Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Nice to see that the antis haven't evolved their arguments at all. Let's see which ones are my favorite.

Variise is a shill and with the same brain deriding the legions of obsessive SC fanbois who waste money and time.

Derek Smart links without any relevant quotes or thoughts.

Too many features and ignoring that most everything outside of mining and intersystem travel has already been demoed.

Responding to discussion of how SC progressing compared to other AAA games with examples with sophomoric drivel like "you think you can tell us about game development" and then demonstrating not the slightest bit of aptitude yourself. The self important assumption that you can speak for all and are the only member of the audience is top notch.

At least the EA, NCSoft dev worship stopped but all this thread is people trolling SC fans and not putting anything resembling original thought into it. Sorry that your FFA sandbox dreams always end up either shitty or stillbirth.


Whaaa! You can take your false indignation with you into your sob-sterbation corner since I asked before you stealth edited the time-code in. Furthermore, I actually have watched all of the videos you've replied to me with, some of them very long (over an hour) and not once have I found them in any way informative or contrary to my statements. This video was no exception.

The fact of the matter is that no one has implemented a unified rig because it makes absolutely no logical sense to. It has an atrocious cost-benefit (possibly even negative) ratio and good game production is all about maximizing your feature cost benefit. It has an extremely high start-up cost (as explained in the video) and it stands a good chance of making completed animations take longer (despite the line of BS in the video that it won't) given how different animation requirements are for first and third person cameras, and how much tweaking goes on post implementation.

If there is an animation issue with the first person perspective you cannot fix it without affecting the 3rd person animation. This leads to ping-ponging back and forth trying to get the same animation to satisfy the differing requirements of both cameras satisfactorily. It is a mathematical certainty that something is more difficult when it needs to fulfill more requirements rather than fewer requirements.

Most of the time spent on animations is not the initial implementation, but the post implementation tweaking, for which this system is inferior, not better, as explained above. Making a second (you don't need 3) rig for first person is not overly burdensome on initial implementation (which is probably 20% of the actual time spent to get something to release), and makes later changes, but especially optimizations, far faster and easier.

Once again you post a video that in no way proves my claim wrong, and in fact only supports part of my claim, that the system is costly to develop. They say that they hope in the future that it might save them implementation time, but I highly doubt that given what I know about producing multiplayer games with first person cameras considering I've actually done that.

The fact that their single player demo that has been in development for years at this point was delayed due to animations issues other further reinforces my statements. Everything we've seen so far has proven the skeptics correct.

Repeating yourself after a blanket dismissal. How droll.

The video specifically addresses what you are talking about and says how they are overcoming the exact issue that you are whinging about here. It's even queued up to the relevant portion.

He discusses the unified rig and he quantifies the development time in the short and long term. He does a cost benefit approach when talking about it. Frankly you seem a finance type that is rather obtuse to the technology except in the generalized sense. Likely explains how you have so much time.

"Good game development" here seems from the standpoint of licking shareholder ass.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
It takes a special brand of rose colored retard to say they are a 'fan' of something that hasn't even materialized yet.

It's like saying you are a huge fan of a film after seeing a 30 sec preview in the theatre of a "coming next summer" blockbuster.
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Sean Tracy (CIG's Technical Director) posted this over on Reddit today:

We had plans at Crytek back when Marco and a team of guys worked on this (and now we are looking to hire some guys from that old team ;) "spoiler alert" ).

It was an absolute shame that "ARMS" Architecturally Recursive Modular System (which is what we called it internally) never became fully part of the engine but was meant to fill up NY city for Crysis 2. The tool was even added to Sandbox for awhile.

Someone else found this video and posted it. Apparently he was referring to this early dev tech demo. It's super hard to watch since it's 240p but yeah it's what Sean says. A procedurally generated city which is also fully destructible. Supposedly it was meant to go into Crysis 2. Not sure how true that is.

For reference Sean is referring to Marco Corbetta who originally solved the Procedural Planet R&D for CIG over a weekend about a year ago. The original Pupil to Planet trailer was thrown together very quickly based on that.

So basically CIG is likely about to hire the rest of the original team that came up with creating procedural cities for CryTek most likely to build the tool they originally built for the CryEngine only to suit CIG's needs. As a long term goal it makes sense. Ever since Sean Tracy came over from CryTek his mantra has been the same as it was in his old job which is let the tool do 90% of the work. That does mean you have to spend an insane amount of time/money/effort up front before you see any dividends. While payoffs can be huge for the gaming community as a whole arguably this is part of the reason CryTek ran out of funds and it's definitely the reason Naughty Dog nearly went out of business.

Even if CIG hired all those CryTek guys we won't see anything out of it for a couple of years as a tool like that needs to mature. Procedural planets will likely not be fully mature for at least another year based on what I seen so far. I still don't think they will launch anything in 2017 it's just not logical no matter who they bring on. If they branch off SQ42 maybe but we would see an entirely different game online vs what's in single player. Will see. :)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nice to see that the antis haven't evolved their arguments at all. Let's see which ones are my favorite.

Variise is a shill and with the same brain deriding the legions of obsessive SC fanbois who waste money and time.

Derek Smart links without any relevant quotes or thoughts.

Too many features and ignoring that most everything outside of mining and intersystem travel has already been demoed.

