Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


I don't want it to crash and burn because of wanting people who have put money in it to get screwed over. That's cruel.

Part of me wants it to succeed because I do like good games being created, even if I don't play them, and the concept of Star Citizen sounds like a good game.

But the realist in me knows that this game won't get made, or if it does, it will be a "$10 box."

And then a last part of me wants the game to crash and burn because of the consequences that will change Kickstarter and maybe even the MMO industry. Hopefully for the better. I think the MMO bubble (especially the MMORPG bubble) is going to burst soon, and it will be ultimately good for the MMO market in the long run, and I think that Star Citizen crashing could help accelerate that process.

The only outcome where I'd becompletelysatisfied is if Star Citizen crashed and all of the backers got refunds.

But that's not going to happen.

So it's like I'm just watching two trains flying towards each other in slow motion, hoping that at least one of the cars will make it out okay.
Do you realize how insanely naive you sound when you say you want to see the project burn to improve the gaming and MMO industry?

Do you even know what they are talking about when discussing SC? That thank fucking god we have a multi-million dollar top tier PR firm and marketing team and don't have to spend 10 fucking seconds dealing with the unwashed masses. That they can essentially handhold gaming journalists by the balls as they move them through a carefully PR crafted dog and pony show for previews and later reviews. Thank god that their marketing and PR budgets are on par or larger for AAA titles than what it cost to make the game so they can keep doing "safe" games. The do-nothing CEOs at the top thank their lucky stars they aren't required to innovate or move the goal post too far ahead. Console hardware requirements? Please and thank you.

If this project burns to the fucking ground or becomes a laughing stock it will only reinforce people in the industry to continue to make "safe" games. The games probably you and a whole lot of people here and elsewhere piss and moan about. The few people still advocating for innovation will very likely suffer the long term impact as investors will further shy away from innovative games.

So it's not that you are wrong. It's just that you're an asshole.


If an irrelevant nobody from a bygone age like Derek Smart can just come in and fuck shit up like this I don't see how Star Citizen will be able to ever face real scrutiny. I didn't even know Derek Smart was still alive until like a month ago and he's playing them like a fiddle
Do you ever follow the news? This type of low brow journalism has become common even at places like the NYT. It's how the whole Valerie Plame story blew up or how Jeffrey Wigand had non-stop hit pieces against him in newspapers for months. While those cases are extreme examples on individuals they are comparable in a sense that newspapers/editors wrote off on a story with scant or contradictory evidence. Virtually no authoritative investigation ever occurred. They just took some people at their word and hoped for the best. Is that journalism?

What I'm trying to drive at here is that pieces of shit like DS exist everywhere. It's one thing to take note of what they said and do your own investigation and ask a lot of sources including official ones for their comment. It's entirely another to take a pre-set narrative go down towww.I'mright.comand find "supporting documentation" from there and allow no comments.

This isn't the Golden Age of journalism anymore. They can release a bad story and people will click it because people want to see a train wreck. That's partly why Reality TV became so popular and interesting. Nobody cares to watch harmonious relationships of everyday people. They want to see someone spit in another person's sandwich before gleefully handing it to them to eat. Drama sells.

It's the best type of story there is so you can guarantee a lot of clicks. But virtually nobody gives a shit about an "UPDATE" they add to the original the following week or months later when more information comes to light correcting their bullshit story. By then the damage is done.

In the old days a story like that could literally end careers and if big enough even papers. Today nobody gives a shit two weeks after it happens and they know it.


<Bronze Donator>
I read through the concept ships before posting the question, i've seen that ship.

What new revolutionary gameplay mechanics have people been begging for for years and that this one ship finally now allows? Here's a hint, every single thing about that ship is available in Eve Online, modular ships that are reconfigurable whenever you want, medical bay and all the services that it offers, ships which can rescue pods (by ejecting fresh ships from their hangar bay), exploration ships (same as your discovery module, that do literally everything that ship does).

is it, farming? Like growing food on a ship? that's the new gameplay mechanic people have been begging for for a decade? Cus you can farm (well mine) in Eve too, i'd say that the planetary interaction "farming" is most similiar to the farming that ship promises.


