I remember reading an interview with Chris Pine where he said that the "Kirkness", at least as far as mannerisms, was way toned down in the second film. I really hadn't thought about the Spock love situation with the new timeline in mind, but that is an interesting way to think about it.Perhaps in TOS something had happened that made Spock reject his human side and become the walking stiff we know and love. Wheras here with Vulcan being destroyed and the timeline completely changed that may not happen or simply has not happened yet. Seems... logical.
With the reboot Spock/Kirk undergo the most changes because their circumstances are altered the most, while the rest of the crew is left cookie cutter enough to keep things recognizable and fun. With Kirk they just took his.. Kirkness.. and turned it up five notches.
Hell, from what I remember of the pilot, Spock was just a normal guy with elf ears. All the cold logic shit was developed later.
He was definitely an action hero. Retard depends on your pov I guess.Up the Kirkness 5 notches, meaning turning him into an action hero retard, which is not what Kirk was, at all.
There we go.Stop shitting up discussions Dumar.
Sure Uhura dug the way he strummed the lute, hey brother; however, it was Chapel who had to change her panties after an eyeful of bowl cut and pointy ear.There we go.
Also: Uhura was totally into Spock in TOS.
That's why they were the flagship for the federation. Any ambassadorial group got gang raped on sight.I think it is fair to say that between Kirk and Spock, most of the females aboard the Enterprise were moist 24/7.
But, Lens flare!There's really no option tonotwatch a new Star Trek movie.