Responding to discussion of how SC progressing compared to other AAA games with examples with sophomoric drivel like "you think you can tell us about game development" and then demonstrating not the slightest bit of aptitude yourself. The self important assumption that you can speak for all and are the only member of the audience is top notch.

At least the EA, NCSoft dev worship stopped but all this thread is people trolling SC fans and not putting anything resembling original thought into it. Sorry that your FFA sandbox dreams always end up either shitty or stillbirth.

I just want a good space game - someone once said Freelancer 2 and I would be all over that. Hopefully this decade. Arthritis might set in if they take too long.

Don't have any skin in the game except my hopes. In the mean time, watching the Anti's vs the Shills is kind of entertaining. A bit repetitive though.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So what someone sends CIG $45-$65 bucks. I buy games that I play for a few hours and then they sit around untouched on my hard drive. I got a buddy that blew 25 grand on a couple of snow mobiles he takes out a few days a year, no one thinks he is crazy, (besides his wife). I got friends that spend 10s of thousands on country club memberships for golf amd other friends that are in $500+ fantasy leagues. If someone wants to toss some of their disposable income at this project on a prayer and a hope for some virtual enjoyment, its not really legit to lambast them for it.
My concern is along the lines is what CIG failing to deliver would do to the PC gaming industry. It would kill video game kickstarter opportunities for 20 years or more, and also prove yet again that expensive mmos are just not worth investing in. On that basis alone I hope they at least deliver something of quality and have some measure of success. We aren't likely to know the verdict on that for at least another few years.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I am not anti SC the game, it would be great if they pull it off. I am anti thoerycraft word vomit shill speak mini-article marketing bullshit. That garbage belongs on not here.

And anecdotally the more of that kind of naked word-of-mouth fake marketing that surrounds a title, the bigger pile of shit it ends up actually being at launch. Warhammer, Age of Conan, SWTOR, etc, etc. all had endless tards posting this exact same dribble for years before they went live.

Unless you are a 14 yr old who will not get to touch a tit for another 10 yrs., posting this kinda stuff is so fucking gay.
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Ahh yes. In Zapatta Land only the people he believes in exist. You know there is a medical condition for that right?


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Ahh yes. In Zapatta Land only the people he believes in exist. You know there is a medical condition for that right?

Stick to spamming you over written essays for a penny per page view, verbal judo is WAY outside of your skill set.


Trakanon Raider
So what someone sends CIG $45-$65 bucks. I buy games that I play for a few hours and then they sit around untouched on my hard drive. I got a buddy that blew 25 grand on a couple of snow mobiles he takes out a few days a year, no one thinks he is crazy, (besides his wife). I got friends that spend 10s of thousands on country club memberships for golf amd other friends that are in $500+ fantasy leagues. If someone wants to toss some of their disposable income at this project on a prayer and a hope for some virtual enjoyment, its not really legit to lambast them for it.
My concern is along the lines is what CIG failing to deliver would do to the PC gaming industry. It would kill video game kickstarter opportunities for 20 years or more, and also prove yet again that expensive mmos are just not worth investing in. On that basis alone I hope they at least deliver something of quality and have some measure of success. We aren't likely to know the verdict on that for at least another few years.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? Your friend paid for snowmobiles that EXIST! Regardless of how often he rides them, he can ride them when he wants because they actually exist. People who spend tens of thousands of dollars on a country club membership get to USE THE GOLF COURSE! People who spend money in fantasy leagues get to WIN ACTUAL MONEY! Do you see the difference between spending money on actual things that exist and wasting money on a video game that doesn't exist? Jesus Christ, no wonder Roberts was able to raise so much money. Mother fuckers are stupid!
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Golden Knight of the Realm
If they have the disposable income and are having fun, then that's their business. Who knows, maybe something worthwhile will come of it. It's fair to be sceptical, but no need to be an off the chain bitch about it.


Hey Zapatta you know that confusion is part of that condition right? Patty Cake isn't Judo. But I'll humor you. Where do I send the elementary school graduation flowers?


Trakanon Raider
If they have the disposable income and are having fun, then that's their business. Who knows, maybe something worthwhile will come of it. It's fair to be sceptical, but no need to be an off the chain bitch about it.

Paying $750 for an imaginary spaceship for a game that will more than likely never launch is just as stupid as getting an email about a prince from another country that wants to send you 10 million dollars, you just need to give him the routing number for your bank account. As the saying goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted."


Paying $750 for an imaginary spaceship for a game that will more than likely never launch is just as stupid as getting an email about a prince from another country that wants to send you 10 million dollars, you just need to give him the routing number for your bank account. As the saying goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted."

So what are you now banking on them not being able to do? The animations, mining, or X number of star systems? The problem with this 3 year old argument is that the majority of the features they promised as part of their kickstarter campaign are already demoed. It's almost to the point now where its less about tech and mechanics than it is about content.

You can whinge about it taking a long time but they aren't going to run out of money. You can call people stupid because of how they spend their disposable income though if it makes you feel better.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Hey Zapatta you know that confusion is part of that condition right? Patty Cake isn't Judo. But I'll humor you. Where do I send the elementary school graduation flowers?

Graduation Flowers ?? LOL, I knew it was India.

Also get your money back from your ESL teacher.