpoint in Mos Eisley. But these are the very sorts of considerations that lead people to suicide. Choice, versus the illusion of choice. Happiness, versus the illusion of happiness. The validity of reality, versus the validity of abstraction.

But when those concepts are brought up they are met with derision. Anger. Hatred. Sarcasm. Mockery. Ridicule.

Why? Because these concepts aren't tactile? Because they aren't measurable? Humans find themselves in existential crisis over them every day.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Supernatural terms are useless because they describe things which don't exist.

I'm pretty sure what leads people to suicide is either they get caught doing something reprehensible that they are ashamed of that could lead them to criminal liability (See that Ariel Castro guy for a recent example of this form of suicide), or they suffer from a clinical depression brought on by chemical imbalances in their brains. These chemical imbalances aren't brought on by choice or illusion of choice, but rather by misfunctioning glandular organs that excrete hormones, or genes which are expressing their protein enzymes in a faulty fashion that leads to a disbalance of the chemical make up of their brains. Any assertion that mere events (not including major stressors like warfare or assault or rape, which move to a level greater than simple sadness experienced due to bad communication or bad luck in our every day lives) which can cause temporary emotional sadness are the cause of suicide is ignoring the very real fact that most suicides are carried out by people who had chemical imbalances that were never diagnosed or were never given proper treatment because the individuals most frequently willfully chose to ignore or not see the appropriate trained medical professionals who could assist them.

As someone who has seen several friends die of suicide I can say with a certainty that all of them had some pretty dramatic chemcal imbalances that led them down a spiral that ended in their own demise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Citation on brain studies showing the chemical imbalances prevalent in suicides versus deaths in non suicidal populations?

Are neurotransmitters creating these existential contradictions or is the reverse the case? Are you postulating that some people are born predisposed to suicide? Are depressed people creating chemical imbalance through depressive thought patterns or are depressive though patterns creating chemical imbalances?

How about some stats on people who had been treated with antidepressants but still committed suicide? People with suicidal ideation who never sought treatment, and never followed through, were they more or less likely to off themselves than people who did seek treatment?

Supernatural terms are useless because they describe things which don't exist.
You don't think thought and emotion are natural?


Buzzfeed Editor
What if the cold world did have happiness but it was less ubiquitous and it involved higher heights despite the lower lows?

You guys seem to like invoking words such as "metaphysical" and "philosophical" and "spiritual" as if they are laughable dirty words that should be waved away like a Jedi at an imperial checkpoint in Mos Eisley. But these are the very sorts of considerations that lead people to suicide. Choice, versus the illusion of choice. Happiness, versus the illusion of happiness. The validity of reality, versus the validity of abstraction.

But when those concepts are brought up they are met with derision. Anger. Hatred. Sarcasm. Mockery. Ridicule.

Why? Because these concepts aren't tactile? Because they aren't measurable? Humans find themselves in existential crisis over them every day.
I think they are getting waved away because they are being confused with what is tactile and measurable. When you "touch" something, for example, all you are doing is having your atoms electron clouds, interact with their atoms electron clouds. Then your nervous system gets various information from that environment, like their structure, energy ect. These things are not existential. How weperceivethem is (Well, I mean, the actual stimulation of the brain is not--I mean our conscious interpretation of reality). Changing themethodby which perception happens has no bearing on perception unless there is a variance....which you can perceive.

Which goes toward what you're asking. If the cold world had less happiness, it would depend how well crafted the virtual world was. It would depend on how I was able to perceive it. If I could run multitudes of testing in the virtual world and findnodiscernible difference? I honestly wouldn't care. I'd be happy to explore a new world. But that's because I understand the realities of what we consider "real". It comes down to perception, which is what the choice would have to come down to.

It's only after the perception that the human condition becomes something unto itself. And in my view, experiences are experiences. If your robot body can feel, touch and perceive in the same way as your human body--but can broaden your experiences by allowing you to do more? It's an overall win. If there was some flaw in perception that made it different from the real world, then the choice would not be simple, I might just go and choose the cold world then.

But the matrix was able to fool 99.999999999% of all people with it's perfect simulation. And even the people that did escape, went back in for enjoyment. So it seems pretty good to me!

How about if you knew there was a 50/50 chance you would remember being unplugged? Worth the risk? Would you worry that the knowledge would drive you insane if you had to live in the matrix but know it was fake?
I know I covered this kind of, above--but again it depends on the quality of the perception. If I absolutely could not tell the difference? Then just the knowledge that it was "fake" wouldn't phase me, but that's because I understand what our perception really is. Again though, the simulation would have to be perfect--which from the looks of it, it is. (Which is why 99.99% of the people will fight to prevent being unplugged, it IS their reality.)


That was completely erroneous. Mental illness, like almostanyother illness such as heart disease, has a combination of causes: biological physiological, and environmental.

There's even debate that the medications prescribed are the cause of hormonal imbalances themselves.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Researchers have found the first proof that a chemical in the brain called glutamate is linked to suicidal behavior, offering new hope for efforts to prevent people from taking their own lives.
Writing in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, Michigan State University's Lena Brundin and an international team of co-investigators present the first evidence that glutamate is more active in the brains of people who attempt suicide. Glutamate is an amino acid that sends signals between nerve cells and has long been a suspect in the search for chemical causes of depression.
Of course depression itself, which is the leading cause of suicide, is already known to be primarily caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, hence so many sales of anti depressants.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That was completely erroneous. Mental illness, like almostanyother illness such as heart disease, has a combination of causes: biological physiological, and environmental.

There's even debate that the medications prescribed are the cause of the hormonal imbalances themselves.
Yeah my mother had a form of genetic heart disease that killed her. Shit is exacerbated by your diet and activity levels but her heart was going to go through what it went through regardless and she was never going to live much beyond 72 because no woman in her family line had up to that point. Genetics are the leading causes of these diseases, and of course there's a debate about whether drugs contribute to the imbalance because to not ask that question would be to ignore one of many confounding factors that must be addressed in any study when it comes to trying to get FDA approval to put a drug on the market.

You should definitely stop talking once we move past esoteric philosophical bullshit and move into the arena of genetics and biochemistry.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Of course depression itself, which is the leading cause of suicide, is already known to be primarily caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, hence so many sales of anti depressants.
Were any of your suicidal friends on anti depressants? Why weren't they cured? Do you imagine there will be a vaccine for depression someday?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

For over three decades, scientists have attributed a chemical imbalance in the brain as the source of major depression. Now, a new study provides an explanation of how this "chemical imbalance" occurs.

Major depression is a disease that impacts approximately 5% of people globally. For over 30 years, scientists believed that monoamines- mood-related chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine- are low in the brain during major depressive episodes. This is commonly referred to as a "chemical imbalance". However, no one had ever found a convincing explanation for monoamine loss, until now.

This study by the Canadian-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is published in the November Archives of General Psychiatry.

DepressionDr. Jeffrey Meyer investigated whether brain monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) - an enzyme that breaks down chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine- was higher in those with untreated depression. The results showed that in major depression MAO-A was significantly higher in every brain region that the scientists investigated. On average, MAO-A was 34% higher.

According to Dr. Meyer, "In major depression, higher levels of MAO-A is the primary process that lowers monoamine levels. Having more MAO-A leads to greater breakdown of key chemicals like serotonin."