I honestly liked Voyager. It had the "exploration of the unknown" we hadn't seen since TOS, and the Doctor and 7of9 are honestly two of the best characters in Trek history. It got a lot better after they dumped Tess, which was Voyager's version of Wesley. Sure, Janeway sucked, but the former two and a general favoritism towards "action" based episodes made it enjoyable.
I honestly liked Voyager.
Liking Voyager is an objective test of how horrible your taste is.
You'd have to remove a good portion of the episodes in Voyager to be left with a bulk of half-decent episodes. Leave out anything involving Kess, the Kazon, the little girl Naomi, and any episode that focuses on Chakotay - his episodes were like the Klingon ones in TNG. Just don't find his shitty acting and spiritualism all that insightful or interesting. TNG Klingon episodes are the hardest to re-watch for me. Seven developed into a very interesting character who was initially fairly flat. Heh, and Janeway preceded Lorca in making rash, immoral decisions because the scenario dictated it.
They're laying the groundwork for the next movement. #fatacceptance is already rolling, next up is #badskinacceptanceAnd why does everyone have terrible skin? I see pimples everywhere.
DS9 is shit.
You'd have to remove a good portion of the episodes in Voyager to be left with a bulk of half-decent episodes. Leave out anything involving Kess, the Kazon, the little girl Naomi, and any episode that focuses on Chakotay - his episodes were like the Klingon ones in TNG. Just don't find his shitty acting and spiritualism all that insightful or interesting. TNG Klingon episodes are the hardest to re-watch for me. Seven developed into a very interesting character who was initially fairly flat. Heh, and Janeway preceded Lorca in making rash, immoral decisions because the scenario dictated it.
Well yeah, but ever Trek since TOS sucked for at least the first 2 seasons. That just goes without saying. And I maintain that the ratio of good/shit is higher in the early seasons of DS9 than it is in the early seasons of any of the others (especially Voyager).
Don't forget Neelix, tying with Jar Jar Binks for "painfully cringe-inducing sci fi comic relief character." And at least Lucas had to decency to ditch Jar Jar after the first movie, you gotta deal with Neelix right to the bitter end. And, you know, Jar Jar didn't have a borderline abusive relationship going on with some serious jailbait.
but honestly I dislike TNG more than any other Star Trek series.