Vyemm Raider
If this project burns to the fucking ground or becomes a laughing stock it will only reinforce people in the industry to continue to make "safe" games.
Star Citizen isn't going to fail because of its concept, Star Citizen will fail because of mismanagement.

It won't tell the industry to not innovate, it'll tell the industry to not mismanage crowdfunded MMOs. Star Citizen is not MMO Jesus. There will always be innovation going on; that is how smaller studios will compete with the reigning champs.

The lesson to be learned from Star Citizen is to not set your budget on fire so your wife can direct a short film.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like what CIG already has shown us (and given us to play around in), but I am still wondering about a lot of gameplay elements. The thing I am worried about the most is about all the "jobs" that the universe is supposed to give to players: running fuel, running passengers, offering tow-services, offering Medical and Repair services, picking up ejected players and such. Other MMO's seem to move away from "chores" in their development, or during their lifetime if they had them to start with.

If we look at an ejected player floating in space having the option of being picked up by a player with the appropriate tools/ship, this seems like a worse variant of having to ask around for players who could "bind" you in Everquest. Even if the proces of connecting the "victim" and the "savior" with eachother is smooth and painless (through some sort of communication) I feel this is never going to be really fun for either player.

A lot of the (transport) "services" (bring me fuel, a new ship, repairs, healing) also seem to have other options of obtaining them, especially when you think of organizations(Guilds) who tend to be self-sustaining in MMO's when it comes to services (classes). So still hard to see how being one of 3000 lone ranger "tow-truck" companies is going to be feasible(or fun), even if 90% of our jobs are from NPCs.

Offering other options in exchange for UEC will endanger these jobs even more(I am assuming you can choose to respawn even when you are not dead, for a hefty cost).

Also wondering about progression ( no paper doll with stats, instead you buy better ships and better upgrades and accumulate money), especially since this progression is dependant on your jobs and the Economy. Not saying there is no other fun to be had in this game, other then performing jobs with your ships! But let us not underestimate the deep-felt wish from most gamers to experience some solid progression in their game.

I guess I would like to read a little more about how fleshed out PvE (missions) will be, that is not reliant on content generated by players.

Phelps McManus

<Silver Donator>
Yep, there's no indication that the intersection of monetary issues that further status clarification and regulation won't happen down the road
I agree with your statement. Nobody is saying that consumers shouldn't be protected from fraudulent kickstarter campaigns - just that the SEC is not the right regulator. The FTC is the appropriate agency.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That's not what a design document looks like, that is what a marketing document looks like.
Yeah, I have to say that the Endeavour, and all the gameplay it is supposed to offer, is kinda what I am worrying about in the post above. I can see use for the biodomes (I guess it is a bit of farmville in space and ties into the Economy) though the silly depiction of a few rows of strawberries and lettuce being grown in a multimillion dollar dome justly spawned a few nice threads about how vertical hydroponic farms would make more sense.Bio Dome concept could use improvements or upgrades such as Vertical farming and Hydroponics. - RSI Community Forums

So the "Silent Running" type pic is definately a nice marketing nostalgia move. (btw, CIG responded, and they will definately have more sensible uses of the domes then the kitchen garden they are depicting. )


