Star Trek: Discovery


Musty Nester
Yeah. The Dr Who theme song is the best.

It's so damn good even Pink Floyd ripped it off in Animals.


I am a huge fan of all the star treks but I just can't get into Babylon 5. I had the same issue initially with DS9 but by season 3 it was excellent. Is there a point in Babylon 5 where it suddenly becomes awesome that I can aspire to?


Tranny Chaser
B5 season 3 and 4 are pretty kick ass imho. I'd watch all seasons for the story and side plots though :)


I've been thinking about what sort of characters would be cool to have in a new Star Trek show, if we get one. Do you guys think it's time for a gay or bi or whatever character in a Star Trek show? I'm thinking that someone like Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood could be pretty interesting in whatever the new show is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't remember exactly when the Defiant shows up in 3, but Worf shows up in the Season 4 premiere, so it's not that long of a wait. And honestly, once you make it through Season 1, you'll survive the wait for Worf and the Defiant.

I've been thinking about what sort of characters would be cool to have in a new Star Trek show, if we get one. Do you guys think it's time for a gay or bi or whatever character in a Star Trek show? I'm thinking that someone like Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood could be pretty interesting in whatever the new show is.
Absolutely not. Homosexuality has been cured by the 24th century.


<Prior Amod>
Except between women, in fact, it's encouraged on Risa.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
id like to see more genderless alien species in star trek

i had a discussion with another nerd like myself about all these "faceless" races. The Tyranid from wh40k, the early zerg in starcraft, even (to a lesser extend) the Cylons in BSG

they all were enemies you could not comunicate with. they is no understanding, now dialogue. They are mindless, indifferent waves of destructions. The Borg, just like the zerg, have lost that characteristic the moment they have been characterized. They are now powerful enemies, but enemies you can at least understand to some extend. An this understanding, even if little, makes them way less scary
yep, when they introduced the borg queen, they ruined the borg.
Except the very first thing they did with the borg was have them capture Picard to make a unique borg that served as its face. Did you people even watch that show?


FPS noob
did YOU watch that episode? I just rewatched it recently, and the borg say something to the equivalent of "your species responds best to a single person, we pick you to be that loser to speed up assimilation", the unsaid part being the Borg are far too advanced to have such silly power structures and are completely decentralized (see: The Internet). So yeah, the Borg having a queen basically repudiates that entire part of Best of Both Worlds.


I am a huge fan of all the star treks but I just can't get into Babylon 5. I had the same issue initially with DS9 but by season 3 it was excellent. Is there a point in Babylon 5 where it suddenly becomes awesome that I can aspire to?
They change Captains in the second season and the new one is much more fun. He basically like B5 because of all of the weird crap that can and does happen with so many species present. There is a tension between Earth, Psi-Core and B5 that pays off huge in season 3. The show has a quirky sense of humor that really begins to develop in after season 1 as well and they do a great job of casting each of the races in the role of the villain with ever shifting alliances and power plays.

Mikhail Bakunin_sl said:
Except the very first thing they did with the borg was have them capture Picard to make a unique borg that served as its face. Did you people even watch that show?
I found it strange that they would pursue this tactic for any other reason than psychological warfare. Locutus was still a drone who had his original personality submerged in favor of the collective will so no matter what the claim was he was still just another drone, and as there was nothing to actually negotiate for; the Borg's intended purpose was still to assimilate and therefore destroy humanity. The shock of seeing the Captain of the flagship of Star Fleet on the bridge (or whatever qualifies for one) of a Borg cube might delay any military response Earth might take as the shock sets in. I don't agree that independent personalities within the Borg were unprecedented simply because we were not given enough information to make that assessment, the few cubes encountered in TNG are not indicative of the rest of the civilization which resides far enough away that it took the power of Q to send the Enterprise not into the heart of Borg space but merely to the nearest cube. That cube could have been centuries out of date and only outfitted with drones without displaying much of Borg culture to newly encountered species.

Hell I would say a new series could be launched on the strength of a new fleet built utilizing the tech the Voyager brought back for the specific purpose of finally bringing the fight to the Borg and actually exploring the delta quadrant. There is still little information about the Borg's genesis and the morality issue of potentially having to commit genocide to keep the universe safe would be a concept good for at least a seasons worth of shows and the second incursion into the Delta quadrant and really dismantling the Borg could spell other repercussions as there would be a power vacuum created.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The Borg were an awesome idea but I really wish they would have sat down in Season 2, nailed down all the basics of the Borg mythos rather than making it up as they go along and THEN start making Borg related episodes.

The Borg have had space travel for at least several centuries before the Federation (and presumably Klingons, Romulans, etc. since everyone seems to be on a similar technological level). Why aren't they far more advanced? If humans went from sending first human into space in 1961, developing warp travel in 2063 and zipping around the galaxy by 2360, why aren't the Borg even more advanced considering they are a technological race?

Why would the Borg send only 1 cube to conquer an entire civilization, a civilization that runs an organization that is major galactic power (Federation)?

Why would they go straight for human civilization bypassing everyone else? They would have to go straight through the entire Romulan Empire just to get to the Federation, for example.

Why didn't the Federation just ram one of its ships into the cube at Wolf 359 instead of fighting it with phasers, torpedoes and losing 39 ships?

Why didnt the Borg try again to assimilate humans right after BOBW?

All this kind of stuff bugged me, as much as I enjoyed the Borg.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have watched Voyager, TNG, Enterprise, and DS9. I have to say it took some time to really like DS9. One of my favorite episodes is when Sisko sees himself as a columnist/story writer for a magazine. I have not had a chance to watch Babylon 5. I guess I will check that out next. I don't know if I could sit through the original though.