isn't everyone pirating it? i mean whose dumb enough to pay 9.99 for this shit?
That was also, the only female Michael I know... Is the one that started the war.If they were trying to push it as "normal" all the exposition about her being "the only female Michael in Starfleet" plays against that.
Lol, like how they explained how spore drive worked, verbatum eps3 then exactly the same eps4The "odd girl out" asking her about her name being a "boys name" is exactly why this trek is branded SJW - and not like the other treks.
In the other treks it would never have been mentioned in show - it would be assumed that "humanity has grown beyond such things" and it would be left for the audience to care or not care and discuss.
But no...gatta hit you in the face with it if you didn't already get it.
isn't everyone pirating it? i mean whose dumb enough to pay 9.99 for this shit?
Liking Voyager is an objective test of how horrible your taste is.
Yes, you could say 7of9's character was quite prominent.I honestly liked Voyager. It had the "exploration of the unknown" we hadn't seen since TOS, and the Doctor and 7of9 are honestly two of the best characters in Trek history. It got a lot better after they dumped Tess, which was Voyager's version of Wesley. Sure, Janeway sucked, but the former two and a general favoritism towards "action" based episodes made it enjoyable.