Star Trek Beyond (2016)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
REPORT: Star Trek 4 Loses Pine & Hemsworth Over Pay Dispute
According to The Hollywood Reporter, actors Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth have walked away from Star Trek 4 as talks have fallen through. The outlet claims that talks ultimately broke down due to money as Pine and Hemsworth wanted the studios to stick to their existing deals for the project. However, it appears Paramount is now going back on those apparent deals in order to try to reel in the budget, as the Star Trek franchise doesn’t perform nearly as well as either actors’ retrospective DC or Marvel projects.
Hemsworth was set to return as Kirk’s father, George Kirk, who died in the first film but was set to be brought back as part of a time-traveling storyline.
Can we not have a god damn human-centric / time traveling Star Trek for once? I'm almost glad Paramount is getting stingy and I hope the whole thing explodes in their face if they can't focus on making something that isn't shit.


Potato del Grande
After making Sulu gay for no reason I hope they just reboot it again in a few years and replace everyone. Bones and Kirk were the only characters I liked in the new ones.
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