Not just Klingons - now we have "logic extremists" who want to MVGA apparently. By withdrawing from a union of different states and cultures which they deem a "failed experiment." Vexit?
Wow, such parallels, much metaphor. Fuck, I'm surprised they weren't wearing red caps.
Also that last scene with Mike (I'm calling her Mike now) and definitely-not-suspicious security dude was some of the worst acting I've seen in a Trek, and that's saying something. It doesn't help that she's terribly written too, but goddamn.
re: TOS v. TNG, I think there are arguments to be made both ways. Yeah TNG pulled some ridiculousness with the holodeck, among others, but TOS fell back on the good old "find a random planet, explore it, discover it's inhabited by an extra-dimensional being with godlike powers, talk and or bang it into appreciating humanity" schtick at least 4 or 5 times a season. It's like a constant string of Q episodes, but without de Lancie to keep it awesome.