Trump's Staff
Yeah, I have to say that the Endeavour, and all the gameplay it is supposed to offer, is kinda what I am worrying about in the post above. I can see use for the biodomes (I guess it is a bit of farmville in space and ties into the Economy) though the silly depiction of a few rows of strawberries and lettuce being grown in a multimillion dollar dome justly spawned a few nice threads about how vertical hydroponic farms would make more sense.Bio Dome concept could use improvements or upgrades such as Vertical farming and Hydroponics. - RSI Community Forums
These are all vague ideas at best and not designs. Designs are dry with lots of lists, tables, numbers and usually accompanying spreadsheets. Farming is not a module, but an entire game-play system which if designed would require even more details (especially the math underlying it), and it would include how it hooks into the other equally detailed game systems.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
These are all vague ideas at best and not designs. Designs are dry with lots of lists, tables, numbers and usually accompanying spreadsheets. Farming is not a module, but an entire game-play system which if designed would require even more details (especially the math underlying it), and it would include how it hooks into the other equally detailed game systems.
Absolutely, I totally agreed with your assesment that we are seeing marketing at work here, and not actual design docs. I can only hope that for each glossy piece of marketing that we get to ogle, there are a hundred xcel sheets, docx and whiteboards filled to the brim with diagrams and graphs, explaining the actual gameplay. My worry is wether they will be able to connect it all into fun gameplay. (I guess an even bigger worry could be wether these docs are even around already).


2 Minutes Hate
I view this whole thing as a digital collection game. You're just collecting digital baseball cards and they are only useful to trade assuming someone else values them like you do.

To many people value them too much imo.

The rest of you have too much a vested interest in seeing this hurn for some reason. Idiots like krip for some reason are cheering this on to fail for some moronic reason.

Personally I think the concept is awesome and if they can pull it off, good on them. If not? Just another MMO failure among others.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm only somewhat aware of what's going on with Star Citizen.

Explain this funding model where they sell ships. Does this mean if I buy the base game, I'll be surrounded by people who paid more money for bigger and better ships from the get-go? :|


I'm Amod too!
Yes, thought theoretically you will eventually be able to buy them as well if you save enough in game money. Not PTW at all.


Edit: I imagine salt from all sides if this game makes it live. The noobs that didn't have 10k dollars to drop on good ships will find themselves at a major disadvantage establishing themselves. And the people who bought that really good ship for X dollars will be pissed off that the ship 'only' costs 100,000 in game currency which turns out isn't all that much.


Golden Squire
Yes, thought theoretically you will eventually be able to buy them as well if you save enough in game money. Not PTW at all.


Edit: I imagine salt from all sides if this game makes it live. The noobs that didn't have 10k dollars to drop on good ships will find themselves at a major disadvantage establishing themselves. And the people who bought that really good ship for X dollars will be pissed off that the ship 'only' costs 100,000 in game currency which turns out isn't all that much.
At this point, I truly hope balancing pay pay to win is their biggest issue. Seems like every week, we get some new piece of news about more features they are planning on adding with very little progress seen on those already promised. My prediction is even more grim, I bet that we end up with a hand full of mini games and a lobby with matchmaking and that is it. The persistent universe, landing on planets, boarding enemy ships, space stations, and the list goes on and on... vapourware at best, non-existent at worst.

I hope I'm wrong, I really want this to succeed -- but at this point I am losing a lot of faith in their ability to deliver some of the key things that would give this game longevity.


Personally I'd say releasing a game before all the money runs out is theiractualbiggest issue but that's just my opinion man.


Vyemm Raider
I The rest of you have too much a vested interest in seeing this hurn for some reason. Idiots like krip for some reason are cheering this on to fail for some moronic reason.
I don't want it to crash and burn because of wanting people who have put money in it to get screwed over. That's cruel.
My man, can you evenread?

The entire time I've been posting in this thread, you've just been taking potshots without actually trying to converse. Is it because when you get super buttblasted you just dribble on your keyboard and no one knows what you're saying?

No one here is mad about the kickstarter it cares really. But you look like a dipshit still.

Seriously white fucks sides with dmart.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This sounds like a crowdfunding ponzi scheme. Offer new pay-for-feature to pay for last week's pay-for-feature.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This sounds like a crowdfunding ponzi scheme. Offer new pay-for-feature to pay for last week's pay-for-feature.
It very well may be exactly that.

Its certainly at least somewhat starting to look that way, but if the game releases then it won't be.