Spring 2014 Anime Thread


Vyemm Raider
WIXOSS has a great premise which is destroyed by being about the most annoying fuckin children on the planet - I can never get past the fact they purposely make anime surrounding protagonist with downs.

So my list of what doesnt annoy me this season is

**No Game No Life
**Hitsugi no Chaika
**Black Bullet
**Akuma no Riddle
**Somethingoranother in the Darkness

Shit im watching as filler - which means its not terrible but not great.

**Captain Earth
**Fairy Tail(yeah sorry its still too fuckin elementary school for me to take it serious)
**Kindaichi Case Files
**Blade and Soul
**Date a Live

Shit I watch with the utmost regret

**Kanojo Flag something

Shit im not going to bother even downloading anymore

**Atelier something
**Soul Eater Not (shameful)
**Fuuun Ishin no Shogun

Shit i havent gotten around to watching yet

**One Week Friends
**Knights of Sidonia
**Likely something else...

And as always HxH remains the best ongoing series for now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
**Fairy Tail(yeah sorry its still too fuckin elementary school for me to take it serious)

And as always HxH remains the best ongoing series for now.
Interesting evaluation, I watch one of these for my weekly shounen fix. I'd rate them the similar as far as targeted age. The only reason I stopped watching HxH was because I read all the manga already last year and forcefully stopped myself with fairy tail.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Seikoku no Dragonar is a story about boobs and cleavage. The dragons are just a cover.


Vyemm Raider
HxH and FT are light years apart - especially in depth and combat/action - I just cannot find FT interesting enough - even the fight between Natsu vs Rogue/Sting was bland and boring. If FT didnt have such a carebear tone it would be way better - but it has the naruto style friendstillthenend thing going on without the ability to sacrifice any character to create suspense and intrigue.


Trakanon Raider
^yeah pretty much why I had to drop FT after that 7 year "time skip" arc. I figured they would advance the character development a bit after a timeskip but basically nothing happened other then side characters getting old. Ended up not caring about any of the characters like I do in HxH.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The time skip strength levels are pretty screwed up, I'll give you that. But I haven't read any of the manga at this point so I'm hoping things even out for proper suspense later. HxH manga I couldn't stop reading and I mostly care about the story, this anime series should be better then before I'm guessing because it's more concentrated. I'll probably not watch it for another one or two years to give myself a chance to at least forget a few small details. I'm glad they did it well for when I do watch it.

Also couldn't watch Naruto past Konoha Invasion arc because it became too slow and full of filler but did spare the manga two minutes every week just for closure. It's biggest issue was not taking breaks and the manga not having anywhere near enough content for more then one episode per month for the longest time.


Also Xxexx saw your anime list, you definitely need to add Sidonia to your watch list since I agree with most of your list on what to watch. One Week Friends is also good but very different from the other shows in your list.


Vyemm Raider
I watched Sidonia - its pretty badass and has alot of promise. It has the asshole who needs to die and the derpy hero whos going to show them whos boss!

Oh and[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */Gender - hey i'll grow tits and ass if you will be mine!


That guy
Episode 3 roundup :

Looking forward to more episodes : Sidonia, Brynhildr ( my pick for best OP music this season too ), No Game

Watching : Mahouka, Black Bullet ( after a significant turnaround on ep3 ), Hitsugi no Chaika ( interest increased a lot after ep 2 )

Will probably keep watching, when I have spare time : Captain Earth, Wixoss, Ryuugajou

The rest I've pretty much lost interest in, other than m3 which hasn't had 3 eps yet due to late start.

Overall, that's probably more stuff than I have intended to watch after 3 eps in years, so good season I guess.
I think I've boiled down my series to the same ones as you (the "looking forward to" and "watching" sections at least), except I've only been using Crunchyroll so haven't gotten to watch Sidonia yet. Combining that with the fact that I'm out of town (yay... Utah...?) until the 9th means it'll have to wait until next weekend to watch that one. Only additional show I've been watching is Mekakucity Actors just because I want to know WTF is going on at some point. Black Bullet and No Game No Life are both getting better with every episode, probably the two best shows I've seen so far this season.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Sidonia is pretty good - definitely dark at times - although the animation kind of annoys me a little bit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ended up starting to read the Mahouka light novels. So far very similar but the anime was not being specific on his energy goals including a certain type he dropped on Mibu during their meeting which flustered her and caused her to give up. Might have been more stuff too.

After the current enrollment arc it gets a lot better, imo. I hope it translates well into the anime.


Having never read the manga, I can't wait for what I assume is coming in HxH.


Vyemm Raider
I cant stop watching WIXOSS - the main characters all make me want to inflict pain on others but the overall premise is still intriguing. Then again i do like to bask in others misery so them all suffering like emo kiddies is pure enjoyment.


Trakanon Raider
Sidonia wins the Bear Grylls survivalist award this week. I continue to be vexed by the implication that two robots holding each other is somehow more efficient than each of them using their engines separately though.

Brynhildr wins the 'fair and balanced' battle award for the month though, with our two contestants, 'shoots unlimited super lasers' and 'talks to kittens' in head to head combat


Life's a Dream
I hear that the final season (4 episodes long) of Initial D is going to begin in another week or two.

Then there's the Initial D relaunch movie that starts in August/September. I'll be in Japan when that hits, but I've never been to a movie over there. I wonder if it'll be worth going, despite the fact that I have only trivial understanding of the language.
Oh well, I have time to think about that one.


That guy
Finally got to see Knights of Sidonia. Really cool show, looking forward to more episodes.

lol pee


Vyemm Raider
Totally sucked into One Week Friends - i wonder if its going to be a rollercoaster like Kimi no Todoke or Lovely Complex.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sidonia wins the Bear Grylls survivalist award this week. I continue to be vexed by the implication that two robots holding each other is somehow more efficient than each of them using their engines separately though.

Brynhildr wins the 'fair and balanced' battle award for the month though, with our two contestants, 'shoots unlimited super lasers' and 'talks to kittens' in head to head combat
2 things about Brynhildr:

1. That lab must have the worst security in the history of labs and security.

2. All of these girls went missing and ended up as crazy experiments. Brynhildr needs some Rust Cohle.


Got something right about marriage
I really wish there wasn't so much goddamn fan service in Black Bullet and No Game No Life. Kind of ruins those shows for me.